Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1204: : Newcomer contest begins

Inside the Fairy Academy.

A group of people gathered on the square.

These people are all fairy colleges, freshmen recruited three months ago.

Of course, there are some elderly people who stand around and wait to see the excitement.

"Entering the ruins of the ancient heaven, that was my dream, this time I must have a good ranking."

"Our family used to have an ancient law in the ancient heaven, but I still couldn't get it together. This time I will definitely put together all the secret methods and practice the supreme magic. Look at me."

"You all have great ambitions. Unlike my goal is very simple, as long as I can enter the top ten smoothly, then I will have the opportunity to enter the inner courtyard."

"Yes, my goal is also the inner courtyard. As long as there is a famous teacher, then my cultivation can still travel thousands of miles a day, to the point where others cannot."

Newcomers, unable to bear the excitement in their hearts.

At this time, a group of people came in from the outside.

The leader of this group is Liu Qingshui.

I saw Liu Qingshui walked inside while smiling at Wang Yixiao and said: "Dear students, you will enter the test hall for a while, don't have any illusions, don't be lazy, take out all your spirits, only then To get good grades. "

Wang Yixiao and others nodded, and the spirit and spirit of the whole person reached a state of fullness. Obviously they had already made the best preparations.

"Give way."

Just at this time, there was a loud noise in my ear.

Immediately afterwards, a group of people drove from the outside and killed Liu Qingshui directly.

The man for whom Suddenly Suddenly was Sirius.

I saw Zang Sirius as soon as it came, and immediately brought a terrifying murderous opportunity.

Obviously Zang Tianluo's mood was not very good, so the people who stopped in front of them saw a gulp and swallowed, then gave way to a passage.

"You are Liu Qingshui?"

After Zang Tianlang appeared, he glanced around and asked, "Where is Ye Xiaohu in your class now?"

"Ye Xiaohu, brother?"

Suddenly hearing Ye Xiaohu's name, Liu Qingshui quickly shook his head and said: "We don't know, it is said that he is engaged in actual combat outside and has no intention of coming back."

"Still fighting?"

Hearing Liu Qingshui's answer, Zang Tianluo was slightly dissatisfied and said: "I knew this so long ago, I should go to the deep forest and take him back first."

Zang Tianlang had some regrets because he missed the opportunity to kill Ye Xiaohu.

But even if you know it now, it doesn't make any sense, because today is the rookie contest.

In desperation, Zang Tianlang snorted coldly, and said to Liu Qingshui: "When he returns, please help me convey it, let him wash his neck and wait for death."

After Zang Tianluo made a gesture of wiping his neck, he directly led his person to the forefront, quietly waiting for the start of the newcomer contest.

"Is he crazy enough?"

"Zang Sirius? He also has rampant capital. If it is replaced by you and I have his talent and identity, it is estimated that he will be the same."

"So when a person is born, that will determine his future."

"How about him? Anyway, he has nothing to do with us. Everyone should just do their own job."

After Wang Yixiao waited for some discussion, he went to where his class was.

At this time, Liu Qingshui's contact information actually came from a person's communication. Liu Qingshui quickly took the channel: "Xiaohu student, where are you, why haven't you returned to school?"


In the newsletter, Ye Xiaohu responded briefly: "Now the newcomer contest has not started yet?"


Liu Qingshui nodded and said: "But according to the current process, it is estimated to be a quarter of an hour, and the newcomer competition will start."

"A quarter of an hour?"

Ye Xiaohu grunted: "That's enough."

Ye Xiaohufei hung up the communication and then rushed towards the college.

Seeing this scene, Liu Qingshui couldn't help but shook his head with a bitter smile: "Little Brother Tiger is really a man of God. He didn't come back early in such an important competition."

Hearing Liu Qingshui's words, Wang Yixiao and others also laughed bitterly. Obviously they did not expect Ye Xiaohu to do this.

At this time, a group of people on the top of the college stepped onto the high platform.

Against the background of Ms. Peng Jin and others, a middle-aged man with immortal spirit said to Liu Qingshui and others: "The newcomer contest is the mechanism for our genius academy to select talented newcomers once a year. In the past, in this Against the background of the mechanism, many geniuses have appeared in our Immortal Academy, which is highly appreciated by the surrounding cities. "

"So I hope that today, you can follow the path laid down by previous generations and continue to follow this path."

The middle-aged man of the fairy wind, after loudly preaching, immediately waved his big hand: "If you have no problems ~ ~ Then I announce that this time the newcomer competition officially started."

"Wait a minute."

Hearing the fairy-skinned man's words, Liu Qingshui stood up in sweat and said: "Hello, President Gutiancheng, the student has a reluctant request."

"What kind of reluctance please?"

The dean of the Faculty of Immortals is divided into three directors, the dean of the inner courtyard and the dean of the outer courtyard.

The dean of the outer court is Gu Tiancheng in front of everyone. I saw Gu Tiancheng staring at Liu Qingshui: "If you have any suggestions, you can say it straight."

"This is the case. Ye Xiaohu, the best young talent of this newcomer, is still on the way."

Liu Qingshui swallowed, and then said cautiously: "So I beg the dean you can delay the start of the contest for a few minutes."

Before Gu Tiancheng spoke, he saw Zang Tianlang on the side stood up and said: "President Gu Tiancheng, this does not seem to meet the school's estimate. We cannot wait for him alone in this place."

Gu Tiancheng looked at Liu Qingshui and Zang Sirius again, and could not help but sigh: "Zang Sirius student is right, we can't delay the whole newcomer test for one person. This is for other students. Disrespectful, so I announced the start of this competition, and all colleges entered the venue together. "

After Gu Tiancheng's announcement, newcomers one after another poured into the venue of the competition.

For them, they don't care if they participate in Ye Xiaohu's participation, they just ask for a good result.

Seeing this scene, Liu Qingshui could only sigh, then smiled at Wang Yi and waited: "Don't wait any longer, go in."

(End of this chapter)

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