Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1225: : Internal competition in the fairy school

Who else dares to fight?

Ye Xiaohu shouted something like this, so that the old students present looked at each other, not knowing how to respond.

At this moment Ye Xiaohu is like a male lion standing in front of a pack of wolves, making them discouraged.

I have to say that this is a miracle.

A new person makes a group of old people dare not answer.

"I refuse to accept, refuse to accept."

Qinglong, whose chest was pierced, did not immediately lose his life.

I saw him covering his chest, and made a roaring sound, shouting towards Ye Xiaohu: "My Qinglong is an invincible existence, how could it be defeated by your new hand."

Hearing Qinglong's words, Ye Xiaohu's brows could not help but wrinkle together.

If this place is not located within the Immortal Academy, there are so many new and old students looking at themselves, Ye Xiaohu really wants to make a shot for Qinglong, and end his life on the spot.

At the same time Ye Xiaohu also has some confusion, just a test.

Even if you have so many grievances with Qing Gu, you won't make Qing Long so resentful to yourself, and would rather fight for the death and fight against yourself?

"Yes, I haven't lost yet."

"I still have the power to fight."

When Ye Xiaohu was puzzled, Qinglong grabbed his sword again, shook his body, and walked towards Ye Xiaohu step by step, wanting to release his last killing trick.

Under such circumstances, Ye Xiaohu could not help but clenched his Qipin spear, and made the final defensive action.


When the battle is about to erupt, both sides must die.

Feng Qingshan stood up from the crowd of teachers, and came to Qinglong's side in one step, controlling Qinglong's body and saying: "If you lose, you are defeated, so admit defeat!"

"No, I don't have it, I still have the power to fight."

Qinglong struggled and roared, trying to break free from Feng Qingshan.

But after all, he has just stepped into the land of immortals. How is Feng Qingshan's opponent?

Therefore, under the control of Fengqing Mountain, all of Qinglong's struggles have been abolished and become meaningless.

I saw that Feng Qingshan directly released a seal spell, sealing Qinglong on the spot.

Qinglong could only be obediently controlled by Fengqingshan, and then Fengqingshan handed Qinglong to a student of his own, and then returned to Gu Tiancheng to say: "President, Qinglong is going to take the old student exam one month later, and The genius who entered the inner court, so there must be no loss of his body, so today this battle cannot continue. "

"I know."

As a dean of the outer court, Gu Tiancheng, after hearing Feng Qingshan's words, stood up and announced on the spot: "Who is going to challenge now, or will he challenge Ye Xiaohu?"

Facing Gu Tiancheng's inquiry, the new students shook their heads one after another, and they didn't want to challenge the old students again.

The thing that Wang Yi smiled before is still vivid.

As for the old students, they shook their heads one after another. It did n’t make any sense to challenge a group of freshmen. As for the challenge of Ye Xiaohu, they asked themselves not to be the opponent holding the Qipin spear.

Seeing that no one stood up to challenge, Gu Tiancheng nodded with satisfaction: "Since no one continues to challenge, then I declare this time the new and old students contest is over."

"According to the regulations of the college, after each new and old student contest ends, different rewards are used to encourage new and old students to participate in this competition."

After a brief summary, Gu Tiancheng officially announced: "But because of Ye Xiaohu's excellent performance, after the judgment of our person in charge, he decided to directly reward Ye Xiaohu a seven-piece defense magic weapon."

It is already terrifying to have a seventh-grade spear, and now rewards Ye Xiaohu with a seventh-grade defensive magic weapon, for a time everyone was deeply shocked,

"Thank you Dean Gu."

Ye Xiaohu also nodded with satisfaction: "I will not disappoint you, Dean, what you expect of me."

"That's good."

Gu Tiancheng nodded with satisfaction, and then announced again: "Other people's rewards will be delivered to your hands by the time, so you leave each one. But Ye Xiaohu's rewards are more expensive, so you stay first Right! "


Hearing Gu Tiancheng's command, one by one turned and left.

After they left, Gu Tiancheng looked at the only Ye Xiaohu who remained: "Ye Xiaohu, you know, what purpose do I let you stay alone?"

"do not know."

Ye Xiaohu froze for a moment, seeing Gu Tiancheng didn't directly defend himself against the magic weapon, but asked himself like this, he couldn't help but had a guess in his heart.

As Ye Xiaohu guessed, Gu Tiancheng sighed directly: "How much do you know about our fairy academy?"

"Do not really understand."

Ye Xiaohu said truthfully: "My understanding of Fairy Academy ~ ~ was introduced by others."

"Since that is the case, let me give you a popular science."

Gutian Chengyou sighed: "Our School of Immortals is one of the largest students in the middle of the entire fairyland, and it is almost all over the cities in the middle of the entire fairyland,"

"Fortunately, the outer courtyard of our vast city fairy college is located right next to the entire inner courtyard of the headquarters of the fairy college. Therefore, it can be said that the water near the platform has won the moon first, and has gained many benefits. "

"If it goes on like this, then there is no big problem, but in the past few decades, I do n’t know what happened. The number of genius disciples enrolled in the outer court of our vast city is less than in previous years. On the top, even beyond. But one can two but can not be repeated, so this time the outer courtyard is promoted to the inner courtyard, the outer courtyard of our vast city fairy college must enter the top three list, which requires Qinglong to play well for our fairy college Glorious. "

When I listened to Gu Tiancheng's introduction to the Immortal Academy, Ye Xiaohu didn't say anything, but when he heard what happened to Qinglong, his face suddenly became very ugly: "Director, what do you want to say, Please also say it directly. "

"Since you asked me this way, then I won't hide you."

Gu Tiancheng took a deep breath and looked at Ye Xiaohu with some guilt, and said cautiously: "If Qinglong was not so damaged and the soul was not stimulated, then there is a good chance that he will be promoted to the inner courtyard. , Got a good ranking. But he is injured now, so in order to let him recover as soon as possible and improve his combat effectiveness, I hope you can hand over your qualification to enter the ancient heaven court for this rookie contest and give it to Qinglong for use. , Let him enter the ancient ruins for a month to exercise. "

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