Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1345: : Physical rejection

Inside the sea of ​​consciousness.

Ye Xiaohu completed the energy body that devoured the mind demon's avatar. When Ye Xiaohu was about to return to his body, he found that no matter how he merged, he could not integrate into his body.

His own body is actually rejecting his own soul.

"How could this be?"

Ye Xiaohu stared at his body and checked his body, but he didn't understand what happened.

I saw Ye Xiaohu reached out and touched his body.

But he can feel his body and release a special energy to block his fingers.

After continuous attempts, Ye Xiaohu tried a little bit.

Soon Ye Xiaohu discovered something surprising, that is, a certain part of Ye Xiaohu's body can be integrated into it, but it is difficult to integrate into more places.

There are some black elements in those places that cannot be integrated into it.

That black element was abruptly the energy within the demons' avatar, but because Ye Xiaohu was anxiously returning to his body, he didn't refine them all in one breath.

After realizing the key to the matter, Ye Xiaohu couldn't help but understand the chest: "No wonder my body, repelling my own soul, turned out to be because of this black energy."

After understanding the crux of the matter, Ye Xiaohu couldn't help but sighed: "It seems that I can only compress him first, and then find a chance to refine it."

Ye Xiaohu's soul frowned slightly, and then released a special energy, and compressed the energy of the Demon Doppelganger into a point.

Immediately after Ye Xiaohu opened his mouth, he swallowed this energy into his body on the spot.

After completing this series of preparations, Ye Xiaohu re-entered his body.

This time Ye Xiaohu's body resolutely had some resistance.

But this resistance is obviously not as strong as it was at the beginning.

So Ye Xiaohu forcibly broke the resistance of the body, re-entered the sea of ​​consciousness, then adapted to his body, and after confirming that there was no problem, he spit out a turbid air: "Fortunately, there is no problem with the physical body, otherwise You can lose money. "



After a try, Ye Xiaohu was finally relieved.

So Ye Xiaohu regained control of his body and walked out of the entrance of the simulation training room.

Fortunately, after Wang Yuanshi arrived here, the simulation training room had been opened, otherwise Ye Xiaohu wanted to go out, and there were really some difficulties.

"Hey, are they all here?"

When Ye Xiaohu went out and found that Wang Yuanshi and others were at the scene, he was surprised and said, "What are you looking at?"

"look at you!"

"Ye Xiaohu, you are a real animal!"

"My God, this is the first time I have seen such a terrible recruit egg, and I once defeated the remnants of the Demon Race and is still a royal family."

"Miracle, you created a miracle."

People who were still laughing at Ye Xiaohu before, now seeing Ye Xiaohu defeating the remaining evil of the Demon Race, they all raised their thumbs up. Obviously Ye Xiaohu's previous performance has already made some big changes in their impression of Ye Xiaohu.

Even Pan Zhongjiang, who brought Ye Xiaohu before, couldn't help raising his finger and said: "Ye Xiaohu, you really didn't disappoint me. It's a genius of the Immortal Academy."

Ye Xiaohu was praised by them. Ye Xiaohu was slightly embarrassed.

At this time, Wang Yuangu couldn't help but think about it, and then came out and said: "My brother lost to you, not because he is too bad, but you are too strong."

"No, Brother Wang Yuangu is also very strong."

Ye Xiaohu shook his head when he heard Wang Yuanshi's words, and said with a serious face: "Especially the defense method of Ancient Brother Wang Yuan has reached the extreme of heaven. But the magic method of Brother Wang Yuangu is not the top magic method. And the combat experience is not rich enough, this is the reason why he gave me nothing. If he can find a superior fairy law, I believe he must be stronger than me. "


Wang Yuangu shook his head, and then said to Ye Xiaohu: "However, your performance is very good today. It seems that the ordinary simulation training room has no meaning for you. So I want to ask you, yes Not interested in taking a new test. "

"Brand new test?"

Ye Xiaohu asked for a moment, "What test are you talking about, General?"


Wang Yuanshi said with a serious face: "Like you said Wang Yuangu, he can't overcome the experienced you without him. The same lack of actual combat, you can't defeat the pure devil remnants. After all, the demon you confronted before The clan royal family is a demon that is bound and controlled by most of its abilities. He ca n’t exert his pure combat power at all. So I hope you can participate in the next actual combat exercise we hold ~ ~ I understand I will work hard. "

Ye Xiaohu frowned, and asked seriously: "How about the exercise?"

"In the previous battle, we captured a large number of Demon Warriors. And according to the previous tradition, we selected some people with low combat power and easy control to make a simulation training room."

Wang Yuanshi waved his fingers around, and then pondered a bit: "But there are still a lot of Devil Remnants, still being imprisoned on an empty planet, and I still don't know how to deal with it. But today your performance, let me Found a new direction. "

"So I plan to let go of the prohibitions on those demon warriors and disperse them everywhere on the planet, and at the same time arrange a large forbidden space above the planet to prevent them from escaping."

"Then arrange for you recruit eggs to live on this planet for thirty days and practice training."

After thinking for a moment, Wang Yuanshi exuded the immature idea in his mind in detail in front of Ye Xiaohu.

After listening to his introduction, Ye Xiaohu thought about it and said: "I can participate, I believe most people will not be afraid. However, I think that this plan has some risks, you need to explain to them in advance, and let them Make your own decision. You must also be prepared for evacuation and rescue to prevent us from falling into the hands of the Devil, revealing some of the secrets in the military camp, or other things. "

"you are right."

Wang Yuanshi nodded in recognition, and then he walked back and forth a few steps before turning back to Ye Xiaohu Road: "So you go down and rest first, I will contact the formation master of the military department, and the fairy forge master, take a look Seeing that they have no way to guarantee your safety. "

(End of this chapter)

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