Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1251: : Tribulation

"Run quickly, they are catching up again."

"Damn, what happened to this group of people on the ground, why did they keep chasing us without killing them, as if there was a deep hatred."

"There is that **** Ye Xiaohu, who is it, and why should he struggle with so many enemies against us?"

"I don't know. I haven't heard of him before. It's probably a strong man who has suddenly emerged recently."

"It is estimated that what treasure was found, but I was worried about being told, so I sent someone to kill us?"

In the ancient Tianting site, a group of people ran forward quickly, but their clothes were somewhat damaged, and their cheeks were covered with bloatedness. Obviously their condition was bad.

Under such circumstances, they ran forward while discussing.

At this time, the person who had been running at the forefront suddenly stopped.

The people behind followed too fast, and did not stop the car for a while, so they bumped into the person in front.

"Damn, what are you doing to brake suddenly?"

I saw a person who bumped into the front, rubbed his head, and then complained: "Fortunately, I was lucky to control it in time, otherwise I will hit you all at once."

"I don't want to brake quickly, but I had to brake the situation just now. If you don't believe it, look at the front yourself."

I saw the man who braked sharply and pointed to the front.

Everyone who saw this scene looked puzzled forward.

When they saw it, they were immediately stunned.

I saw a group of people gathered together and arranged a defensive siege formation, waiting for them to enter.

This made them wipe the cold sweat on their foreheads, and obviously felt thankful for what they had just done.

If it was not for them to brake in time, they rushed in one by one just now, and there is absolutely no reason to survive.

Just when they sighed for the rest of their lives, a group of people came after them.

The crowd aware of this, could not help but look black, and the feeling of just rejoicing instantly disappeared.

In the case of a back-and-forth attack, they had nowhere to go.

"Run? Why didn't you keep running?"

"Don't you just run fast?"

"Well, with your skills, I still want to escape from the tricks our boss has arranged. It's really delusional."

"Don't talk nonsense with them, everyone will work together to directly destroy this group of miscellaneous fish, so as not to cause other incidents."

I saw people who stopped and hunted down, sneered at each other, and came to kill them one by one.

Seeing this scene, the man who was still fortunate just could n’t help but look black, and the whole person said helplessly: “Although I do n’t know who Ye Xiaohu behind you is, but we are also local geniuses, not just letting people pinch Yes. If you dare to do anything with us, you must also weigh the consequences to bear. "

"What does that have to do with us? The sky falls, and naturally there is a tall one standing on it."

I saw the people who chased him, and said with disdain: "Anyway, the boss Ye Xiaohu told us so, we will complete the task, so it is useless to say more."

The two groups of people who blocked and pursued sneered, and then used the cold-blooded means to directly target the group of people who had just fled and launched a **** suppression.


Those who had fled were already weak, but now they have encountered double the encirclement and suppression. Naturally, they are not opponents of the other party, so they were suppressed in a while.

Seeing that they were going to die on the spot, it was at this time that Jianguang struck from afar.


Jianguang landed in the sky and directly plunged into the crowd, exploding the crowd on the spot.


He noticed that someone had inserted his hand horizontally, so the people who remembered each other looked at each other.

The person headed immediately followed, with a serious expression on his face, said: "We are the boss of Ye Xiaohu. If you dare to stop us from doing things, you will be offending Ye Xiaohu."

"Offending Ye Xiaohu is terrible, this is not wrong."

The sudden arrival suddenly vomited such words, which made everyone on the replay slightly a little bit awkward, obviously not knowing why the other party said so.

Fortunately, the person who shot suddenly did not stop his words.

I saw him sorting out his clothes, and then sneered: "So you all die!"


When I saw someone who came suddenly, I said I shot, and I didn't say anything. I just hit them by surprise.

Just when they felt a little helpless, the person who came suddenly burst into a scream: "The first form of the battle of Qingtian: no time and no trace."

Apparently, the person who came suddenly happened to be Ye Xiaohu, who had closed down.

But when he was out of the border and preparing to continue enlightenment, he found the people he met, but the people he met, one by one, could not avoid him as if he had encountered a demon.

This made Ye Xiaohu feel a little ignorant, so under his exploration, he gradually found that something was wrong. It seemed that someone was slandering his identity, which made Ye Xiaohu very angry.

So when he saw someone, and used his identity to target his opponent, he would naturally not show mercy.

"Run, that's not a trick we can resist."

"Damn, who is this, how can it be so powerful."

The man who was just fierce and evil just now was defeated by Ye Xiaohu instantly under the attack of Ye Xiaohu.

Almost for a while, Ye Xiaohu did not keep the film armor.

In desperation, they turned around and ran away.

Ye Xiaohu didn't stay behind. After reaching for someone, he let others leave.

"The heroes spare their lives."

The person captured by Ye Xiaohu saw that he had been abandoned. Although there were some dissatisfaction, but for his own sake, he could only be careful: "As long as you are willing to let me go, I will give you the boss Ye Xiaohu. Please plead, and do n’t let his old man come to suppress you again. "

"Let him let me go?"

Ye Xiaohu's face is a bit ugly ~ ~ I saw him with a disdainful face: "I'm afraid you don't know a thing, is my name also called Ye Xiaohu?"


Ye Xiaohu, another man named Ye Xiaohu?

Everyone's gaze to Ye Xiaohu has undergone some changes.

But Ye Xiaohu didn't take care of them, but still said coldly: "I won't kill you, now I will let you go back, you tell the person behind you, let him not be caught by me Ye Xiaohu, otherwise I Ye Xiaohu He will surely let him know how miserable it is to offend Ye Xiaohu. "


Ye Xiaohu directly released a seal, and it was imprinted on the body of the person he caught.

Immediately Ye Xiaohu gave him a kick and kicked him out on the spot.

(End of this chapter)

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