Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1196: : Yuan tire

Peng Jin gritted his teeth and stamped his feet again.

Turning directly away from his class, I saw him traveling all the way, directly to the inner courtyard of the fairy college, and Qingmen Shulu walked into the headquarters of the fairy college, a house that was not visited by many people.

Boom Boom Boom.

Standing at the door, Ye Xiaohu knocked on the door.

"come in!"

Hearing the knock on the door, a thick voice of a man came from the room.

So Peng Jin took a deep breath, pushed the door open, and stepped inside.

Soon an old man with white hair and death all over his body appeared in Peng Jin's sight.

Peng Jin is a fairy.

And it is still a fairy.

According to the normal situation, an earth fairy can live very long.

The old man standing opposite Peng Jin, in terms of breath, is definitely higher than Peng Jin, and more than one grade higher.

But such an immortal, Shou Yuan was so exhausted that people had to sigh with emotion.

After seeing Peng Jin coming in, the old man kept silent.

Can't help but sigh, said to Peng Jin: "You have some years, no initiative to visit me."


Peng Jin nodded and said, "It's been almost forty or fifty years, right?"

"Has it been forty or fifty years in a blink?"

The gray-haired old man got up his right hand.

I saw a blood vessel bulge above his right hand, and showed a black blood flow dynamics.

The old man who saw this scene shook his head involuntarily: "That is to say, I have less than fifty years of life."

"Second Uncle ..."

Hearing the old man's words, Peng Jin couldn't help but kneel on the ground and left a man's tears.

"Don't cry."

The old man reached out and waved a mana to help Peng Jin up and said: "As a fairy, then I will put my life and death away. But before I die, I hope I can deal with your future, lest I die , You are humiliated. "

"But Uncle, I have been humiliated now."

Peng Jin had foreseen this day long ago.

Therefore, he has not visited his second uncle for fifty years, hoping to rely on his own ability to survive in the fairy college, so that his second uncle can worry less.

But it is a pity that the result of his efforts for four or fifty years is still a mess.

Now I even see my students, who have agreed to be unreasonably gambling with others, and still have no way to help them. I can only run to my second uncle for help.

But what can he do?

He has a good talent and lacks the ability to guide people.


I saw Peng Jin sighed, staring at his second uncle and said: "Second uncle, I need your help this time."


The old man with white hair naturally hopes that Peng Jin will have the ambition, even if he doesn't die to beg him.

It's a pity that Peng Jin's talent makes him unable to do this.

So the old man with white hair looked at Peng Jin and promised seriously: "But I also hope that you can understand that my current Shouyuan is reduced and the fighting power is greatly reduced, so the reputation and status within the academy are not as good as in the past. Status and respect, so there are some things, even if you beg me to help, I ca n’t help. "

"I know."

Peng Jin nodded, and saw him take a deep breath: "So I will beg your matter this time, you can definitely help."

"Then talk about it!"

The old man with white hair looked at Peng Jin quietly, wanting to see what Peng Jin wanted to do.

Under such circumstances, Peng Jin took a deep breath and said: "I recently recruited a genius, a genius that can make the whole college sensational. But this genius' personality is more aggressive. Even not long ago, he offended a powerful son, and I swear to shock the champion of the rookie contest, eager to enter Gu Tianting to practice. But he is just a rookie, a rookie without any backstage, so I do n’t want him to be received by everyone, so I want to beg your second uncle, can help me go Ask the dean for a yuan tire. "

"Yuan tire?"

Suddenly hearing Peng Jin's words, the old man with white hair couldn't help but raise his head and said: "You know how precious Yuanyuan is, if I help you to plead with the dean this time, then our three generations of Peng's kindness to the fairy college I am afraid it will end here. At that time, even if you are in trouble, I ca n’t help it. ”

Peng Jin nodded and said with great swear: "I know this, but I know more that if I can't cultivate a good disciple this time, then I can no longer stay in the Immortal Academy."


The old white-haired man sneered: "As long as I am alive, no one can expel you from the Immortal Academy."

"But what if your uncle died?"


The old man with white hair was silent, because he knew that if one day he really passed away, then Peng Jin would absolutely have no way to stay in the fairy college.

"Second Uncle, I know it if you don't say it."

Peng Jin smiled bitterly: "My talent in this life is average, the perception is general, and the teaching ability is average. Some people are better than me, but because our Peng family is helpful to the college, there are uncles. You are in the fairy world, so the fairy The college dared not strike me. But if you leave, then I will definitely not be spared, and will even pay more for it. So I want to take advantage of you during this last fifty years Fight hard. "

"I see, you are right."

There was a divine light in the eyes of the white-haired old man, and then stood up from the futon and said, "You will wait for a while in this place, and I will come when I go."

After the old man with white hair ordered Peng Jin, UU read www. turned directly away from Peng Jin's sight.

Next, Peng Jin stood alone in the room and waited hard.

This waited almost a quarter of an hour.

When the old white-haired man appeared next to Peng Jin again, there was an extra crystal clear thing in his hand, like a jade.

I saw him handing it to Peng Jin on the spot, and then carefully asked: "Xiao Jin, remember, if you fail this time, then leave the Immortal Academy as soon as possible."

"I know the second uncle."

Peng Jin took a deep breath, and he knew that the birth tire in his hands had exhausted all the significance of Peng Jin for the Immortal Academy.

So he nodded cautiously and said to the white-haired old man: "Second Uncle, I know what I should do, I will not continue to disturb your uncle at this place. You have been injured, and I will come back to see you after I train students old."

(End of this chapter)

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