Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1311: : 10 half threats

That day.

The people of Qilin College stay in the rooms at the inner gate of Shenxian College.

I saw that after they checked in, they asked Zhang Yisheng whether Long Yi sold it, followed some brothers and sisters, and came to the leader's room.

"associate dean."

"Vice dean, you have called us, do you have any orders?"

"Deputy dean, this fairy college, is it really as powerful as your legend? Why have we been here for so long and haven't seen any outstanding talents?"

"That is, to deal with those geniuses who do not need to do anything, you don't need Zhang Baisheng and other brothers to take action. I feel that we can handle it."

Zhang Baisheng and others have not spoken yet, and there are some geniuses of Kirin Academy who are the first to speak and tell their own ideas.

But hearing their thoughts, the dean of the Kirin College sighed slightly.

"The Immortal Academy is definitely not as simple as it seems on the surface. After all, they used to be our No. 1 Academy in Immortal World, and they have some ancient ruins."

I saw Wang Yishan, the deputy dean of Kirin College, shook his head, and then reminded carefully: "At least information from me shows that there are at least ten and a half geniuses in the Immortal Academy at present, which can enter my eyes. "

"Excuse the dean, which ten and a half are they?"

Zhang Baisheng opened his eyes, and then seriously asked: "Please also ask the deputy dean for your express, so that we can make some preparations so that there will be no mistakes when the two houses are discussing."


Wang Yishan, the deputy dean of Qilin Academy, nodded, and then took out a list and handed it to everyone present: "From the information we obtained, the first person in the Shenxian Academy, Shi Mao, that He is extremely crazy and has a lot of power and desire. And long ago, he has reached the level of half-step heavenly immortals and stepped across the boundaries of earth immortals in one step. "


When I heard these two words, some people took a deep breath. Obviously, the news was quite shocking for them.

Even Zhang Baisheng faced such an answer, could not help but laugh bitterly, because he knew he was not Shi Mao's opponent.

I saw Zhang Baisheng glanced back, and then said to a man not far away: "Brother Lu Qianqiu, I'm afraid that Shi Mao will leave it to you."

"Relax, I will lose in my presence."

Lu Qianqiu, who had been silent and without opening, could not help opening his eyes and said quietly after hearing Zhang Baisheng's instructions: "A man who has just stepped into the heavenly level, he must not be my opponent. "

"Okay, it is Brother Lu Qianqiu."

Zhang Baisheng walked over and patted Lu Qianqiu's shoulder heavily to show encouragement.

However, in the face of Zhang Baisheng's suit, Lu Qianqiu shook his head and said: "I am here to win glory for the college, not for you Zhang Baisheng, hum."

After the words fell, Lu Qianqiu, regardless of Zhang Baisheng's mood, closed his eyes directly, as if everything that happened outside had nothing to do with him.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Baisheng couldn't help but shudder, and obviously felt a little uncomfortable.

But who made his cultivation practice far from Lu Qianqiu's opponent?

Under such circumstances, he could only break his teeth and swallow into his stomach.

When Zhang Baisheng was angry, the vice dean Wang Yishan also introduced to the crowd: "In addition to this person, there are nine people including Cui Jie, Yang Xushan, Liu Yiqing, Zhang Chuanqiu, everyone With the power of a half-step fairy, people dare not take it lightly. "

Generally, the inner disciples, that is, the level of earth immortals, only a very few people can cross the chasm and reach the level of heaven.

Under such circumstances, Zhang Baisheng and others asked Cui Jie about their specialties and some secret methods.

After a period of comparison, the people of Kirin students have chosen an opponent, which is regarded as an effort for this challenge.

After they had selected their opponents, Zhang Baisheng opened his mouth again and asked, "Ask the Deputy Dean, if the Immortal Academy only has these geniuses, then it's nothing. After all, our cultivation practices are also no better than theirs. If you repair badly, you can go up against the sky and take them one by one. "

"Don't be careless. When we came to the Immortal Academy, the Immortal Academy, the leader of the Immortal Realm, was also waiting for work and actively preparing to deal with us. For example, that Shi Mao, although from the newspaper, he just completed the breakthrough. We have reason to believe that his cultivation behavior and state are already very stable, and he is waiting for us to send it to his door, and he will lose Jingzhou carelessly. "

Wang Yishan commanded cautiously: "So for safety's sake, I will choose a method ~ ~ Let you use a different model to get rid of the weaker opponents first, and then take a round against Shi Mao, Won this competition in one fell swoop and cultivate our Kirin College into the first college in Xianjie. "

"Yes, we know."

Zhang Baisheng and others responded one after another, and then took the initiative to ask: "But Vice President, what's the matter with the half-person you just said?"

"Are those half people?"

Wang Yishan thought for a moment, then sighed helplessly: "Our information is not very good about this person. Judging from the current clues, he is a newcomer who has just entered the fairy college. But his talent is very It ’s terrible, I just snatched some fairy mountains just after entering the inner gate of the fairy college. And later I got into conflict with Cui Jie and killed Cui Jie ’s fairy mountain alone. Not only did he hurt his people, but also robbed a lot of resources , Making Cui Jie naked and ugly. "

"But this person also has a lot of problems, and his character is very strong. So he finally atoned for what he had done in the past, so he was imprisoned in a terrible prison by the Fairy Academy."

When Wang Yishan recalled here, he couldn't help but sigh: "Because I don't know if Ye Xiaohu can be the only one in that forbidden land, and can reach the point of contending with us, so within the college, he can only be counted as a half threat. . "

Half a threat?

Zhang Baisheng and others silently wrote down Ye Xiaohu's name.

After all, they are true geniuses, and may have some contempt, but they will remember some important things.

Seeing this scene, Wang Yishan couldn't help but say little: "Remember, this time the two houses are wrong, there must be no disappointment. If you lose the victory, then you can cut off your hope of entering the imperial city."

(End of this chapter)

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