Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1307: : Heavenly Prison


The gate of the ancient forbidden place was closed like this, and everything fell into darkness.

Ye Xiaohu, who was thrown out of Guyou, lay quietly on the ground.

Because of his meridians, his immortals ... everything is sealed by Luo Songyi.

Under such circumstances, if you switch to ordinary people, you have already given up.

But Ye Xiaohu didn't give up because he didn't want to die.

Swish swish.

Just when Ye Xiaohu was thinking about how to solve this difficulty, there were wildfires around him.

The ghost fire is blue and strange, giving people a breath of panic.

"Interesting space, when I solve the prohibition in the body, I must probe this place."

Ye Xiaohu withdrew his gaze and ignored those ghost fires.

If you change to someone who is not mature enough, you might be fooled.

But for Ye Xiaohu, who is mature and has experienced countless storms, there is no problem at all.

So Ye Xiaohu let those ghost fires harass his soul.

"What kind of seal formation method is this, why are some familiar and some unfamiliar?"

I saw that Ye Xiaohu kept releasing his own soul, and under the harassment of ghost fire, he explored the prohibition in his body.

Along with his exploration, Ye Xiaohu stared at the prohibitions one by one, and could not help frowning: "From the general situation, this should be a nine-day ten-devil array. But I don't know why, Luo Songyi only arranged four. After the heavens and the earth, there was no arrangement anymore, instead it was replaced by another method of sealing. "

Ye Xiaohu was the first to notice this alternative seal method.

In particular, except for the nine days and ten places to seal the magic array, Ye Xiaohu has never seen the special seal method, so it is impossible to crack the special features of this formation.

"It seems that only one step can be taken."

Ye Xiaohu can't give up, letting the ghost fire infest without doing anything.

So Ye Xiaohu could only bite the bullet and first crack the familiar nine days and ten places to solve the magic array, and then specialize in other formation methods.

Having made up his mind, Ye Xiaohu cracked the formation method a little bit according to what he knew.

Soon the incomplete nine days and ten places sealed the magic array, and Ye Xiaohu cracked it.

As a result, some cracks appeared in the seal Ye Xiaohu's formation.

Through this crack, Ye Xiaohu can control some of the fairy power in the body, which is convenient for Ye Xiaohu's subsequent operations.

"help me."

"Could you take me out, I don't want to be trapped in this place all my life."

"Brother, brother ..."

"Take me away, otherwise you will stay here forever with me."

It was at this time that the ghost fires around turned into handsome men and beautiful women, or used charming techniques, intimidated or lured, or used various methods to trick Ye Xiaohu.

Faced with this situation, Ye Xiaohu could not help but sneered.

I saw that he bit his right hand, opened a small mouth, and released a drop of real blood, and then wiped it gently on the forehead.

At the next moment, Ye Xiaohu released a sky eye above his forehead.

The dazzling beam of light was released by the sky, and it shot at all the handsome men and women around.

The handsome men and beautiful women immediately exclaimed and turned into one after another.

"Every small means, and I want to make Ye Xiaohu sink, is really overwhelming."

Ye Xiaohu snorted coldly, and Sky Eye directly released a terrible laser, as if smashing those ghost fires, so that they could no longer condense.

This trick was the terrible killing that Ye Xiaohu followed Erlang's theological arts, and finally realized it, specifically dealing with these cold lives.

However, this battle also made Ye Xiaohu understand that this place is unusual.

"Before there are no other changes, I must solve the seal in my body as soon as possible and restore all the repairs, so as to avoid other dangers that are difficult to control."

Ye Xiaohu has never been a person who gave up his life and death and gave up.

So in order to control his life and death, Ye Xiaohu knew what he should do.

So he relied on the remaining fairy power and made an isolated formation around him. After making sure that there was no ghost fire to disturb himself, Ye Xiaohu gritted his teeth and studied his formation again.

Through this special study, Ye Xiaohu suddenly sealed his formation in his body, although he looked very strange. But at the core of every seal formation, there are some principles that are the same as the formations I have learned in the past.

After observing again and again, Ye Xiaohu couldn't help but said: "I understand that in the fairyland now, all the foundations are transformed according to the ancient heaven. In this case, the fairy law in this place is good, the seal The technique is not bad, in fact, there are shadows of the ancient heaven ~ ~ That is to say, as long as it can find similar places, it can always be cracked. "

"This seal seems to be the ancient formation of Huang Quan."

"The trace of this seal seems to have some similarities with the previous Yin-Yang seal technique."

"Let me try the five-element seal."

Ye Xiaohu simply filtered it in his brain, and immediately cracked the seal according to his own speculation.

At the beginning, there were still some mistakes.

But with more and more places where Ye Xiaohu was right, it became easier to crack the seal inside.

After about an hour of cracking, Ye Xiaohu finally breathed a sigh of relief. The seal inside the body was completely unlocked, and Ye Xiaohu's fairy power was released from afar.

But it was okay not to release it. As soon as it was released, Ye Xiaohu found that his fairy power, actually not taking control of himself, passed away in a place.

Under such circumstances, Ye Xiaohu's face is slightly ugly, obviously this situation is a bit unusual.

So with such a question, Ye Xiaohu stood up step by step and walked towards the place where he absorbed his immortal energy.

Along the way Ye Xiaohu encountered many ghost fires, but Ye Xiaohu was defeated by Ye Xianhu's tyranny.

After walking for a few days like this, Ye Xiaohu finally came to the end position to absorb the fairy power in his body.

Under such circumstances, Ye Xiaohu carefully looked at everything in front of him, and couldn't help but look a little ugly, and suddenly woke up and said, "No wonder, when the Luo Songyi sent me down, he told me that this was a death penalty. This so-called Guyou, in the Guyou prison of the ancient Tianting period, only some criminals with particularly serious crimes will be ordered by the old Jade Emperor to imprison the word in this place and accept the punishment of heaven and earth. "

(End of this chapter)

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