Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1343: : 3 golden bodies

Inside the training room.

Ye Xiaohu did not know the situation outside, nor did he know that the mountain-like man had lost control of the training room.

At this moment Ye Xiaohu, staring at the opposite demon with a serious face.

I saw his brows frowned into Sichuan characters, which shows how nervous and cautious he is now.

"Is this the first round of tests?"

Ye Xiaohu thought everything was under the control of a mountain-like man, so Ye Xiaohu sighed heavily in the face of the changes of the devil's aftermath: "But you want to defeat me like this and scare me back" I ’m afraid it ’s not that easy. "

Ye Xiaohu took a deep breath and threw the amulet into the storage space.

Obviously Ye Xiaohu has made up his mind to show his strength and defeat the enemy in front of him.


Ye Xiaohu constantly adjusts his breathing to get himself to the top.

It was at this time that the evil spirits on the opposite side stretched their hands to touch their bones, and then showed their fierce eyes: "I haven't shown my true body in a long time. I have to say that you let me see the battle. Desire, I hope you can stick to it for a while, let me have some nature of playing, otherwise I will be very unsatisfied if I kill you too early. "

"While you are still breathing, speak as much as you can!"

"If you don't say it now, then after you die, there will be no chance to speak."

Ye Xiaohu quietly ran the earth's golden body tactics, followed by the Qingtian battle tactics, and directly killed the evil spirits on the opposite side.

"What's that trick?"

"It seems that Optimus Warfare."

"Qingtian war recipe, can't no one learn it?"

"But did he learn?"

Everyone was surprised when Ye Xiaohu exhibited the tactical battle strategy.

Because after the destruction of the ancient heaven, in the long history of the fairyland, some people touched, or learned the Qingtian war tactics, but those people eventually failed.

It can be said that Ye Xiaohu was the first man to learn the tactics of Qingtian after the destruction of the ancient heaven.

Under such circumstances, Ye Xiaohu exerted Qingtian war tactics to release the turbulent aura, and fiercely chiseled to the evil spirits. The Demon Clan did not want to die, so his body moved a little. Originally growing in the body, the sturdy and indestructible bones automatically formed a shield and protected his flaws and the place where he was attacked.

Perfect defense, like the picture in the cartoon.

Ye Xiaohu, seeing this scene, couldn't help but take a deep breath: "Do you think you can resist my killing?"

Ye Xiaohu snorted and pierced the ground with a sword.


Ye Xiaohu at the next moment disappeared on the spot.

Seeing the remnants of the Demon Race in this scene, he could not help but be cautious and said: "Does the fairy now have even the fighting heart of the head-on confrontation?"

Just when he wanted to irritate Ye Xiaohu, he felt a tyrannical killing beneath the ground.

After this leaves the Demon Race, Ye Xiaohu is likely to be underground.

So he stomped fiercely, and under his stomping, the originally flat ground turned into sharp soil thorns, except that the place where he stomped was smooth and without any problems.

Seeing the remnants of the same Demon Race, he could not help but sneered: "So this is your killing trick, is it true?"

"Is that so?"

Almost as the remnants of the Mozu spoke, Ye Xiaohu's cold voice resounded again.

But Ye Xiaohu's voice didn't come from under the ground, but instead circulated in the surrounding space, which made the mind and body of the Devil's remaining evil become tense.

Bang Bang Bang Bang.

Ye Xiaohu obviously didn't have the idea of ​​giving him a breathing opportunity, so when Ye Xiaohu's voice didn't fall long, the places that became soil thorns changed again.

I saw the earth shaking, followed by a green seedling, born from the core position of the soil thorn, and grew up quickly with an unstoppable aura.

Almost a blink of an eye, those trees are full of sharp trees.

Swish swish.

Immediately after the growth of these plants was completed, they waved different trunks and attacked towards the remaining evil of the Devil Race.

In this way, Rao is the remaining evil of the Mozu and also feels a headache.

It seems that the killing is not very powerful, but you can't stand them too much, their attacks are frequent and huge, and under their harassment, the spirit of the devil's remaining evil has become complicated and anxious.

"Damn fairy, don't you only have the means to steal chickens and dogs?"

The demon remnants battled against the attack of plants while yelling at Ye Xiaohu Road: "If this is the case, then you can't hurt me at all, and even my defense can't be cracked."

"That might be."

However, listening to the words of the Devil Clan, Ye Xiaohu couldn't help but sneer, and then he appeared across the sky from the opposite side of the Devil Clan: "My hometown has a sentence ~ ~ I feel very reasonable, that is A single spark can start a prairie fire."

A single spark can start a prairie fire?

Everyone was dumbfounded, obviously they didn't know why Ye Xiaohu would say that.

Only the frowns of the Demon Clan clenched, and he saw him feeling around for a while, and suddenly felt a bad feeling, so he growled angrily: "You insidious and cunning human ..."

The evil spirit of Mozu thought of a possibility, so he waved a huge immortal law and wanted to blast all the plants around him into powder.

But while he was acting, he discovered that the original green plant had become a dry tree trunk.

Immediately after standing on the spot, Ye Xiaohu took a breath of fresh fairy gas, and then a hot flame appeared on his body.

After successively displaying the earth body and the blue wood body, Ye Xiaohu exhibited the third flame body.

When the flame golden body and the green wood golden body perfectly cooperate, the surrounding plants instantly give birth to a flame that is overwhelming.

"Do not!"

People watching outside may not realize the horror of this flame.

But the demons in the center surrounded by flames can actually feel that the flames released by Ye Xiaohu are not ordinary.

It is a flame comparable to a phoenix, which can burn everything in the world.

Even if he is the royal family of the demon world, he cannot resist such a horrible flame.

So the Devil Remnants struggled frantically, wanting to resist and avoid being burned by the flame released by Ye Xiaohu.

But it is a pity that his evasion has no meaning at all.

Because this flame is controlled by Ye Xiaohu, under such circumstances, Ye Xiaohu calmly controls the flame and burns it step by step like the Devil Remnant said: "It is over."

(End of this chapter)

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