Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1293: : Mixed Blood Dragon

Inside a undamaged house in the Long family, Ye Xiaohu and Dao Feixiang walked in together.

I saw that Ye Xiaohu arranged a defensive formation, and felt the surrounding space.

Immediately after Ye Xiaohu looked at the knife flying, and then the corner of his mouth slightly raised: "If I am not wrong, then you should also have the blood of the Dragon family?"

"Not bad."

Dao Feixiang nodded slightly and said seriously: "I was born with my mother's surname, so it was called Long Feixiang at first, but then my mother and father left, and I changed to Dao Feixiang after I followed Master's practice.

"Dragon flying?"

Ye Xiaohu hadn't spoken yet, and the dragon family sitting on the side represented Long Yun, and said, "Are you the younger sister's son flying?"

"it's me."

Dao Feixiang smiled bitterly: "If it weren't for me to have the blood of the Dragon Family, I would definitely not remind you of the Dragon Family, but would rather be happy to watch your Dragon Family die in front of me."

There are three people in this generation of Longjia and Longyun. In addition to the dead dragon arrows, they are Longyun and Longyin.

Originally, Long Yun and Big Brother loved the little girl very much, but as the little girl grew up, she accidentally fell in love with a passing genius, and gave up all the family, and left with the person alone.

Since then, Long Yun and Long Jian have never mentioned Dragon Sound, so everyone only knows that there is such a person, but they don't know where this person is and what he looks like.

So when Dao Feixiang reported his name, Long Yun couldn't help but smiled bitterly: "Is the little girl alright?"

"How could it be good to be abandoned by your brother."

Dao Feixiang snorted. Although his mother had left the Long family, she had always been very concerned about the Long family and often arranged for people to give some gifts and letters.

But those gifts were returned every time, and even received a letter of severing care from the Dragon family, which made Dao Fei's mother gradually become gloomy and unhappy.

Fortunately, Dao Feixiang's father loved his daughter-in-law very much, so she took her daughter-in-law directly to swim away.

After they left, the young knife was flying, and he could only follow Master to practice alone, so the knife flying would be so angry with the dragon family.

I saw that Dao Feixiang stared at Long Yun, "If my mother is in this place, it is estimated that she will give you a slap."

"Flying, you misunderstood, our Dragon family has never abandoned your family."

Realizing that Dao Feixiang was dissatisfied with herself, Long Yun could n’t help but smile bitterly: “In fact, we returned the gift that your mother gave us, because we knew that her life was not very good, so I did n’t want to let She broke the bill. As for sending him a letter that broke the relationship, it was also forced by pressure. "

"Stress, what kind of pressure can make you give up your sister?"

Dao Feixiang was still dissatisfied and said: "You do n’t need to have a relationship with me, because this time I helped you, but also paid back the old family. From then on, we will become strangers, and the life and death of the Dragon family will not be with me Has nothing to do with it. "

"As long as we know that our Dragon family will have the results today and today, then we will never compromise, and we will definitely fight Xu Baichuan to the end, and we will never give up your family.

Long Yun knew that there was no way to hide this secret, so he introduced it directly.

It turned out that Xu Baichuan had taken a fancy to Longyin and had always wanted to marry Longyin as his wife, and forced the Longs to hand over Longyin several times. At that time, the Long family didn't want to fight Xu Baichuan, so they gave up Long Yin, and Long Jian married Xu Baina, and finally planted the evil results of today.

"This is all you said, and I can't find a witness."

Dao Feixiang snorted without looking at Long Yun, and then looked at Ye Xiaohu said: "Hurry and ask what you want to ask, if there is nothing else, then let's go back to Shenxian Academy."


Seeing that Dao Feixiang didn't want to talk to himself anymore, Long Yun couldn't help but sigh, but he didn't continue to struggle, because he knew that one day, he could smooth this crack, after all, they were relatives.

Just when they stopped communicating, Ye Xiaohu cleared his throat, first asked Dao Feixiang: "I want to know, who taught you the secret technique you performed today?"

"My Master."

Dao Feixiang glanced at Ye Xiaohudao: "I will not pass this secret to an outsider."

"Is your master a big-bellied man?"

Ye Xiaohu said in front of his eyes: "And often has a big beard?"

"No, my master has no beard because he often shaves."

Dao Feixiang recalled and shook his head: "Did you admit the wrong person?"

"Don't have a beard?"

Ye Xiaohu shook his head ~ ~ temporarily put this matter in his heart.

So Ye Xiaohu withdrew his gaze to look at the flying sword, and then looked at Long Yun around him: "Senior Long Yun, I want to ask your ancestor of the Dragon family, is it related to the Dragon Clan in the world?"

"What the **** are you?"

When Naicheng wanted to hear Ye Xiaohu's words, Long Yun couldn't help but take a few steps back, and made a vigilant feeling: "Why do we know that our ancestors are related to the Dragon Clan."

"I really didn't guess wrong."

From the moment of entering the dragon family, Ye Xiaohu felt the decoration of the dragon family, and the layout had some relationship with the dragon family.

However, Ye Xiaohu was not sure at that time. After Ye Xiaohu saw that the Dragon family had mobilized the ancestral array, he suddenly knew that his guess was inseparable.

Because this formation is the exclusive formation of the Dragon Clan, only members of the Dragon Clan can rely on their own blood to lay out and inspire this formation.

Under such circumstances, Ye Xiaohu will invite Dao Feixiang and Long Yun to enter the hut for negotiation after the battle is over.

So after getting the answer he wanted, Ye Xiaohu took a deep breath, looked at Long Yun quietly, and asked seriously: "Senior Long Yun, your ancestor of the Dragon family, where are the four sea dragons, I have Some questions want to ask them. "


Which Chengcheng wanted to face Ye Xiaohu's inquiry, a shocked Dragon Yun, but could not help but smile bitterly: "The place where the Devil Realm and the Immortal Realm shattered was just near our Four Sea Dragon Clan, so our Four Sea Dragon Clan encountered Besieged, and paid a heavy price. The pure dragons of that year were basically lost. Only our **** dragons descended through some secret passages and left the four seas to return to the fairyland continent. "

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