"Yuanshuang didn't resist a round, but was wiped out by Ye Xiaohu?"

"Damn, you dare to seal Yuanshuang really to death."

"Everyone is still stunned, and quickly taught him together."

"Polite to him, anyway, he is our enemy."

The remaining Tibetan youths and others, after seeing Ye Xiaohu's movements, took a breath of air, apparently they felt Ye Xiaohu's horror.

This is not an ordinary person and can be done at will.

Even their young master Zang Sirius cannot seal a master in the middle of a fairy in such an easy situation.

So the Tibetan youth and others swallowed, and decided to join forces.

"That's kind of interesting."

Seeing this scene, Ye Xiaohu couldn't help but lick his lips. The whole person said excitedly: "Come on, let's see how powerful you guys are."

Ye Xiaohu snorted, and just like a tiger entering the flock, he jumped to the side of the Tibetan youth and others.

"Eight Immortals frightened."

As the name suggests, this is a peerless boxing technique created by the Eight Immortals.

Generally speaking, outsiders are not passed on. Ye Xiaohu wasted a lot of effort at first, and he got the training method of this boxing technique from Han Xiangzi's mouth.

In the case of one-on-one, this set of boxing techniques is actually not very good.

But in the case of group battles, the power of this set of punches can be surprising.

So when the Tibetan youth and others rushed to Ye Xiaohu together, Ye Xianhu flashed a series of immortals in his mind, and finally determined this set of boxing skills.

Bang Bang Bang.

Therefore, as soon as the expert shoots, he knows if there is.

Therefore, when Ye Xiaohu exhibited this set of iron fists, he immediately released a terrifying fist light, and flew one by one the navy blue men in front of him.

The cultivation of this group of people is high and low, the high reaches the late stage of the fairy, the low is only the level of the early fairy, barely reaching the qualification to join the fairy school.

But no matter how high your practice is, in short, in front of Ye Xiaohu, they are equally vulnerable.


"It hurts."

I saw that under the navy blue men, one by one, Ye Xiaohu was knocked down with punches and didn't understand what was going on. After falling to the ground, they all wailed.


Seeing this scene, the navy blue that rushed to the last face swallowed a spit, and the whole person became anxious and said: "Ye Xiaohu, you know that you do this, it means that you will never die with our young master The situation? "

"I don't do this. Can my relationship with Zang Tianlang be reconciled?"

Since the last time there was a conflict in the restaurant, Ye Xiaohu has completely stood opposite to Zang Tianlang. Under such circumstances, naturally, you will not be polite. I saw that Ye Xiaohu gave up the surrounding shrimp, soldiers and crabs and took the initiative to walk toward the Tibetan blue Because he knows that the leader of this group is Tibetan youth.

I saw Ye Xiaohu took a deep breath, and then said calmly: "And do you think I will be afraid of Zang Tianlang? To say something bad, if he appears in front of me now, then I will blow him with a punch. Killing will not leave him any face, so you can come over to me obediently. "

While speaking, Ye Xiaohu directly grabbed his hand and grabbed toward the navy blue in front.

However, Ye Xiaohu's move was actually empty, because the Tibetan youth cast a secret method, and actually turned around and ran away.

"It's kind of interesting, there are actually some secret techniques to escape."

The navy blue movements naturally have no way to avoid Ye Xiaohu's eyes.

So Ye Xiaohu looked at the navy blues that kept running away, and could not help but smile slightly, and at the same time took out the trapped fairy circle he seized and threw towards the navy blue backs: "I see where you are.

"Damn, you really robbed the young man who was trapped in the fairy circle."

I didn't see the trapped fairy circle before, and the Tibetan youth couldn't believe it.

But when he saw the trapped fairy circle, he only sighed and accelerated to escape: "Wait, I will tell the young master in detail what happened today and let him teach you a hard meal."

"You have no chance."

Ye Xiaohu made a French seal saying: "Sleep me."

With the formation of Ye Xiaohu's handprint, the trapped fairy circle of waste above the sky actually increased his speed instantly, almost catching up with the navy blue in a blink of an eye.

"Do not!"

Seeing the navy blue of this scene, he roared up in the sky and showed his ability to get out of it, trying to escape from the trapped fairy circle.

But his power had no meaning in front of Ye Xiaohu's surrender and transformation of the trapped fairy circle.


Without any change, Ye Xiaohu directly used the trapped fairy circle and trapped the navy blue on the spot, completely letting him lose his ability to move.


Ye Xiaohu pinched another recipe, and then in the process of naughty navy, the trapped fairy circle took the navy blue directly back to Ye Xiaohu ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Under such circumstances, Ye Xiaohu smiled lightly : "Now what else do you have to say."


The Tibetan youth laughed bitterly. What else can he say now that he is a king?

Just when the navy blue was slightly speechless, Wang Yixiao and others walked to Ye Xiaohu's side and said: "Xiaohu, the others have no demon cores. It is estimated that all demon cores are on his navy blues."

Ye Xiaohu nodded, then stretched out his hand, and then collected the navy blue package, then handed it to Wang Yixiao and others.

Wang Yixiao and others simply shocked and said: "I rely on, this group of guys really did not do bad things, actually accumulated thousands of demon cores."

Thousands of demon cores?

The subordinates of the navy blue were also dumbfounded, because if there were so many monster cores, they could enter the tunnel.

But they thought again and immediately understood what was going on.

Obviously, the Tibetan Youth moved some thoughts, so in the case of his shot, most of the demon cores seized were not released, and he swallowed it by himself.

For a while, everyone looked at the navy blue eyes, and there was some more scorn.

But after Wang Yixiao and others were shocked, they continued: "And Zang Tianlang has led a group of people into the final passage. If calculated according to time, it is estimated that he will rush out first and get The identity of the first place. "

"Zang Sirius has already entered?"

Hearing Wang Yixiao's report, Ye Xiaohu couldn't help but breathe a sigh of breath, and then showed one after another means, after repairing the seals of the Tibetan youth and others to Wang Yixiao for their treatment, and then he was alone, taking the lead Enter the last channel: "I leave in one step. After you have done the perfect thing, you will each take the demon core into the channel."

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