Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1304: : The Power of Heaven

"Oh, it really is a hard goods."

"Huh, but no matter how hard the guy is, once he enters our black-faced law enforcement team, he will cry and beg for mercy."

"Don't talk nonsense with him, get rid of him quickly, and then go back to practice."

"Yes, it's totally worthless to waste too much effort on a newcomer."

Members of the Black Face God Law Enforcement Team glanced at each other and then killed Ye Xiaohu one after the other.

I saw the black sickle in their hands, turned into a terrifying rush, and went towards Ye Xiaohu from all directions.

These sickles are special magic weapons and have certain means of suppressing fairy tools.

The most important thing is that this magic weapon can directly tear the space, kill the enemy on the spot, and have a profound impact on the enemy. It can be described as a magic weapon during battle.

Holding such a magic weapon is basically encountering God to kill God, even if it is cultivated higher than them, it is basically a move to destroy.

"What a weird trick."

Ye Xiaohu stared at the black sickle and couldn't help but said: "I understand that this is the secret method of the old mansion, which is used to capture the ghost of the ghost."

The ancient heaven is destroyed, but many fairy species are left.

The ancient mansion disappeared, and naturally some methods will be left behind.

Obviously, the fairy school once got a part of the inheritance of the prefecture, and using that inheritance, researched the sickle of the black-faced **** law enforcement team.

"Sure enough, there are some means, but relying on this means alone, I can not get rid of Ye Xiaohu."

Ye Xiaohu has seen the real local means, and naturally will not be afraid of the copy of the local means, and it is not a completed copy, but just a fake.

Under such circumstances, Ye Xiaohu took a deep breath and raised his spirit to the top.

He didn't dare to carelessly, because the killing trick in front of him had a secret way of damaging his soul.

If you are not careful, you may start.


I saw Ye Xiaohu wielding the nine-turn dragon chanting gun in his hand, and vigorously urged the Optimus war tactics. After judging the opponent's weakness, he made a move to attack the weakness of the black-faced law enforcement team.


The members of the Black-faced God Law Enforcement Team that rushed to the front obviously did not take Ye Xiaohu's heart into consideration.

Even if Ye Xiaohu fought against the group of heroes and beheaded Yushanjun and others, they still did not care about them.

Because these people, before joining the law enforcement team, were the geniuses who counted among the insiders, but because they knew that their talents were not enough, they were repaired halfway to become the black-faced law enforcement team.

But at the moment of his carelessness, Ye Xiaohu's nine-turn dragon-sword gun had already killed him in front of him.


Without any accident, he pierced his body on the spot.

Immediately after that, Ye Xiaohu kicked a roundabout kick, kicked the opponent on the spot, and then killed the second black-faced god.


The second black-faced player, apparently seeing a teammate who had always been familiar, was actually killed by Ye Xiaohu with a single shot and felt very shocked.

Just when he was shocked, Ye Xiaohu immediately judged the situation and felt that the opportunity was missed, and it was impossible to come again.

So Ye Xiaohu did not pause, and once again killed the second black-faced god.

Bang Bang Bang Bang.

I saw Ye Xiaohu a group of small combo moves, and flew the second black-faced **** on the spot. Although it didn't take a single shot to kill, it also made him fight for a short time.

One after the other, they defeated two members of the Blackfaced Law Enforcement Team, which shocked all the people present.

Because they knew that the Black-faced God Law Enforcement Team had never encountered anything similar since its establishment, which made them difficult to accept.

Just when they were shocked, the other members of the black-faced law enforcement team also eased.

"Damn, how dare you shoot us?"

"It seems that it's no good not to make you look good today."

"Don't keep your hands, let's release the strongest means together."

All members of the Black-faced God know that they must stand up, otherwise they will not be able to mix up when they go out, so they release the strongest kills one by one.

But when they released the must-have, Ye Xiaohu, who started the fierce attack at the beginning, did not attack again. Instead, he used a strange method to avoid the encirclement and suppression of the black-faced god, and released some cold arrows from time to time , And pose a certain threat to those members of the Black Face God.

This lasted for more than ten minutes. The members of the Black Face God Squad did not cause any harm to Ye Xiaohu. This made the surrounding audience and the eyes round, obviously feeling surprised.

"The same is true of the Blackfaced Law Enforcement Team."

I saw Ye Xiaohu shouted, followed by a tactical battle strategy, on the spot to force everyone in front of him, and changed the defensive posture, began a strong counterattack.

Because Ye Xiaohu is already familiar with the fighting postures of the members of the Black Face God Law Enforcement Team and the immortals they have displayed, they will naturally no longer worry about the Black Face God Law Enforcement Team.

At this moment, the black-faced **** law enforcement team is really black.


Seeing this scene, Luo Songyi, the leader of the black-faced law enforcement team, finally couldn't sit still. I saw him snorting and went straight to the front of his team members: "Get out of here ~ ~ Laozi took him down. "

Seeing Luo Songyi's expression, all the members of the black-faced God's law enforcement team turned black.

They knew they were going to be out of luck, and after this task was over, Luo Songyi would definitely be taken back and severely punished.

But they have no way to refute, because Ye Xiaohu is too strong now, and the already powerful mess is simply not something they can overcome.

Just when they were all low and noble, their heads cold, Luo Songyi, who was their leader, stared at Ye Xiaohu Road: "You are very good, you can force me out, but you can only stop here."

"If you don't try it, how do you know?"

Ye Xiaohu took a deep breath because he could perceive the power of terror from Luo Songyi's body. Obviously Luo Songyi is not an ordinary person.

"Since you are not reconciled, then I will let you know how weak you are in the face of absolute strength."

Luo Songyi saw Ye Xiaohu still refused to admit defeat, could not help but sneered, and fully released his aura.

For a time, everyone felt the pressure of terror.

It is a kind of oppression from the Tao, from the sky.


Undoubtedly the power of heaven.

Seeing this scene, Ye Xiaohu couldn't help but bit his teeth.

He knew that once Luo Songyi shot with all his strength, then he definitely had no chance of winning, so Ye Xiaohu took the lead to attack Luo Songyi.

"You have no chance."

Seeing that Ye Xiaohu had to resist, Luo Songyi could not help but snorted, and directly released a fairy-level fairy law, directly trapped Ye Xiaohu in place, and a teleport to Ye Xiaohu, grabbing Ye Xiaohu on the spot, Then turn around and go back to the aisle: "Go, go back to the law enforcement office."

(End of this chapter)

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