Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1266: : Ranking Tower

The fairy beast was like a spaceship, but it flew to the inner door at a faster speed than the spaceship.

The inner gate of the Immortal Academy is not far from the outer courtyard of the vast city, but the immortal energy contained between heaven and earth is not many times stronger than the outer courtyard.

Although he had just arrived at the inner gate, Ye Xiaohu still felt comfortable.

"Come down!"

After the real person greeted Putuo, he directly led Ling Tongzi and others to go down one step first.

Ye Xiaohu glanced around, slightly foreheaded, and followed down the flying monster.

"The inner gate of Shenxian Academy is different from the outer gate. There is no mentor guidance in this place, only a ranking tower, a cultivation house, and an own fairy mountain."

I saw Putuo pointing at the surrounding scenes and introduced Ye Xiaohu and others one by one: "But there are only ninety-nine peaks, which means that if you don't want to have a place to stay, then you have to **** a fairy mountain of your own Own habitat. "

Snatch the fairy mountain?

Ye Xiaohu was slightly stunned, but the others looked black.

How many years have they practiced and how high are they?

It is undoubtedly very difficult to let them go to fight with an old man who has been famous for many years, but fight for a fairy mountain.

"Remember that after entering the inner door, you must do your best to improve your cultivation and enter the ranking tower in a short time."

Putuo real person reminded in good faith: "Only if you enter the ranking tower, you will get the resources of the inner gate. Because the resources of the inner gate are provided to the college resources according to the position of the ranking tower. In addition, the ranking tower It also determines your future. If you do n’t want to be eliminated in a certain year in the future, then strive for a good ranking on the ranking tower! "

Ye Xiaohu nodded, but Liang Luoying and others looked very dignified.

But this model of the inner gate of the Immortal Academy is still very effective for selecting talented disciples.

Only a real genius can kill a little bit of bleeding from the pressure of many predecessors.

If you can pass this model and finally reach the top of the ranking tower, there is no doubt that there is great potential and the future is promising.

Just when Ye Xiaohu and others understood the rules of the college, they saw several young men coming over unwillingly.

Seeing this scene, Putuo real person, directly holding his arms, did not show anything.

It was at this time that one of the youths.

Directly and violently came towards Ye Xiaohu. Ye Xiaohu, who saw this scene, could not help but glance at the other party, and at the same time, a backhand pushed fiercely towards the front.


Ye Xiaohu's body did not move, but the other party was pushed by Ye Xiaohu.

"Oh, what are you doing with me?"

"Who are you, why did you hit me?"

Others didn't have Ye Xiaohu's ability and ability to respond, so they were directly hit by the young people who suddenly appeared, or knocked to the ground, so their faces were very embarrassed.

"Huh, it's not so easy to seize our place."

I saw a young man headed, staring at Ye Xiaohu and others with a staring eye: "You wait, we will kill back and retake our place."

Hearing what they said, Ye Xiaohu and others looked dumbfounded, not knowing what was going on.

At this time, Putuo real people on the side said, "Enough is enough, go to where you should go."


The young men who slammed over suddenly had their expressions stopped.

Then showed a reconciled face, then nodded and left.

Shortly after they left, Putuo lively introduced to Ye Xiaohu and others: "Did you see where they went?"

"I saw it."

Ye Xiaohu and others responded aloud to Putuo live-action. Under such circumstances, Putuo live-action expressed solemnly: "That place is the area where the handyman lives. Through some tasks and work, they exchange their resources."

"And those who hit you before were also our inner door students not long ago. But because of their low ranking, when several of you come, they can only automatically abdicate to the position of handy disciples and wait for the challenge Opportunity, or the opportunity to fill the position and then come back. "

Putuo real people pointed to the place where the handymen lived, and seriously introduced Ye Xiaohu and others: "If you don't want to be banned by them, then work hard to show your talent and potential."

Ye Xiaohu and others bit their lips and felt the pressure deeply.

Especially those who were hit by flying, one by one touched the place just knocked down.

Obviously, those people ’s cultivation practices were above them, but they were replaced by them. That is to say, they need to work harder, at least to surpass those people, in order to stay in the door for a long time.

"Okay, let's go and choose our own fairy mountain now."

The real person of Putuo pointed to the shortest fairy mountains: "You also saw that those people just gave up their own fairy mountains. There are only a few in total. I hope you can **** your own fairy mountains."

Suddenly heard Putuo's words, people who just got up from the ground lit up ~ ~ So one by one flew away into the distance.

Just when they flew away, they saw Ye Xiaohu still standing in the same place, just like what Putuo said, it had nothing to do with him.

"Why don't you go?"

When Putuo lived to see this scene, he could not help but asked in surprise: "But what is the question?"

"Seniors, juniors do have a question."

Ye Xiaohu turned his head and took a deep breath: "Is it possible for the younger generation to go to **** other people's fairy mountains instead of choosing those vacant fairy mountains?"

"Good boy, ambitious."

Putuo's eyes lit up, and he immediately knew Ye Xiaohu's thoughts, so he pointed to Ye Xiaohu: "There is no such rule in the inner door, so if you think you have the ability, then you can challenge at will."

"Thank you senior."

Ye Xiaohu couldn't help but spit out a turbid air: "The juniors know how to go."

After the words fell, Ye Xiaohu was ready to leave this place to pick his own fairy mountain.

"Wait a minute."

Seeing this scene, Putuo real person couldn't help but moved, and stopped the figure of Ye Xiaohu, saying: "I am optimistic about you, kid. If you have any difficult problems in your future, you can come to my mansion to find me. "

The real person of Putuo directly penetrated Ye Xiaohu's mind through the soul-transmitting spell of the location and contact information of his mansion.

So Ye Xiaohu nodded and glanced gratefully at the real person of Putuo before slowly walking towards the mountain closest to him.

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