Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1201: : Go out one after another

Nine Sky Phoenix Bird is gone.

He walked a little bit unwilling because it didn't want to lose his only child.

But he had to go because he knew he could not protect his children. If he stayed in this place, it would only cause more unnecessary troubles and increase some dangers for his children.

So it has to leave to avoid adding trouble to its children.

However, before leaving, he poured part of his memory and heritage into the bird eggs. He believed that once his children broke out of the shell, he could appreciate his own hardships and sufferings.

Looking at the figure of the Jiutian Phoenix Bird going away, Ye Xiaohu couldn't help but sigh, and then walked to the Jiutian Phoenix Bird's egg and said: "Since your mother has given you to me, then I will protect you Until you break out of the shell. "

Ye Xiaohu stared at the bird eggs of the Nine Sky Phoenix, and took a closer look.

As a result, he found the eggs of the nine-day phoenix bird. After a series of hardships, he actually had some tendency to break the shell in advance.

This is not a good phenomenon, because the essence in the eggshell of the Nine Sky Phoenix bird has not been completely absorbed.

"You were born in advance, which is part of my reason, so let me seal you all at once!"

Ye Xiaohu sighed, and then cast a seal to seal the life inside the nine-day phoenix bird temporarily in the eggshell.

Immediately after that, Ye Xiaohu was still uneasy, so he added some auxiliary materials to confirm that the eggs of the Nine Sky Phoenix can hatch normally.

After Ye Xiaohu determined that there was no problem, Ye Xiaohu began a secret cultivation journey centered on this bird egg.

On the one hand, it takes care of the eggs of the Nine Sky Phoenix, and on the one hand, it does its best to hone its actual combat experience.

Through actual battles, Ye Xiaohu's combat experience has become more and more abundant, especially when life and death test, Ye Xiaohu is more calm than in the past.


When Ye Xiaohu seized the rest of the time and sprinted, Qinglong and Zang Tianlang within the Immortal Academy also closed down.

In this way, another month passed, nearly two months of effort.

Zang Tianlang was the first to go out. I saw that as soon as he came out, the whole person became more abundant than the spirit before the retreat.

Obviously getting the guidance of a famous teacher, after adding a series of talents to nurture, Zang Tianlang's talent has become very scary.

Under such circumstances, after Zang Tianluo went out of the customs, a terrifying light was released from his eyes, and he asked left and right: "What's going on with the kid named Ye?"

"Young Master, that Ye Xiaohu has been relatively quiet recently, but it is said that he went into the forest and experienced it. Will he come back at 1:30."

One of Zang Tianlang's men quickly responded: "But he does not have the resources of the academy nor Peng Jin's instructions. It is estimated that the cultivation progress will not be particularly fast."

"It's the same sooner or later."

Zang Tianlang snorted coldly, then clenched his fists, only to see that he waved his fists, and then proudly said: "If he dare to stand in front of me now, then I have confidence He exploded. "

"Young Master is mighty."

"Young master domineering."

Zang Tianluo's younger brothers sent a piece of horse fart.

This made Zang Tianlang very happy, but after being excited, he calmed down and asked, "And my uncle, what is the situation now?"

"Young Master, the people of the ancient line, have sent the body-building pill, and now your eldest son has reshaped the flesh, but the talent is basically abolished. The future state can only be stopped in the fairy Situation, it is difficult to enter. "


Zang Tianlang shook his head and sighed.

But he didn't have long been entangled in this topic, he saw a person hurried in, and said to Zang Sirius: "Tibetan, our master will give you a trip."

"Brother Qinglong looking for me?"

Zang Tianluo said in front of his eyes: "But Brother Qinglong, also got out?"


The person who came to see Zang Tianlang immediately replied: "The owner of our family has also just been out of the border."

"Brother Qinglong summoned me as soon as he came out?"

Zang Tianlang frowned, puzzled and said: "But what happened?"

"That subordinate doesn't know."

The person who came to see Zang Sirius shook his head. In the face of such a situation, Zang Sirius could only suppress his curiosity temporarily.

Then he simply ordered his servants to prepare them for the follow-up cultivation resources.

After confirming that there were no problems, Zang Tianlang only satisfies the followers of Qing Gu who went to Qinglong where he practiced.

"Zang Tianlang, you have improved a lot in cultivation."

"It's just a first-class talent. Zang Tianlang's talent is really amazing."

"In just over two months and less than three months, it is really amazing to let your younger brother achieve your peak at ~ ~."

"Brother, I've been in the college for three years before I reached this level, but it's really amazing that you are in one step, Zang Tianlang."

Qinglong's men looked at Zang Tianlang's eyes full of respect and envy. Obviously they were surprised by Zang Tianlang's talent.

Faced with such praise, Zang Tianlang nodded with a smile, because he knew he deserved such praise.

Under such circumstances, Zang Tianlang entered the place where Qinglong was confidently and said: "Brother Qinglong, I don't know if you are anxious to summon me. Is there anything I have to deal with?"


Qinglong glanced at Zang Tianlang, and then sighed: "You remember a few months ago, I arranged some people to secretly go deep in the forest, to seduce the Nine Heavens Phoenix Bird, intending to collect its eggs Thing? "


Zang Tianlang nodded and said, "I had asked to do it at the time, but because of Ye Xiaohu's business, the formation was delayed, and Qingjian was ultimately responsible for this matter. After a few days, should I bring back the news?"

"Bring it back."

Qinglong responded faintly, then released a ball of light.

If Ye Xiaohu could see this scene, then he would be very moved, because he had done everything, and eventually he still pulled something and did not deal with it.

But he obviously couldn't see what Qinglong had brought out, because he was not in the fairy college.

But when Zang Tianlang walked in and used his own soul to sense the contents inside, he froze on the spot and said: "How is it possible that the kid named Ye, where is the Nine Sky Phoenix bird?"

(End of this chapter)

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