Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1314: : Return to one another by one's way


Forbidden entrance.

At the law enforcement office, a group of meat surrounded Luo Songyi.

Under such circumstances, Luo Songyi felt very proud.

"Brother Luo Songyi, you are really great. After only half a year of effort, I broke through a small realm."

"This time Captain Luo Songyi is probably going to be promoted again."

"The position of the head of the Law Enforcement Department in the future must belong to Brother Luo Songyi."

"It's a pity that Brother Luo Songyi gave up his inner disciple's identity early, otherwise Brother Shimao will at least be appointed as deputy dean in the relationship between Brother Luo Songyi and your brother Shi Mao in the future.

Luo Songyi was in a good mood after taking a note.

"Brother Shi Mao is a talent of a dragon, and that is not something I can match with someone."

Luo Songyi laughed loudly, and then looked at the ordinary law enforcement disciples around him with a smug face: "But you can also rest assured that when I become the director in the future, your benefits will be indispensable."

Asked to hear Luo Songyi's words, everyone immediately laughed happily, because they have been complimenting for so long, just waiting for Luo Songyi's words.

It was at this time that I saw one of them with sharp eyes, and then turned back and said: "Liu Binghan, has Ye Xiaohu brought it back?"

"Captain, brought."

I saw the person called Liu Binghan, who directly gave up a position and missed Ye Xiaohu who appeared behind him.

"Luo Songyi has been missing for a long time."

I saw Ye Xiaohu take a step forward, and then smiled at Luo Songyi with a hint of horror: "The hate of the day, I always remember Ye Xiaohu in my heart, and I dare not forget it."

I saw Ye Xiaohu looking at Luo Songyi coldly, and there was an idea of ​​immediately unloading Luo Songyi.

Faced with this situation, Luo Songyi did not immediately refute.

Because from his perspective, he can easily perceive that Ye Xiaohu's state is a little strange and dangerous.

After many years of fighting career, Luo Songyi looked at Ye Xiaohu alertly while looking for dangerous places.

"Shut up, Brother Luo Songyi's name, can you be a sinner?"

Luo Songyi does not speak, does not mean that other people are silent.

I saw a man who admired Luo Songyi and wanted to turn to Luo Songyi and joined the law enforcement department of the black-faced god. He took a step forward with dissatisfaction, came to Ye Xiaohu's side, and slapped his hand to Ye Xiaohudao: "Today I will replace Brother Luo Songyi and give you a hard lesson."


But his slap, before he even touched Ye Xiaohu's cheek, was covered with an invisible gas mask.

"Dare you stop?"

The eager man could not help but look red, and his strength increased a bit.

However, his strength has just increased, and he hasn't waited for his long-awaited breakthrough. As a result, he felt a huge force, coming from Ye Xiaohu's body.

"Do not!"

I saw him exclaim, and quickly retreated towards the back.

But the speed of his retreat is obviously not as fast as that of Ye Xiaohu.

So when he retreated, Ye Xiaohu's counterattack was already like a flood, wrapped him in it, and he repelled heavily.


After falling to the ground, the man with great dedication was shocked by Ye Xiaohu's power on the spot.

After solving the opponent, Ye Xiaohu stretched out his finger and waved his hand just to think of Luo Songyi: "Luo Songyi, if you have the ability, don't hide behind other people and step forward to fight me."

Ye Xiaohu came to Li Wei when he came back. This made other people look at Ye Xiaohu. They didn't dare to do it for a while. After all, Ye Xiaohu's past reputation was quite loud.

"Okay, a good Ye Xiaohu. I didn't expect that the ancient secluded land where no one would enter would not completely abolish you, but let your cultivation progress a lot."

Seeing Ye Xiaohu challenge himself by name, Luo Songyi knew that he could not hide, so he took a deep breath and adjusted his mentality: "Although I don't know, what did you go through and force you to make progress?" So fast. But you are in the ancient secluded land, it is impossible to break the boundary between the earth immortal and the heaven immortal, so now you still can't defeat me. "

"Is it difficult to bridge the celestial gap?"

Ye Xiaohu smiled faintly, and then secretly lucked his fairy law.

At the next moment, an overwhelming aura emerged from Ye Xiaohu's body, and when he realized that Ye Xiaohu's aura, Luo Songyi was shocked on the spot.

Because Ye Xiaohu's cultivation practice was not the earth fairy he considered, or a half-step heaven immortal, but the heaven heaven like him.

Luo Songyi at this moment felt his fiery pain on his cheek.

"I didn't expect that you actually concealed your strength. But within half a year, you stepped into the fairyland from Dixian. I'm afraid your foundation will not be particularly stable?"

Luo Songyi thought that he had seized the way to defeat Ye Xiaohu, so he took a deep breath, carrying his famed fairy, and directly volleyed to Ye Xiaohu, saying: "Today I will let you know, offend me Luo Song How miserable the end of the clothes is. "

"Is that right?"

Ye Xiaohu smiled evilly, and saw that he did not move any more, but instead directly extended his hand to take Luo Songyi's killing blow ~ ~ rampant, you dare to underestimate me? "

Luo Songyi snorted and exerted 200% of his fighting power.

But when his killing trick came to Ye Xiaohu's side, Ye Xiaohu was still seen through the truth. I saw Ye Xiaohu stretched out his hand indifferently, and was directly ranked at the weakness of Luo Songyi's defense. On the spot, he penetrated Luo Songyi's defense and directly grasped Luo Songyi's fairy.

"How can this be?"

When Luo Songyi saw this scene, the whole person became panicked, so he quickly gave up the fairy in his hand and planned to turn around and run, looking for Shi Mao to take revenge for himself.

But his movement is obviously already in Ye Xiaohu's estimation.

So when Luo Songyi turned around, Ye Xiaohu had already caught up with an arrow, and punched Luo Songyi's face.


Luo Songyi had no resistance and was knocked down by Ye Xiaohu on the spot.

Immediately after Ye Xiaohu caught up, in Luo Songyi's frightened eyes, Ye Xiaohu sealed the fairy power in his body, and carried his body directly back to the ancient secluded forbidden area.


Under the struggling look of Luo Songyi, Ye Xiaohu threw Luo Songyi into the ancient sanctuary and arranged a formation to start the formation in the ancient sanctuary.

For a time, there were ghost fires around Luo Songyi, which made Luo Songyi keep crying for help.

But Ye Xiaohu was too lazy to take care of him, and went straight back to the place where he stood, and said to the humane who led him out: "Come on, hand over the spells on you."

Upon hearing Ye Xiaohu's inquiry, several members of the law enforcement team laughed bitterly and turned over their spells.

So Ye Xiaohu satisfactorily took the spell, turned and left the forbidden area, and returned to the 86th Immortal Mountain.

This book comes from

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