Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1331: :chain reaction

"Strange, what the **** is going on, why is my fairy spirit so weak above my fairy mountain."

"Our Xianshan is also, the Xianqi has been weakening recently."

"Since the last Wutong meeting was over, Xianshan is not very normal, and I don't know what happened."

"It's so weird, I always feel something is wrong."

"You said that if you go on like this, follow-up fairy mountains like us will not eventually become an ordinary fairy mountain?"


The disciples of the 100 Immortal Mountain in front of the inner gate all ended their retreats one after another, and walked out of the Immortal Mountain to look at the surrounding Immortal Mountain.

Because they found that their own fairy mountain had no prosperity in the past, but a little more decline.

"No, what do you think about that fairy mountain?"

At this moment, a man pointed at the Eighty-Sixth Immortal Mountain with a look of excitement: "That ’s the Eighty-Sixth Immortal Mountain? Look at him, there is no decline, obviously there are some The mystery we do n’t know. "

Everyone's eyes lit up, so they walked toward the 86th fairy mountain.

"This place is not the same as it used to be?"

"I remember the fairy spirit on the 86th of Xianshan Mountain is not very rich, it should be very thin, right?"

"However, now that the Eighty-sixth Immortal Mountain feels more immortal than my Sixtyth Immortal Mountain."

"Not only your number sixty, but even my number fifty fairy mountain, there is no strong fairy spirit above the number eighty six fairy mountain."

Everyone exchanged a sentence with each other, and then could not help but stopped.

"There are mysteries."

At this time, Liu Qingshui came down from the Xianshan Mountain on the 86th, so a group of inner disciples rushed up frantically, and surrounded Liu Qingshui inside.

Liu Qingshui has also seen a lot of big scenes at the outer gate, but when he was surrounded by a group of inner disciples, he still had some difficulty breathing.

I saw Liu Qingshui with a bitter smile, and then said slightly embarrassedly: "Brothers, I don't know if you come to me, what is the so-called thing?"

"I will ask you, where is the owner of your Xianshan on the 86th."

I saw an inner disciple who had n’t been out for a long time, holding his chest, with a look of disdain: "I remember five years ago, when I was closed, Xianshan on the 86th was a little guy named Chi Mian You Captured, don't know if he is still on the fairy mountain now? "

"he died."

Liu Qingshui froze for a moment, and then said truthfully: "Now the Eighty-sixth Immortal Mountain has already belonged to Brother Xiaohu."

"Who is Little Tiger?"

"A rising star?"

The inner disciple, who had not been out of the border for a long time, was slightly stunned and said: "No matter who is the master, let him come out to meet me quickly."

"Great tone."

Faced with the unreasonable request of this person, Liu Qingshui immediately grimaced: "I don't care who you are, what your status and status used to be. In short, I don't want to run wild on my 86th fairy mountain."

I saw Liu Qingshui take a step back and released a distress signal.

Seeing this scene, the inner disciples who had previously blocked Liu Qingshui couldn't help but stunned. Obviously he never expected that his usual behavior caused such great trouble.

Just when he was dumbfounded, he didn't know what happened and how to deal with it.

I saw an inner disciple who was very familiar with him, and could not help but take a step forward and pulled his sleeves: "Senior Anqing Evening, you may not know the situation in the inner gate just after you left the border. Xianshan on the 16th has something different. "

"I know that this fairy mountain has strong fairy spirits, and there must be some mysteries."

The inner disciple called An Qingwan did not listen to it, but was not satisfied: "We came to this place, not for the purpose of asking, why is this the case of Xianshan on the 86th? So I do n’t understand why you want to Stop me, and so fearful. "

"Senior Anqing Evening, please stop talking."

The disciple who reminded his inner disciple said, "If it was two years ago, then I would definitely not prevent you from doing so. But the situation is not right now, but Ye Xiaohu is sitting on the 86th Immortal Mountain . "

"Ye Xiaohu?"

An Qing puzzled at night: "Is this a new inner disciple again? Why have I never heard of it and I don't know which outer court sent it?"

"Outdoor disciples of the vast city."

Seeing that An Qingwan still didn't care, he reminded his people to continue to add: "Although Brother Ye Xiaohu entered the inner door relatively late, he was very talented. On the first day of coming to the inner door, he won It was Xianshan on the 86th. After returning from a mission, he killed Brother Cui Jie ’s Xianshan. Then he fought Luo Songyi, Wang Yuangu ... "

An Qing didn't care at the beginning, but when he listened a little, he realized Ye Xiaohu's horror.

A newcomer, dare to challenge Cui Jie in just one year, defeat Luo Songyi, Wang Yuangu ...

This shows that this newcomer is not only talented, but also has a very complicated background. He is not an easy person to provoke.

Terby asked him about his servant when he was out of the customs, and learned about what happened in the inner door. It's just that the rise of chatting just a moment left behind what the slave said.

Now when he was mentioned by a friend, he immediately woke up. The whole person was cold and sweaty. He looked at Liu Qingshui's eyes and had a bitter smile.

"I'm sorry for this younger brother, I was not in a good mood just now, so I said something that is not very friendly, and I ask you adults not to remember the little ones, and don't mind it."

An Qingwan was able to mix it in the inner door ~ ~ That's not an ordinary person, so he put aside the things in his mind directly, and then actively begged for mercy: "What do you need if you are a teacher , Although I can pick it up on my eleventh fairy mountain. "

"You are welcome, I will not lack anything."

Seeing the other party actively begging for mercy, Liu Qingshui naturally had no plans to worry about it.

After all, Ye Xiaohu fell into a long-term retreat after obtaining the plane tree. Now, more than half a year has passed, and there is still no sign of regaining consciousness.

So at this time, Liu Qingshui dared not to cause unnecessary trouble outside, otherwise he would not know how to die.


However, while they were talking, a loud roar suddenly appeared on the top of the No. 86 Fairy Hill, followed by the immortal air above the No. 86 Fairy Hill, producing a huge vortex.

(End of this chapter)

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