Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1249: : Battle mark

"where is this place?"

When Ye Xiaohu opened his eyes, he looked around.

As a result, he saw patches of debris, as well as various collapsed houses and walls.

Obviously this place was hit hard before.

Faced with such a situation, Ye Xiaohu couldn't help but say: "Is this the ancient Tianting site?"

But Ye Xiaohu clearly remembered that there was no such material in the ancient Tianting building.

According to Ye Xiaohu's memory, the materials inside are all precious fairy crystals.

Immortal crystal is not only strong, but also contains immense immortal energy, which can provide a huge immortal force backing for the inhabitants, so that it can continuously improve the realm.

However, the stones in front of Ye Xiaohu's eyes did not have a fairy crystal, but instead were ordinary fairy crystals.

Not only does it not contain immortal energy, but it also has poor solidity.

"If this is the ancient heaven court ruins in Xianjie, it is completely different from the ancient heaven court in my memory. Do I go to the fake heaven court, or is it not a dimension space?"

Ye Xiaohu's mind is full of coercion everywhere.

But this fairyland has something to do with Ye Xiaohu's memory, the characters ... there are some overlaps, obviously there are some connections.

So Ye Xiaohu took steps and continued to walk forward.

Soon Ye Xiaohu found traces of fighting everywhere, and these traces were obviously traces of the ruling during the battle of the strong.

Ye Xiaohu reached out his hand and took the initiative to touch the traces on his face, his face could not help changing.

"This is a fairy battle beyond the heavens, and the traces left behind in the end can be described as heaven marks."

Ye Xiaohu had seen the strong man above Tianxian confront, and naturally understood the meaning, so when he discovered all this, the whole person was a little shocked.

"If this place goes to the fairy battle traces above the heavens, then these materials cannot withstand the shock waves of their battles."

Ye Xiaohu didn't quite understand why these traces were preserved, which obviously was not in line with the rules.

So Ye Xiaohu around these dilapidated houses, or city walls, a little observation, stroking the traces of fighting.

As a result, Ye Xiaohu found nothing, which made Ye Xiaohu understand that if he wanted to rely on naked eye observation, he obviously could not find the ultimate mystery.

In desperation, Ye Xiaohu can only give up his own flesh and rely on the power of the soul to sense the marks of the battle.

But when Ye Xiaohu's soul was away from the body, he hadn't waited for him to make any movements, and he found that his spirit was not under his control and drifted away in one direction.

"Dao Yin?"

Ye Xiaohu was already in his heart. I saw that he had used some means to change this state, but it turned out that no matter how he changed, there was no way to regain control of his body.

In desperation, Ye Xiaohu can only let himself take control of his body, letting the power of the Tao lead his body to float in one direction.

Soon a fog appeared in front of me. After passing through the fog, Ye Xiaohu discovered that a person had appeared a year ago, but his own naked eyes could not see through the other person's face.

When this happens, there are only two possibilities.

One is that the opponent's cultivation base is much higher than himself, so the soul cannot see through.

One is that the other party is in a special space, so Ye Xiaohu cannot see through.

It was when Ye Xiaohu sensed that suddenly the man in the deep mist raised his head and glanced at him, "You are here."

You came?

Like greetings, like questions, or exchanges between old friends.

Just when Ye Xiaohu was thinking, an invisible voice came from Ye Xiaohu's mouth.

This made Ye Xiaohu stunned for a moment. He knew that it was not his own words, but his own body that spoke with the person in the mist.

In other words, this Dao mark is using its own power to reinterpret what happened that year.

And as if I were a third party, I tasted the story a little bit.

Just when Ye Xiaohu gave up struggling and felt ... quietly observing.

The man replaced by Ye Xiaohu's soul suddenly opened his mouth and said, "Yes, I'm here because I want to end this."


The man in the fog opposite responded calmly with Ye Xiaohu's extremely familiar voice: "Do you feel that you can do it?"

"How do you know if you don't try it?"

The person represented by Ye Xiaohu ’s Soul could not help but sigh: “But I do n’t understand why you did it. At that time, we nurtured you with one hand so that you can become our heir, but you are for us, for the fairyland With such a severe disaster, we are faced with the dilemma of having to choose. "


The man in the mist seems to be answering Ye Xiaohu's inquiry, or asking himself in his heart.

After a second or two, he slowly said, "Maybe it's not reconciled, why can I only say a substitute, why all of you are thinking of his good, but don't put me in In my eyes, and I know that you have discussed and sealed me even more than once. So everything I do today is just to survive this gap. "

"Survival, you have to destroy everything and let the whole heaven court burial for your pursuit?"

The person replaced by Ye Xiaohu couldn't help but roar and questioned: "You know, for your selfish decisions, there have been so many morally noble, sublime gods killed. You know, For your selfishness, the people of the Devil Realm broke into the Immortal Realm to turn the Immortal Realm into the second Demon Realm. The second human **** has left countless people in grief and can never extricate themselves.

One sentence to question, one sentence to question, and ask the man's mind in the mist.

Under such circumstances ~ ~ the man in the mist, could not help struggling a bit, obviously his heart was stinging.

But this time the stinging was only two or three seconds.

Soon under the attention of Ye Xiaohu, Ye Xiaohu felt a strange atmosphere, and exuded a peculiar breath, adding some black matter, letting people look at the past, there was a feeling of panic.

"People don't die for themselves."

The man in the mist couldn't help but roar with an uproar: "Since God has shaped me, but wants me to suffer such grief, then I will naturally go up against the sky and ask for a fair return."

"Don't repent."

Facing the man in the mist, still unwilling expression.

People attached to Ye Xiaohu's body. Can't help but utter a voice of justice, refuting face to face: "Since this is the case, then don't blame me for not thinking about the old feelings of the past to send you on the road."

(End of this chapter)

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