Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1223: : Qinglong's full battle

Qinglong shot.

And with a shot, directly challenge the first place in the rookie contest, which is definitely a huge news.

"The new man named Ye Xiaohu is estimated to be tragic this time."

"Qinglong has come step by step, and now it has been sitting on the old student's first full ten years, it is definitely impossible for a newcomer to defeat him."

"And see if Ye Xiaohu should fight?"

"It's too stupid to face the challenge. If I were him, I would never accept the challenge of Qinglong."

Everyone looked at Ye Xiaohu and wanted to see how he chose.

Gu Tiancheng, the dean of the Outer Court, also stood up and looked at Ye Xiaohu, saying: "You are a newcomer, if you choose not to face the battle, then there is no problem."

"No, I'm fighting."

However, in the face of Gu Tiancheng's inquiry, Ye Xiaohu, who was sitting on the ground seriously, actually stood up straight from the futon after a smile.


I saw Ye Xiaohu sorted out his clothes, and then beat the dust of the thugs. After confirming that there was no problem,

Ye Xiaohu was satisfied and walked toward Qinglong Road: "I must have a fight with him. Since that is the case, I don't want to wait anymore. It is better to settle the grudge with him now."

Seeing Ye Xiaohu take the initiative to accept Qinglong's challenge and refuse his own persuasion, Gu Tiancheng was slightly dissatisfied.

But dissatisfaction returned to dissatisfaction, Gu Tiancheng did not take the initiative to find Ye Xiaohu trouble, but directly left the position of the room, giving the position of the room to Ye Xiaohu and Qinglong.

"Your talent is good. If you give you enough space to grow with time, then you may become a towering tree. But unfortunately, you are an impulsive and very unwise person. Actually for an ordinary 'female 'Son, choose to be our enemy in the same vein as us. "

Qinglong moved his neck, his expression became very firm and said: "So in order to defend the honor of my ancient history, so I will lose you today."

"Try it!"

Ye Xiaohu smiled faintly, and didn't feel any fear at all: "Anyway, things have been done, so you can only keep going forward, and it is impossible to look back."

"In this case, then you die!"


After Qinglong heard Ye Xiaohu's words, there was no pause.

I saw his body, just like a cheetah, directly surpassing the speed of lightning, and immediately came to Ye Xiaohu's side, and hit the head of Ye Xiaohu's brain with a punch.


The people who saw this scene all expressed their shocked expressions, because this means that Ye Xiaohu was going to be killed by a blow.

Because Ye Xiaohu didn't react in any way, so he stood quietly.


All people have such judgments in their hearts for a time.


In the next moment, Qinglong's fist will kill Ye Xiaohu's head accurately.

Ye Xiaohu was beaten by Qinglong on the spot.


Everyone exclaimed, because Ye Xiaohu's head was lost.

Gu Tiancheng and others who saw this scene also stood up from their seats and watched.

But Qinglong, who is on the battlefield, "exposed" with a confused expression.

Although he just killed with a single blow, when he ordered Ye Xiaohu, he felt different from the past when he killed.

In the past, his punch hit his head, it was very textured.

But the punch just now hit him in Ye Xiaohu's head, but he didn't have any texture. Instead, he hit like a cotton 'flower' side.

Under such circumstances, Qinglong didn't know what to do.

When he was 'lost', Fengqing Mountain standing outside the battlefield was very calm.

Because he didn't want a person who won the rookie contest to fail so easily, he released his power of soul and carefully sensed the situation of the field.

This induction directly went down Fengqing Mountain, so Fengqing Mountain quickly exclaimed and reminded Qinglong Road: "Be careful, he is behind you."

"Behind me?"

Qinglong suddenly thought of a possibility, so he quickly turned around.

But he just turned around and found a fierce fist, which hit Qinglong hard.


Qinglong was beaten by Ye Xiaohu on the spot, but with the reminder of Feng Qingshan, Qinglong barely controlled his body.

Ye Xiaohu, who saw this scene, looked back at Fengqing Mountain and could not help sighing: "Unfortunately, if it is not Feng Qingshan reminding you, then I won just now."

"Hello" yin "ruthless."

Hearing Ye Xiaohu ’s words, Qinglong wiped the fairy blood flowing out of the corner of his mouth, and could n’t help but his face ‘color’ hatefully said: “But you also reminded me that from now on I will not care.


Qinglong took a deep breath, and the whole person's aura instantly changed.

I saw him as a whole, and became very 'yin' cold.

"This breath ~ ~ Isn't it?"

One teacher after another, Feng Qingshan's expression was stunned, but he looked at Feng Qingshan with some envy.

If they are under the door, there can be such a talented person.

But unfortunately, they do not have this opportunity.

Because Qinglong had relied on Fengqing Mountain early, they could only watch as Qinglong replaced Fengqing Mountain in the battle between the old and the new.


Faced with envious expressions, Feng Qingshan stood up proudly and said: "Qinglong reached the land of immortals early. After this new and old war, I will recommend him to enter the inner courtyard."

The inner court.

Hearing Feng Qingshan's words, others glanced at Qinglong one after another.

I have to say that with Qinglong's talents and realm, if Fengqing Mountain really recommends it, then Qinglong will indeed be in the sky.

Even many people, when they heard Feng Qingshan's remarks, already made the idea of ​​going 'privately' to find Qinglong's acquaintance, and even narrowing the relationship.

When they were overwhelmed by their thoughts, they saw that Qinglong stopped releasing their breath, and then pointed to Ye Xiaohu, saying: "Ye Xiaohu, you should be very happy, because you are my first time after promoting to Immortal. The opponent who fought in the first battle, so you can lose to me, then it is your honor. "

"Are you honored?"

Ye Xiaohu shook his head, not paying any attention to it.

I saw him smile lightly, and then stretched out his fingers, gently ticked his fingers and said: "It's you, if you don't want to lose too ugly, then kneel down and sing to conquer."

"you wanna die."

In the face of Ye Xiaohu's sarcasm, Qinglong, who went all out, immediately roared, condensing Dixian's aura, and overwhelmingly murdered Ye Xiaohu.

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