The purpose of Ye Xiaohu's visit is to explore what happened in the ancient heaven.

So when he saw Beiming Youhai, his eyes lit up immediately.

When I saw the ancient veins before, Ye Xiaohu already had a concept in mind, but there was no way to verify it.

"What the **** are you?"

But when he heard Ye Xiaohu's words, Beiming Youhai said, "Why do you know the secret of Netherworld?"

"Is it very important to know who I am?"

Ye Xiaohu smiled faintly, and then said calmly: "And I believe that you already know that I have an identity."

"Impossible, how could a little Ye Xiaohu know my ghostly secret?"

Qinglong and others were very stunned one by one, because they also heard the nether tactic for the first time.

Just when they were surprised, Beiming Youhai said coldly: "If you will catch you, I must explore your soul and take a look at what you are."


It seems that he has lost his patience, so Beiming Youhai sneered, and directly caught a fairy law around Ye Xiaohu.

"That's Nether God Palm?"

"The Peking family's stern school finally met today."

"It is rumored that this peculiar school of the Beiming family, if it hits the opponent, then it can definitely let the opponent die."

"At least I'm definitely not his opponent, and I can't resist the peculiarity of Beiming Youhai."

Qinglong and others saw the murderous move of Beiming Youhai, and their face immediately changed.

However, they are also very happy, because they are together with Beiming Youhai.

But for Ye Xiaohu, they don't care anymore, just waiting for Ye Xiaohu to die at once.

Just when they kept laughing one by one, Beiming Youhai's tremendous learning finally came to Ye Xiaohu's head.

Faced with this situation, Ye Xiaohu took a deep breath.

"Netherworld Palm?"

Ye Xiaohu took a deep breath, and he naturally knew of this unique skill.

So under such circumstances, Ye Xiaohu will not carelessly.

So Ye Xiaohu calmed down and recalled the memories of the past directly in his mind.

Especially the past memories of the Nether God Palm, followed by Ye Xiaohu's habitual counterattack.


However, according to his past habits and memories, Ye Xiaohu can kill in one blow and defeat it.

But this time Ye Xiaohu didn't win, but was blown out by the beast of the North Sea for four or five meters.

Ye Xiaohu, who fell on the ground, couldn't help but change his face slightly, it was difficult to understand: "How is this possible, why would I have no way to avoid Nether God Palm?"

Ye Xiaohu's every action just now was to avoid the Netherworld Palm and at the same time counterattack with the loophole of Netherworld Palm.

But it turned out that Ye Xiaohu failed in the counterattack, but let the other party win by chance.

"you lose."

Seeing Ye Xiaohu's trick, Beiming Youhai couldn't help but laugh with pride: "If you hit me, you will get the palm of the netherworld, and if you have to do it, it will take a few minutes, and you will be poisoned and killed."

The Nether God's Palm contains some Nether Qi, which can break the veins in the recruiter's body, thus making people lose their ability to fight back.

Hearing Beiming Youhai's words, Ye Xiaohu couldn't help but wrinkled his eyebrows: "Come again."

Ye Xiaohu took a deep breath and sprinted directly forward: "I'm going to take a look, what is the secret in it."

"court death."

Seeing Ye Xiaohu rushing towards himself again, Beiming Youhai sneered, and again a shot of Youming God.

The two strokes collided together, and Ye Xiaohu was defeated again.

"Come again."

"Go to hell."



Ye Xiaohu, like immortal Xiaoqiang, continually rushed towards the North Sea.

Under such circumstances, at first, Beiming Youhai didn't feel much.

However, after several consecutive collisions, Beiming Youhai found that his opponent had not yet retreated, nor even killed.

This made Beiming Youhai unable to help but frown, and said cautiously: "Why, you have hit me so much in the palm of the Netherworld, but you have not died?"

Hearing the words of Beiming Youhai, Qinglong and other talents suddenly woke up.

Just when they looked at Ye Xiaohu one by one, they saw Ye Xiaohu who fell down again, and when they stood up again, they leaked their big white teeth and looked at Beiming Youhai Road proudly: " Sure enough, as I guessed, the nether tactic you practiced was incomplete, so the nether **** palm you exhibited was incomplete. However, in order to avoid some undesirable situations, your ancestors of the North Nether house arranged some means , I made some loopholes, so I will be successful. "


Ye Xiaohu's words were directly imprinted in the heart of Beiming Youhai.

Originally I just wanted to seize and explore Ye Xiaohu's soul in the North Sea, and I became more interested in Ye Xiaohu.

So Beiming Youhai sneered directly and skipped directly from a distance: "This time I want to see how you escaped ~ ~ This time I won't hide."

However, in the face of the sneer of Beiming Youhai, Ye Xiaohu smiled lightly: "The battle between you and me is also the time to win."

Ye Xiaohu took a deep breath, and then looked carefully at Beiming Youhai Road: "You also eat me a punch."

Seeing Ye Xiaohu who had been passively beaten, actually changed his state, and actually fisted back directly.

But although surprised, Beiming Youhai is still very sensible, and made an effective counterattack.

"The second form of Netherworld Palm: Netherworld and Netherworld."

Beiming Youhai once again chiseled towards Ye Xiaohu, and at this time Ye Xiaohu's counterattack also hit the palm of Yeminghu in Beiming Youhai.


Fists of palms collided together. Qinglong and others saw Ye Xiaohu's body, all surrounded by the ghost of the ghost, and could not help but breathe a sigh of relief. According to their past understanding, this is basically a victory.

But when they were proud, they saw Ye Xiaohu surrounded by Netherworld Fairy Qi. This time, they were not defeated by Netherworld True Qi, but instead stood still.

In the astonishing eyes of Qinglong and others, they saw Ye Xiaohu's iron fist, directly penetrating the ghost fairy spirit.


Qinglong and others grew their mouths and leaked a satisfied expression. Obviously such a result is not the result they desire.

On the other side, the North Sea and the Nether Sea were also very surprised, but he still made effective evasion.

But when he evaded, he saw Ye Xiaohu's iron fist, but actually directly penetrated the defense of Beiming Youhai, and fell directly on him, bursting his head on the spot.

Seeing such a result, Ye Xiaohu could finally breathe a sigh of relief, and then his face calmed down, and he announced in public: "You lost in the North Sea."

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