Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1349: : Dangers and opportunities

"You look at that satellite?"

"When I came to the barracks, I used to stop on that satellite. At that time, that satellite was not like this. How could such a huge change happen in such a short period of time?"

"My God, look at the satellite, which is full of various spells and enchantments. I am afraid that there are masters above the big Luo Jinxian."

"Is that the final training plan for our recruits?"

In a Noda military camp, it is naturally impossible for only a group of fairy academies to come in and guard the frontier.

So in addition to the fairy school, there are dozens of forces large and small, thousands of people entered this barracks. This time, Wang Yuanshi's plan naturally wanted to train all at once to maximize the combat effectiveness of the members.

Under such circumstances, the people of Shenxian Academy glanced at the satellites and came to Ye Xiaohu.

"Brother Ye Xiaohu, what do we do next?"

"Yes! They all seem to have master towns. We only have you, Brother Ye Xiaohu, and we don't know if this is enough."

"We have to think of a holistic strategy, otherwise it would be bad if they were caught by the test during the test."


The people of the Immortal Academy looked at Ye Xiaohu one after another.

Under such circumstances, Ye Xiaohu could only sigh leisurely and then said to them: "I won't protect you in any way in this actual combat. Because this level has a role for your growth and future Very important significance. If you can pass this level, then everything is easy to say. If you ca n’t get through this level, then you will be doing nothing in this military camp. "

"However, when I left the college, I promised Dean Luo Jingxiu to do my best to protect your safety, so ..."

Ye Xiaohu hesitated, and finally took out one thing after another from his own storage space similar to jade.

I saw Ye Xiaohu handed those jade wears to everyone in the fairy academy, and then told them to say: "So before leaving, you will imprint your soul on this jade wear. If something really bad happens in the future , I can also do my best to help you, try to keep the fire of your soul and not let you completely wipe it out. "

Seeing Ye Xiaohu's such a cautious attitude, the people of the Immortal Academy were a little overwhelmed.

Facing this scene, Ye Xiaohu sighed: "I haven't entered the recruiting plan, nor have I confronted the Demon Clan, so if you are afraid, you can quit now, which will definitely guarantee your safety. And I also I ’ll talk to the college, and I ’ll make sure that you can still go back to the beginning after returning to the college. "

This is a multiple-choice question, either embarking on a path of no return or a path of stability, but there is absolutely no line of great potential.

So after evaluating them one by one in their hearts, they saw the students of one of the fairy colleges, and took the lead to stand up and say: "Brother Ye Xiaohu, what's the chance you just said, how likely is it to protect our soul from being destroyed?"

"Thirty percent?"

"Can't it be higher?"


"I understand."

I saw him answering Ye Xiaohu's question. After a brief answer, he finally gritted his teeth and said: "Cultivation into immortals is a matter of violating ancestral training and violating the laws of immortal world. Since we have already reached this step, we are determined I did not give up thinking, so even if there is only a 30% chance, I am willing to fight with Brother Ye Xiaohu. "

"me too."

"And I."

Most of the people in the Immortal Academy, after struggling, chose to accept Ye Xiaohu's proposal, so they dripped blood on the jade Pei brought out by Ye Xiaohu, put their own soul projection, and tried to ensure their own safety.

But some people, after measuring the gains and losses, finally gave up the initial idea and refused to participate in this recruit test.

The matter of being born in the Immortal Academy, within a few other forces, has continued to live for 66 years.

So the lineup of thousands of people, in a blink of an eye, became only five or six hundred people.

But such a number is still very impressive.

Ye Xiaohu and others saw Wang Yuanshi after all the people dripped blood and completed the last protective measures.

I saw Wang Yuanshi accompanied by a group of high-ranking cadres in the barracks and walked across Ye Xiaohu and others step by step. I saw him loudly announcing: "I believe everyone knows that this time the recruits plan has many dangerous . But in the dangerous process, there will be many opportunities and luck. "

"If you are lucky enough to die, then take the head of the devil you have killed and come to the quartermaster in the barracks ~ ~ in exchange for various resources. In addition, you are in that seat On the planet, there is anything you can achieve and gain. It belongs to you. The barracks will not ask you. "

When there is danger, there is opportunity.

All the recruits looked at Wang Yuanshi, and only one of them asked excitedly: "Excuse me, what kind of gain is there on the satellite?"

"I do not know either."

Wang Yuanshi shook his head, and then sighed: "I only know that I arranged people on that planet and arranged some secret treasures in advance. But those secret treasures, compared with your life, are not in the grade. But I want to tell you that there are still some secrets on the planet that we have n’t uncovered, maybe it has something to do with the ancient heavenly court. If you can crack those secrets, maybe you can get a huge receipt indefinite."

Said unintentionally, but the listener is intentional.

I saw Ye Xiaohu looked up, glanced at the opposite satellite, then frowned and thought.

Because in his memory, he has never seen this satellite.

However, since Wang Yuanshi said that it is related to the ancient heaven, there must be some connection, but what is this connection, Ye Xiaohu has not yet wanted to understand.

But as long as he is allowed to board the satellite, I believe that Ye Xiaohu will be able to find the clues he needs from those clues.

Just when Ye Xiaohu was thinking, Wang Yuanshi waved his hand and directly ordered people to open the channel to the satellite, and instructed Ye Xiaohu and others to say: "Okay, all that should be said, and what should not be said. I have finished speaking, you can go to the satellite to experience and treasure hunt according to the previous plan. "

(End of this chapter)

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