Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1264: : The tyranny of inner disciples

Just as Ye Xiaohu nodded, a group of people landed in front of Ye Xiaohu and others sitting on the fairy beast.

I saw a middle-aged man walking down with a smile.

Behind him is one young talent after another.

Their eyes are higher than the top, they never put their eyes down and look at the people around them.

But Peng Jin and others present showed awe and worship when they looked at these young people.

"Brother Yang Xuan."

"Brother Gulangyu, I didn't expect you to be back."

"Sister Yuque, we haven't seen each other for almost 100 years?"

"Brother Lingtongzi, I did not expect that I will see you again, brother."

In the eyes that Ye Xiaohu and others paid attention to, people who were all at the same level as Peng Jin and even Gutian came to this group of young people who fell from the sky and sent their cordial condolences.

The new generation of disciples who saw this scene all showed shocking expressions.

Obviously, the current situation is contrary to their previous guess.

"Go away."

It was at this time that the group of teenagers descended from the sky.

Younger disciples who are younger, but do not know how many years of inner discipleship, directly pushed away the dean of an outer court with one hand, and then said to Gu Tiancheng and others: "Do n’t be close to Lao Tzu, be like yours. The eliminated people are all garbage, not worth mentioning at all. "


Hearing this person's words, Gu Tiancheng and others took a breath, and they were very angry.

After all, they are also the dean of an outer court, but today they are ridiculed and ridiculed by a group of inner disciples in front of their disciples.

But they have no way to resist, because they know that they are not opponents of this group of disciples.

Just when they were bitter, but unable to take revenge, I saw Sister Yuquezi coming out and said: "Sister Lingtongzi, now is not a time to teach this group of garbage, but to close the gate of the ancient Tianting site and end this Once a ruin. "

"I know."

Ling Tongzi glanced at the feather bird, nodded slightly, and walked directly forward to the entrance and exit of Gu Tianting, and took out a weird rune.

Seeing this scene, Gu Tiancheng quickly stood up and organized: "Ling Tongzi brother, Qinglong in our outer courtyard has not come out so far, would you please wait for a while to close the ancient Tianting site?"

"Yes, and the North Sea and the Nether Sea in our outer courtyard did not come out, but it was a peerless genius."

With Gu Tiancheng taking the lead, the presidents of the outer courts one after another stepped forward to plead with Ling Tongzi.

Because they knew very well that once the ancient Tianting ruins were closed, they could only wait for the next time they were opened before they could let Beiming Youhai and others come out.

Premise, that is the case where Beiming Youhai and others are still alive.

But in this way, we must miss the opportunity to join the inner door.

After all, the inner door is a genius, the place to really take off, not inside the ruins of the ancient heaven.

"Waste, get away."

When Nai Cheng wanted Gu Tiancheng's words to fall, Ling Tongzi directly slapped him with a slap: "The name of Ling Tongzi's younger brother is also what you can be called by the eliminated, it is really beyond control."

Being slapped by Ling Tongzi, Gu Tiancheng was angry, and he was ready to sacrifice his fairy sword and fight Ling Tongzi for 300 rounds.

Apparently, Gu Tiancheng could not bear it completely.

But just as he prepared to fight desperately for nothing, he saw a middle-aged man walking down from the fairy beast waving his hand to stop the two humans who were about to draw their swords toward each other: "Enough, both are fairy colleges. People, why do you infight at this time, and it is rumored that it is not a joke for outsiders? "

I saw the middle-aged man briefly comforted, and then said to Gu Tiancheng and others: "I know what you think, but I also hope that you understand that the closing of the ancient Tianting site is an imperative thing. And according to us In the past, we know that if the ancient Tianting ruins are closed and they still haven't come out, then most of them will be more formidable. So the genius in your outer courtyard must have had an accident. "


Gu Tiancheng and others did not want to believe such things, but could not find a reason to refute.

Because they also know that this may not be very high.

Just when they hesitated, they saw the middle-aged man continued: "Well, our time is very precious, we can not waste too long on this, so I hope you will not stop, let us complete the closure of the ancient as soon as possible The mission of the Tianting site, and then began to test the disciples' talents and Taoism results, and completed this time the inner door screening. "

"Yes, we know."

Faced with a middle-aged man, Gutian Cheng and others looked at each other ~ ~ and could only accept this result helplessly, so he gave up a position.


I saw Ling Tongzi sneered, then passed by Gu Tiancheng and others, and drove the rune into the entrance of the ancient Tianting site.

At the next moment, the entrances and exits of the ancient Tianting site were all sealed by a special force.

Without the method of unraveling the runes, the ancient Tianting site cannot be opened again for a short time.

I have to say that Ye Xiaohu had a good time to join the Immortal Academy, otherwise he missed the opening of the ancient Tianting site. He had to wait a while before he could enter the ancient Tianting site.

"Uncle Shi, the ruins of the ancient heaven have been sealed."

After completing the task, Ling Tongzi turned and walked back to the middle-aged man and said: "Next, you can conduct a talent test to choose a disciple suitable for the inner door."

"it is good."

The middle-aged man who came down from the fairy beast nodded directly, took out a crystal from his storage space, placed it not far in front of himself, and then turned to announce to Ye Xiaohu and others: "My name is Putuo Zhen Jun, from the inner gate of the Immortal Academy. Now those of you who have passed through the ancient Tianting ruins, walked one by one to the crystal ball beside me to test their talents. "

After hearing the words of Putuo Zhenjun, all the outsiders who realized Taoism through the ancient Tianting ruins stepped forward excitedly, and placed their hands on the crystal ball, watching the crystal ball change quietly.

At the next moment, the crystal ball emits various colors.

Some people rejoice, others worry.

There was also a genius, the expression on the spot became Sabai, and he cried pleadingly: "Senior Putuo, I just made some mistakes during the test, so the talent will be so bad during the test. As long as you give I have a chance, then I can meet the requirements of the inner door. "

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