Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1188: : Empty class

"Here it is, our class."

Peng Jin on the other side led Ye Xiaohu and his party forward.

On the one hand, they introduced Ye Xiaohu to the characteristics of the fairy school, on the one hand, they were also promoting themselves.

After walking for a while, they finally saw a row of houses.

Although not as gorgeous as other classes, it also looks decent.

At this time, Peng Jin pointed to the row of houses and said to Ye Xiaohu and others: "Next, we will all cultivate in this place. I hope you will work harder together ..."

Peng Jin originally wanted to encourage Ye Xiaohu and others, but he just started talking and found that a person came out carrying his luggage.

When he saw Peng Jin, he immediately wanted to go back.

But Peng Jin had already seen him, and naturally he would not let him go back, so Peng Jin burst into a cry: "Xu Ershun, you stop me."


Hearing Peng Jin ’s shouting, Xu Ershun could n’t help but stand on the spot: “Boom, are n’t you Peng testing talent in the front yard? How come you come back so fast today?”

"I won't come back, you might go somewhere."

Peng Jin's face was black, and then he was trembling and pointed at Xu Ershun: "You said where are you going to go with your luggage during the day?"

"Ms. Peng, do you want me to tell you the truth?"

Seeing Peng Jin keep asking, Xu Ershun laughed bitterly, then picked up his luggage again, and summoned the courage to say: "I have joined Teacher Peng's class for three years. It has been three years. Below, Xiuwei has not made any progress, but has been surpassed by people who could not compare with me. Now I am already a laughing stock among my peers. If I do n’t work hard, then I can never catch up with them. "

"So you have to leave?"


"Then the next one has been chosen?"

"Feng Qingshan is willing to accept me."


When Peng Jin heard Xu Ershun's words, he had swallowed them completely if he wanted to persuade him.

Because he knew that it was impossible for him to retain Xu Ershun. Because Xu Ershun was right, he was so talented at the time, and he received Peng Jin's rights training and resource support.

In the past three years, there has been no progress.

Maybe Peng Jin really did not teach him well, so Peng Jin took a deep breath and said: "Then go! I hope you can have a good future in the future, and don't have no progress like in my place."

"Thank you Peng Jin for your forgiveness."

After hearing Peng Jin's words, Xu Ershun breathed a sigh of relief, and then passed by Ye Xiaohu and others carrying his luggage.

When he walked to Ye Xiaohu, he could not help but glance at Ye Xiaohu and others: "As a person coming, I hope you choose carefully to learn from teacher Peng Jin so as not to go on my old path."


Hearing Xu Ershun, Peng Jin wanted to teach him a meal.

But Xu Ershun did not respond to him, and left Ye Xiaohu and others directly.

Seeing this scene, Peng Jin put his hands up, and then showed a bitter smile, because he knew that Xu Ershun's decision was not wrong.

But his expression change in this scene, which fell in the ears of those behind Ye Xiaohu, had some weird meaning.

At this moment, they suddenly found that their previous decision did not seem to be so accurate.

But what has come is to settle down. They have chosen Peng Jin, and within a short period of time, they are absolutely ineligible to change.

So they followed behind Peng Jin and walked into the class managed by Peng Jin.

When they walked in, they immediately saw a student in charge of cleaning.

"Senior is good."

"Senior, how do you clean it yourself and change me."

"That is, to clean up such a job, let us newcomers come!"

In addition to Ye Xiaohu, other newcomers have taken one step forward to take the initiative to fight for cleaning.

In this way, the senior who was responsible for the interruption stood blank for a while, not knowing what to do.

"Liu Qingshui, these are your students, you have to take care of them in the future."

Peng Jin saw Ye Xiaohu and others introduced the names of his predecessors, and then asked again: "Oh, Wang Yuan, what about them?"

"Wang Yuan and they all left like Xu Ershun, but they left earlier, so you didn't find them leaving, Mr. Peng Jin."

Liu Qingshui smiled bitterly, then pointed to his nose and said: "Now in the whole class, there is only me an old man and four new students."


Hearing Liu Qingshui's words, Peng Jin almost spit out blood, and he was still a strong man in the realm of earth fairy, so he barely controlled his body and said: "They all left, why don't you go?"

"Where can I go?"

Liu Qingshui smiled awkwardly, and then scratched his hindsight: "My talent is so bad, no one wants to go to any class, not to mention if I have no breakthrough ~ ~ so two You have to leave the college in 2010. Since it is the result of changing or not, it is better to stay in the class to clean up and take care of the new students. "

"No problem, this bag is on me."

Liu Qingshui patted his chest, then walked directly to Ye Xiaohu and others, and helped them pick up their luggage and walked directly inside.

While walking, greet new people.

But Ye Xiaohu did not leave with him, because Ye Xiaohu's luggage was in the floating island space.

Under such circumstances, Ye Xiaohu walked curiously to Peng Jin and said: "Mr. Peng, I think that Xu Ershun's talent is good, and he should have reached the level of the second grade. Why did he still stay in the human world after practicing this long The level in the middle of the cents? "

"His talent is good, and he is still golden."

Peng Jin smiled bitterly and said a little helplessly: "But I don't know why no matter how I follow his physique, his talent cultivation has always failed to make him a talent, so that he has more and more hated me for these two years. As for abandoning me. "

Golden body?

This is a relatively good physique when in ancient heaven.

According to normal theory, as long as it is properly nurtured, then it will definitely fly in two to three years.


Ye Xiaohu thought of a possibility, and then actively asked Peng Jindao: "Teacher, when he practiced, did he often collapse and become prone to get caught?"

"How did you know?"

Peng Jin heard Ye Xiaohu's inquiry, and the whole person was stunned: "He once lost his life and almost died. If it were not for me to spend my money, I am afraid that it will not be cured."

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