Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1374: : Infighting

"Fart, I didn't do what you let you do. Who else do you want to see?"

Hearing Morrison ’s words, Jiang Baichuan said with disdain: "I tell you, if you help me to complete the task, then I will promise you something, I will still promise you. But if you do n’t have The way is completed, so you are very welcome, you and those behind you, even your king will be executed by me, absolutely not immune. "

Hearing Jiang Baichuan's words, the masters of the Mozu behind Morrisstone stepped forward one after another.

Seeing this scene, the fairy people around came and frowned.

Just when the war was about to hit, Morrison, who was thinking for a long time, couldn't help but hesitated: "If I can, I also want to complete the task first, and then see our king. But you also know that time is no longer It ’s too short, so we ’re worried about the difficulty of completing the tasks you ’ve explained, so we want to see our king in advance. ”

"On the one hand, we want to say goodbye to him in advance, on the one hand, we also want to ask Wang, a special tracing technique. If I can learn this mystery technique, then I can show superhuman skills, and Find the target person and successfully complete the task you have explained. "

Morrison did not dare to joke about the king's life and death, so he asked Jiang Baichuan cautiously.

Under such circumstances, Jiang Baichuan could not help but frowned, "What do you mean by real?"

"No falsehood."

After hearing Jiang Baichuan's words, Morrison knew that the other party had already made some changes, so he quickly added a sentence: "As long as you can learn the mysteries of the Tao, you can let me find who I am, I can help you find it."

"I promised you this matter."

Jiang Baichuan felt that this secret technique was very useful, so he nodded after thinking for a while: "I will help you contact the ground and let them help you contact your king."

"Thank you so much."

Mollystone thanked Jiang Baichuan excitedly, so in such a situation, Jiang Baichuan immediately contacted the ground directly in a special way.

Soon Jiang Baichuan contacted the same gate in the military camp, and through a special relationship, let the other party hold the magic weapon of the video and present everything in the prison prison to Jiang Baichuan and others.

I saw one after another Mozu prison prison pit walked over, Jiang Baichuan and others saw one Mozu prisoner after another.

When the captives saw the immortal coming in, they immediately made an angry roar, obviously they were very angry.

Seeing this scene, Moristone also felt a little sad in his heart, after all, it was their clan.

Even the demons are hard-hearted, but they can't help worrying when they see the pitiful expressions of the tribes.

Just when he was worried, the fellow who Jiang Baichuan contacted had already visited the entire prison of the Mozu prison, but he still did not see the king captured by the Mozu.

Under such circumstances, Morrison could not help but say: "Before we left, our king had been detained in the last cell, he must be right there."

Hearing Morrison's words, Jiang Baichuan ordered his fellow disciples to go directly to the next cell to ask.

As a result, the man walked over and inquired about the head responsible for the duty. His face could not help changing.

Because the king of the demon has been taken away and became the target of the newcomer's trial, and it was killed not long ago.

"No, this is absolutely impossible."

Hearing this result, Morrison's eyes were red and he couldn't believe it: "We are all alive, our king is stronger than us, how can we die in that place?"

Moriston could hardly accept such a result, so he walked to Jiang Baichuan excitedly and said: "Please also ask you to help me find it, we will definitely find our king, he is absolutely not dead."


Hearing Morrison's pleading, Jiang Baichuan couldn't help but look cold: "Morris Stone, you have to figure out your identity. You are just one of our captives, not qualified to talk to us about the conditions. Not to mention me I have helped you find your king before according to your requirements. But it is a pity that your king is dead, so there is no way to get it back, so I obediently followed my instructions and executed what I explained. Mission, change to another person and go back alive. "

The king is dead?


The meaning of Morrison's survival is to protect the king from returning to the devil.

Because he is Wang's personal guard, he must not let Wang lose anything.

But now that Wang is dead, his goal is over.

Under such circumstances, when he heard Jiang Baichuan and others, he didn't care about his king's expression, and his face gradually became haggard.

I saw him staring at Jiang Baichuan with a crazy expression: "Damn fairy, it's you, all of you stupid bastards, which led our king to die in such a backward, dirty place, So you have to pay enough for the death of our king ~ ~ "

Morrison was completely angry, at this moment he had lost his calm.

He, who was already entangled in the killing, became even more terrifying.


In the face of this scene, Jiang Baichuan walked away and gave him a slap: "Recognize your identity. If you dare to talk nonsense and not perform the tasks I have explained, then I do n’t mind killing you immediately. . "

"Kill me?"

Disregarding his hot cheeks, Morriston said insanely, "I'll pay you back to **** you."

I saw Morrison roar, and the whole person was like a cannonball, rushed directly to save Jiang Baichuan, and ran wildly towards the back.


Morriston directly hit the house where he was stationed, appeared on the square, and then grabbed Jiang Baichuan's chest.

Seeing that Jiang Baichuan was about to die on the spot, I saw a flash of red light flashed over him, and a death symbol flashed on his body, directly replacing Jiang Baichuan's death.

At the next moment, Jiang Baichuan's body appeared in a place hundreds of meters away, and was surrounded by a group of immortals who came from the interrogation. The heart was a little firmer.

"Fairies are all **** who don't talk about credit, they are all a bunch of garbage."

I saw Mosleyton roaring insanely, and the whole person had completely lost his calmness. Then he screamed at them, step by step, and said to them loudly, "What are you doing, give me a direct look, take The **** are all killed. I want them to know these scum, what a heavy price to pay to kill our king. "

(End of this chapter)

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