Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1390: : Successfully mixed in

"how about it?"

"Did they see through our strategy?"

"Shouldn't it, otherwise they would have caught up already?"

"What should we do, let's move on or find a place to hide, otherwise we will wait until those people find our whereabouts and stop us, then it's not good."

After all, they played against those demons, so at this time they want to find Ye Xiaohu and others, it will be relatively easier.

"Relax, they shouldn't be chasing us."

Hearing the concerns of others, Ye Xiaohu, who has been walking in front, said very calmly: "If they really want to chase us, it is estimated that they have already caught up, but now they are not. Obviously they should be the middle class. . "

When refining the magic pill is boring, Ye Xiaohu uses a special method to glue the fragmented magic treasure together.

Although this method can allow the magic treasure to be used again, but it can not be used for too long, and if it is turned into magic energy, or if it is immortal, it will immediately crack.

Just when Ye Xiaohu sighed, suddenly there was a feeling that the heart was split, which made Ye Xiaohu frown: "Sure enough, they have a way to be able to detect the magic treasure. Now they have followed the clues and arranged towards me. 'S suspicion went away. "


Hearing Ye Xiaohu ’s words, Master Hongyun could n’t help but say: “If that is the case, then we can go deeper.”

"Not bad."

Ye Xiaohu nodded, and then said to Master Hongyun: "Although the suspicion I arranged is relatively simple, I believe that at least they can hold back their efforts for two or three days, which is enough for us to look for clues. If two or three days, we cannot If I find a clue, then I advise the master to go back as soon as possible. "

Hearing Ye Xiaohu's words, everyone nodded.

They have tried hard and tried. If there is no result, then it is right to go back for the safety of life.

So they nodded one after another, and Master Hongyun, who faced this scene, also nodded and said, "I understand that if something is impossible, then I will definitely ask everyone to leave early."

"That's good."

Ye Xiaohu did not continue to say anything, so he took the initiative to become an ordinary Demon soldier, followed behind Master Hongyun, and continued to move towards his destination.

Along the way, Ye Xiaohu and others met successively some soldiers and masters of the Mozu.

It was another cross-examination, but Master Hongyun apparently had already used this set well, and every time he used his tongue to flick the masters of the Demon past.

In this way, Ye Xiaohu and his party successfully came to a base camp of the Demon Race.

As a result, just arrived in this base camp, Master Hongyun who has been thinking hard, found a place not far away, there are many Devil and Devil vassals at work, and there is a faint penetration in that place that makes him very depressed feel.

This made Master Hongyun's eyes bright, and then turned back to Ye Xiaohu said: "There may be our goal."

"Is there?"

Ye Xiaohu nodded, because he also felt the place, there was some weird breath, suppressing the fairy in his body.

If that thing is not the goal, then it will be a very dangerous thing.

Just when Ye Xiaohu was thinking, Master Hongyun had desperately walked towards his destination, and Ye Xiaohu who saw this scene could only keep up with him.

So they came to the place where those demons work.

As a result, when they were going to observe, a master demon came over and glanced at Ye Xiaohu and others, and finally set their eyes on Master Hongyun and said, "Which part are you from, what are you doing here?"

"We are subordinates of General Blue's men, and this time he was ordered to perform official duties."

Master Hongyun has been using the identity of General Youlan along the way, so naturally this place will not change.

Under such circumstances, Master Hongyun couldn't help but stare at the front: "Master Youlan heard that the project in front was slightly slower, so he was assigned to join the work process and complete this task as soon as possible."


Hearing Master Hongyun's words, the Demon Master standing opposite Ye Xiaohu and others, could not help giving birth to doubtful eyes.

Under his gaze, the others shook their bodies one after another, and obviously they felt a huge crisis.

At this moment, the Demon Master could not help but withdraw his gaze, and then smiled smugly: "I don't think you should let Youlan help you, but you offended him not long ago, so he I want to delegate you and punish you fiercely. "


Hearing the words of this person, Ye Xiaohu and others could not help but sweat coldly. Obviously this is a master of the Devil, you should know Youlan Demon ~ ~ and you will be very familiar with Youlan Demon, so you will have such emotion .

Just when they thought they were likely to be exposed, they saw the demon master and could not help but withdraw their gaze: "But since you have been dispatched to this place, you can work in peace of mind Come on. When your devil will change his mind, I will send you out. "

"Thank you, sir."

Ye Xiaohu and others, who had been desperate, suddenly became more relaxed after hearing this, and thanked the demon master of the opposite side quickly: "Master, what do you command, then despite telling us, We will definitely complete your assigned task. "

"Okay, since you are so obedient, then go to mine there."

The master of the demon opposite, after thinking for a while, said to Ye Xiaohu and others: "The mining of ore is relatively safe, and those magic stones will not affect the magic energy in your body."

"Thank you, sir."

Ye Xiaohu and others quickly thanked each other and also had a concept in mind.

Those people on the mountain are mining a special kind of magic stone, and those magic stones seem to be the root of everything, except that the magic stones are not mined and can reach such a point, but after processing, they will produce that kind of magic stone. Effect.

After figuring out these clues, Ye Xiaohu and others finally knew what their goal was, so they stared at the distant mines one after another and said with heart: "Adult, if there is nothing else, then we Go by now and join the team that started mining veins. "


The demon master watched Ye Xiaohu and others like a fool, and then waved his sleeves to see Ye Xiaohu and others go away.

(End of this chapter)

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