Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1341: : Challenge the Demon

Bypassing the novice simulation training camp, Ye Xiaohu followed Pan Zhongjiang to the depths of the training camp, a relatively quiet and empty place.

Just arrived at this place, and before waiting for Ye Xiaohu to look around, he saw one tough person after another, coming out of the dark corners around him.

I saw these people are very burly, and have large or small scars on their bodies.

There is no difficulty in removing scars on the body by fairy means.

But this group of people didn't seem to care, no one removed the scars on their bodies.

"Oh, isn't this Xiao Panzi?"

"How come, today has time to challenge the Demon Race?"

"Haha, I remember the last time Xiao Panzi's performance, but it was so bad that I was almost not killed by the Demon Race."

"The people in our barracks have basically passed that level, so you are almost alone."

One by one, five big men and three thick men, walked to Pan Zhongjiang's side and patted Pan Zhongjiang hard.

Although these people's words are more vulgar, there are some sarcasm.

But their actions betrayed their souls.

Obviously they all care about Pan Zhongjiang one by one, hoping that he can get through this level as soon as possible.

Perhaps this is comradeship.

Just when Ye Xiaohu felt emotional, Pan Zhongjiang smiled and said: "Brothers are at ease. It won't take long for me to pass. But this time I came, not to challenge the demons, but to take the orders of the general and take me The guy next to you, experience the battle with the demon. "


Hearing Pan Zhongjiang's words, the people who had originally drank a sip of water, which shows how shocked they were.

I saw them come out one by one, and rotated around Ye Xiaohu, then shook their heads.

"I bet he can hold on for a minute."

"No, I believe he has at most thirty seconds."

"I can't **** my pants, even if I lose."

"What's that, in my opinion, he will be killed."

Obviously Pan Zhongjiang's comrades-in-arms are not optimistic about Ye Xiaohu.

Under such circumstances, Pan Zhongjiang could not help but shook his head and smiled bitterly: "You must not underestimate him, because he is called Ye Xiaohu, not long ago defeated Wang Yuangu, the arrogant son of Qilin College."


Wang Yuangu is the most outstanding genius in Kirin College in a century, and most of the people in this military camp are also from Kirin College, so naturally he knows Ye Xiaohu ’s name.

So they surrounded Ye Xiaohu again, as if they saw something special.

"Step aside."

At this moment, a deafening voice sounded.

Immediately after, Ye Xiaohu saw a mountain-like man, pushed away the five big and three thick soldiers around him, walked across Ye Xiaohu and Pan Zhongjiang and asked, "Are you Ye Yehu?"


Ye Xiaohu noticed from the other party the atmosphere that was second only to the general, which made Ye Xiaohu cautiously say: "What advice do you have?"

Faced with Ye Xiaohu's inquiry, the mountain-like man did not speak, but turned directly and asked Pan Zhongjiang: "Did you tell him the rules of this place?"

"not yet."

Pan Zhongjiang said cautiously: "Because I haven't come to this place, I don't know if he will accept it, so I haven't had time to explain."

"Then let me come!"

The mountain-like man pushed away Pan Zhongjiang in front of him, and then turned to Ye Xiaohu Road: "The simulation training you are about to conduct is much crueler than the training of ordinary newcomers. Because the person you are about to face, it is really one. A real demon. "

"The real demon?"

Ye Xiaohu said in amazement: "Is it not difficult for the Demon Race to be captured?"

"On this world, any species can be captured, but the method is different."

The mountain-like man pouted, and then directed at Ye Xiaohu said: "Although he is a captive, some restraints have been placed on his body, but he still has a strong combat effectiveness. In the past year, our military camp There are many warriors in it, and they were swallowed by his brutal killing because of an inattention. So I hope you understand that if you fail to challenge, an improper operation may be eaten by the other party. "

After introducing the rules, the big mountain-like man opened his big eyes and wanted to see Ye Xiaohu's reaction.

Under such circumstances, Ye Xiaohu naturally did not let him down.

I saw Ye Xiaohu thought briefly: "What rules can I use?"

"There are no rules, you can cast all kinds of immortals, magic weapons, formation methods ... in short, you can defeat him."

"So what if I accidentally killed him?"

"Kill him, that's your skill, not only won't be punished, but will also receive a lot of rewards."

After Ye Xiaohu understood the rules ~ ~ the whole person took a deep breath and said: "I think I know how I should challenge."

"you sure?"

The mountain-like man wondered: "Aren't you afraid of death?"

"fear death."

Ye Xiaohu shook his head and said: "Because I have a lot of things that I haven't investigated clearly, and many tasks have not been completed. But I know that if I want to work hard in this military camp and survive in this battlefield, then I have to pass this One level. If I ca n’t even break through this level, I might as well quit the military camp and find a quiet place to spend the rest of my life. "

"You guys are good."

Seeing Ye Xiaohu's so firm expression, the mountain-like man couldn't help but admire him and said: "I hope you can break through, and I will be able to fight side by side with you at that time."

"Most definitely."

Ye Xiaohu nodded, then withdrew his gaze, only to see him walk a step forward: "Also invite seniors to send me in."

"no problem."

The mountain-like man nodded, followed by a magic trick, and at the same time handed Ye Xiaohu a talisman: "When you enter this space, the space will automatically repair the devil's behavior to be comparable to yours. Level, so that you can understand the power of the Demon Race. However, in order to ensure the safety of your life, so when you are in danger, as long as you activate the amulet on your body, then I can quickly come and rescue you. "

"Thank you."

Ye Xiaohu arched his hands, believing his gratitude.

Immediately after that, Ye Xiaohu took a deep breath and stepped into the mountain-like man's channel that was opened specifically for him.

The next moment Ye Xiaohu's body disappeared in place, and when he appeared again, he had come to the opposite side of the Demon Clan and looked at it.

(End of this chapter)

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