Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1367: : It ’s not that easy to die

"It's not a demon."

"My God, they seem to have arrived long ago, but they have been hiding in the dark, waiting for us to crack the battle."

"What the **** is going on, why would they know that we are in this place?"

"One, two, three, four ... is a master of the Demon Race, and one of them is the most arrogant, and actually reached the terrible early Golden Immortal.

Most fairy recruits are Dixian and Tianxian.

As for some top geniuses, it is not easy to come to the barracks, this place on the front line of the battle, because it is easy to die prematurely.

That is not what the major schools and major forces desire.

Therefore, most of the people who came to the barracks are within their respective forces, and basically have reached the apex, and are difficult to make breakthroughs.

Therefore, they hope to hone their calculations through life-and-death battles, so as to improve their competitive level.

Of course, if there is any chance, then it is not impossible to do so.

After all, such examples in the past are not without exception.

But now their life and death fall completely between the hands of the demon masters, making it hard to escape.

"Forget it, since there is no way to escape, then let's fight with them."

"Go on, a hundred years after the big deal, I will wait for the reincarnation and try my best to repair the fairy."

"Yes, fight with them."

Zhang Xufeng and others stopped their calculations, and they knew that the Mozu would not give them enough time for them to figure out the method of contacting the end.

So they let go of their lucky thoughts one by one and looked at the demon anger one by one: "You devil cubs, if you want to kill us today, you have to die a few."

I saw Zhang Xufeng's big hand, and immediately led his fellow disciples to kill the demons.

Seeing this scene, Qiu Baiyue, who had just cracked the formation, couldn't help but say: "Zhang Xufeng, the person you lead you to hold on first, so that we have enough time to arrange the formation defense and block it when the time comes The demon **** strangled all of us. "

The meaning of Qiu Baiyue is very simple, that is, to abandon Zhang Xufeng and others in exchange for more people to survive.

Hearing what he said, most people felt that this was wrong.

But they couldn't think of a solution. They could only helplessly sigh, accepted Qiu Baiyue's proposal, and quickly arranged to defend the formation.


Hearing Qiu Baiyue, Zhang Xufeng knew that he had been abandoned.

But he was abandoned, and he had no choice, because he could never surrender, so he could only stubbornly say: "You can rest assured that I will stay until the last moment and wait for you to complete the formation. But if I It was not until that moment, and I would like to ask you to take the best of my efforts to protect my fellows. "

"Relax, your fellow disciples are my fellow disciples, and I will definitely protect them."

Qiu Baiyue heard Zhang Xufeng's words, in order to stabilize Zhang Xufeng's heart, naturally he would not reject Zhang Xufeng's proposal, but how to do it in the future is his business.

But hearing his response, Zhang Xufeng's inner heart was a little more solid, so he waved his own fairy soldier and killed a recent demon master: "Come on, let me be upright."

"Why bother?"

Facing Zhang Xufeng's stubbornness, the master of the Mozu leader Mo Kebodo smiled lightly: "They abandoned you, why do you still stubbornly help them? If you are willing to turn the gun head now, help us magic If people do things, then we can help you into a broader future. "

"You are a demon, I am a fairy, how can this be compared together?"

Zhang Xufeng insisted on his own opinion: "I know that you are very strong and have reached the early stage of Jinxian. It is far from being a strong man who can compete with the earth immortals and Tianxian. Take me to the top. "

"bring it on!"

Mokopoduo said indifferently: "If you can hurt me, then I can let you go."


"There is no joke."

Hearing the words of Mo Kebo, Zhang Xufeng could not help but shine.

I saw him shielding his breath, and then condensed the strength of his body, and with his peerless sword, he released a terrifying wave of light and attacked Mokopod.

"Good to come."

In the face of Zhang Xufeng's full-strike attack, Mokopod didn't have any fear at all, but instead stretched out his fingers calmly and directly caught Zhang Xufeng's attack.

Immediately after he gently squeezed, Zhang Xufeng's Peerless Immortal Sword was just pinched by Moko Poduo: "It's over, you lose."

"Is this the power of Jinxian?"

Zhang Xufeng smiled bitterly, but originally he only knew that Jinxian was very strong.

But now that he saw Moko Poto's attack with his own eyes, he only knew that a golden fairy would be so arrogant. The fairy said that it can be pinched off, which is simply superhuman.

"But I'm not convinced, I'm not ..."

Zhang Xufeng screamed angrily and continued to kill toward Mokopoduo.

Seeing this scene, people from other immortal academies also exhibited their own unique skills and wanted to help Zhang Xufeng.

However, when their movements, obviously there is no way to catch up with the battle of Mokopodo and others, so they can only sigh.


At this time, Zhang Xufeng was directly punched out by Mo Kebo Duo.

Immediately after, Moko Poduo stirred his hair, then stared at Zhang Xufeng, saying: "I see the fairy law you just cast, it seems to be the magic of the Shenxian Academy. I don't know if you know Ye Xiaohu in your college is now Somewhere, I have something to discuss with him. "

"Brother Ye Xiaohu is retreating."

Zhang Xufeng responded faintly: "Trash like you ~ ~ He will definitely not put you in your eyes."

"Will he put us in my eyes, I don't care if Mokopodo does."

I saw Moko Poduo smiled coldly, then withdrew his eyes on Zhang Xufeng, and said with a smug face: "But I know that if I find him now, then I can definitely defeat and win all of them."

"Come on."

Zhang Xufeng snorted, ready to detonate his fairy core.

"It's not that easy to die."

Moko Poduo would naturally not let Zhang Xufeng wait for death. After seeing him stop Zhang Xufeng, he simply sorted out his clothes and said calmly: "Because I will let you see, Someone told Ye Xiaohu whereabouts to survive. "

(End of this chapter)

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