"he came."

"This **** **** is really here."

"Damn, Brother Xiaohu didn't come back before, even if he came to be arrogant. Now that Brother Xiaohu is back, they dare to come to the door to provoke them.

When they heard this voice, Long Yi and others clenched their teeth. Obviously, they felt very angry with the people shouting outside.

Needless to say, Ye Xiaohu also knew that the coming person must be related to Zhang Yusheng.

So Ye Xiaohu stood up directly, and simply sorted out his clothes, and then said to Long Yiren: "Go, whether it is a hospitable or a bad guy, since he has come to the door, then we have to go and see , Enter the friendship of the landlord. "

Hearing Ye Xiaohu's words, Liu Qingshui nodded silently, without much thought.

However, Long Yi was very familiar with Ye Xiaohu, so he glanced at Ye Xiaohu's expression and knew that Ye Xiaohu was going to be angry this time. It was estimated that the group of people outside the mountain would be unlucky.

However, the group of people harassed him three or five times, which also made him very angry, so he had no intention of pleading for them at all.

So with the companionship of Long Yi and others, Ye Xiaohu walked out and walked to the entrance of the mountain gate.

"Huh, do you dare to come out at last?"

Standing at the foot of the mountain, Zhang Baisheng suddenly raised his head and glanced at Ye Xiaohu and others who came down.

I saw his eyes quickly glanced over, and finally fell on Long Yi's body and said: "How, can you think about it, are you willing to leave with me and be my mount?"

"Not interested in."

Long Yi snorted, and his face was rather ugly: "I have told you too many times, don't ask me this request again, otherwise don't blame me for being unkind to you."

"It seems that you are not willing to talk about it, but that does not matter, because you will eventually fall into my hands."

Zhang Baisheng did not have any worries, but instead calmly looked at Chong Xiaozi who stood beside him: "Chong Xiaozi Taoist, after I take him down, this fairy mountain is yours. Hope you When the time comes, I can make it up to me. "

"no problem."

Chong Xiaozi nodded and directly agreed to Zhang Baisheng's request. Obviously this was not a big deal for him, and Ye Xiaohu was also disgusted.

But when he spoke, he heard a frightening voice resounding: "Well, a good boy, last time I spared you. I didn't expect you to not only thank Dade, but to follow me everywhere. To be right, it seems that this time it's a big deal for you. "


"Who is speaking?"

Originally thinking that Ye Xiaohu was already difficult to survive, or to survive as a Chong Xiaozi, he suddenly heard a familiar voice, which made him open his eyes and glance at the person opposite him for the first time.

As a result, he found that there was a more familiar person standing behind Long Yi and others.

Ye Xiaohu.

No one can stand there except him.

It might be that Ye Xiaohu was afraid of playing, so when Chong Xiaozi saw Ye Xiaohu, he immediately pulled back a step: "You, how are you still alive?"

"It's just an ancient secluded place, how can I kill Ye Xiaohu's life?"

I saw Ye Xiaohu sneered, then walked towards Chong Xiaozi step by step: "You and I are the same after all, so I give you a chance to choose how to die."

"No, don't kill me, I beg your brother Ye Xiaohu."

Seeing Ye Xiaohu's ruthless expression, Chong Xiaozi knelt on the spot on the spot, lost the handsome and funny posture of the past, and turned into a crying poor worm.

"Chong Xiaozi Daoyou, you stand behind me, I will make the decision for you."

Seeing Chong Xiaozi's expression, Zhang Baisheng was still quite dissatisfied in his heart, and even despised it.

But he also knew that he needed Chong Xiaozi's help for the next thing.

So Zhang Baisheng walked across from Ye Xiaohu and blocked Chong Xiaozi behind him, saying: "Every Ye Xiaohu is gone, there is no big deal."

"Then there is Daoist Zhang Yusheng."

After not seeing Ye Xiaohu's gaze, Chong Xiaozi's heart settled down a little, so he looked back and took a few steps back, trying to open a space with Ye Xiaohu.

At the same time, Ye Xiaohu also withdrew his gaze placed on Chong Xiaozi. He saw that he had a strong look at Zhang Baisheng said: "Are you the Zhang Baisheng of the Kirin Academy?"

"it's me."

Zhang Baisheng smiled slightly: "Ye Xiaohu Daoyou, right?"

"Not bad."

"Since you are the owner of this mountain, then I hope you can look at the cooperation of the two houses and give me the enslaved dragon above your fairy mountain, so that you and I can be regarded as a good relationship. , Or if you need help, you can come to me for help. "

"Will I be in danger in the future? I don't know if I need someone to help, but I know you need someone to help you right away."

Ye Xiaohu snorted ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ directly waved his hand to Zhang Baisheng said: "After you can bear my slap, pretend to fight with Laozi!"

"It's just a slap, I will lend it to you now."

Seeing Ye Xiaohu underestimate him so much, Zhang Baisheng couldn't help but change his complexion, a anger rose from the bottom of his heart.

At the same time, Zhang Baisheng secretly lucked his peerless skills and punched Ye Xiaohu fiercely, trying to give Ye Xiaohu an ugly look between this first move.

However, not long after his bombardment came out, he saw Ye Xiaohu's indifferent slap, secretly containing heaven and reason, far beyond the ordinary earth immortal.

"not good……"

Although Zhang Baisheng is used to being arrogant, he does not mean he is stupid.

So he soon discovered that Ye Xiaohu's killing trick contained a strange power, which made him frightened to evade.

"Want to hide now, don't you feel too late?"

Ye Xiaohu snorted coldly, the strength in his hand increased a little bit, and directly overwhelmed Zhang Baisheng.


Without any accident, Ye Xiaohu directly cracked Zhang Yusheng's defense, and slapped him on the body, stunned Zhang Yusheng on the spot.

Seeing this scene, Ye Xiaohu couldn't help but commanded Long to say: "What are you still doing, hurry up and bind me, and tomorrow I will find someone from the Qilin Academy to ask for compensation."


Hearing Ye Xiaohu's words, Chong Xiaozi couldn't help but look black, he didn't come up in one breath, and almost passed out on the spot.

But Long Yi, who stood opposite him, no matter what Chong Xiaozi was thinking, rushed directly as Ye Xiaohu's command, tied Zhang Baisheng on the spot, and sealed the body of Zhang Baisheng with the immortal method, completely controlled Zhang Baisheng's life and death.

(End of this chapter)

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