
When Wang Yixiao and others walked to Ye Xiaohu's room, they immediately heard a roar.

Then they saw a cloud of black smoke, emanating from Ye Xiaohu's room, and rushed directly to the sky.

"What the **** is that?"

"Can't it be the fryer?"

"My God, if the fryer is up, not only will the refining of Elixir fail, but Brother Xiaohu will also suffer some disasters."

"This is how to do?"

Seeing this scene, Wang Yixiao and others screamed out, and obviously felt a little overwhelmed.

At this time, Peng Jin came to hear the voice.

I glanced at the black mist in the sky, and then looked at Liu Qingshui: "What's the matter? Did an foreign enemy invade our class and disturb Ye Xiaohu's alchemy?"

"Teacher, someone did come in, but we have been taken away and left under our attention, so I believe they have no chance to destroy Xiaohu Alchemy."

After being asked by Peng Jin, Liu Qingshui thought about it and said to Peng Jin: "In fact, when I also came to find Ye Xiaohu, I discovered this group of black mist. Obviously this can only be caused by alchemy failure. Signs. "

Has alchemy failed?

Hearing Liu Qingshui's words, Peng Jin could not help but sigh.

It is impossible to say that he is not disappointed.

But after going through too many things, he failed to evaluate the mentor nine times in a row, and he has long honed his steel-like will.

So he quickly calmed down and analyzed the situation: "No, I have to go in and take a look, don't let Ye Xiaohu have any problems, otherwise even if my body is cured, then I won't be reconciled of."

"Teacher, your body."

"Relax, my body can still hold on."

Facing the students' concern, he strengthened Peng Jin's heart.

So Peng Jin took a deep breath and prepared to break in.

But when he acted, he found that the black mist in the sky, after reaching a certain level, condensed into a dark cloud.

"My God, that seems to be Thunder Tribulation, not Black Mist."

At this time, Peng Jin heard what his students said, so he quickly stopped his steps and looked up to the sky as well.

Sure enough, under his watch, the dark clouds that had just formed had continuously released lightning.

Under such circumstances, they are naturally no strangers.

Because when they were immortals, they all needed to pass through the heavens and bid farewell to mortal bodies.

But a good thunder, what came to Ye Xiaohu's roof?

Does Ye Xiaohu want to break through, from mortal to immortal?

But this is obviously not right, because Ye Xiaohu became a fairy early.


Peng Jin remembered a rumor, but he couldn't believe it was true.

But when he remembered this rumor, he finally stopped his footsteps and stood quietly to watch the dark clouds condense.

Zi Zi.

At this time, after the dark clouds had condensed, a trace of thunder electricity, containing the smell of medicine, fell from the sky to Ye Xiaohu's roof.


Ye Xiaohu's roof was penetrated by lightning on the spot.

Seeing this scene, Peng Jin and others wondered how this could be doubted.

At this time, they heard a mumble.

Immediately afterwards, a man with a naked upper body rushed out of the room and rushed directly to the dark clouds in the sky.

This person is not Ye Xiaohu, who else can it be?

So when Peng Jin heard Ye Xiaohu's words, the guess in his heart was finally verified.

Dan robbery.

That is a kind of heavenly punishment different from Thunder Tribulation, which comes specifically when certain immortality medicines are formed against the sky to punish those alchemists.

However, no fairy doctor in the outer courtyard of the vast city of fairy colleges can achieve this level. Only a small number of fairy doctors in the inner courtyard of the fairy colleges have such a high standard.

But how can those fairy doctors in the inner courtyard appear in such backward places as the outer courtyard.

While thinking in Peng Jin's heart, Ye Xiaohu rushed to the Dan Tribune, directly carrying the nine-turn dragon chanting gun, stirring the wind and rain in the dark clouds, and the earth turned upside down.

Originally still very neat, Dan Xiao, under the waving of Ye Xiaohu, instantly made a mess.

Just about to re-condensate, Ye Xiaohu was disbanded again with Jiu Zhuan Long Yin gun.

After a few rounds, the original power of terror and thunder, which was also under Ye Xiaohu's attack, completely disappeared.


After watching the Danjie dissipate, Ye Xiaohu nodded with satisfaction, and then returned to the house without saying a word to Peng Jin and others.

But from his movements, Ye Xiaohu is in good condition and has not suffered any damage.

"Is Brother Xiaohu so powerful?"

"That's Dan Tribulation! Although it's not as fierce as Thunder Tribulation, the outbreak of power is not something that ordinary fairies can contend with, but Brother Xiaohu can directly destroy him."

"It seems that we all underestimate the fighting ability of Brother Xiaohu, maybe he has already surpassed our realm."

For a time Liu Qingshui and others laughed bitterly and were also local geniuses, but Ye Xiaohu's achievements were so great, but their achievements were so humble.

Even Peng Jin, who was standing aside, changed his face at the moment.

Because the fighting power that Ye Xiaohu just broke out has already surpassed his teacher and reached a higher level.

I have to say that in the face of this scene, Peng Jin has a bitter taste in his heart.

At this time, there was another mumble in Ye Xiaohu's house, and the door was opened from inside.

The next moment ~ ~ wants to come out from the inside and say: "It's all there, that's right."

"This bottle is Biyue Zizhu Dan, you take it one by one before going back to practice, to ensure that you can double your practice speed."

Ye Xiaohu first handed a bottle of panacea to Liu Qingshui for him to distribute to Wang Yixiao and others.

Then he took another bottle of Elixir and walked to Peng Jin's side and said, "Teacher, this bottle of Yin and Yang Elixir is yours. You can refine the Elixir immediately after you go back. By then, the injuries in your body will not only heal, but also It can go further and reach a higher level. "

"Thank you."

If Peng Jin and others had some doubts about what Ye Xiaohu had said before, then when they saw Ye Xiaohu destroying the Dan Tribulation with their own strength, they knew that the medicine made by Ye Xiaohu was not ordinary.

So they thanked them one after another, and then happily took their own panacea, returned to their room, and refined their panacea according to Ye Xiaohu's request.

(End of this chapter)

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