Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1393: : Critical situation

Zhang Yi was stubborn.

But he knew that he was not opponent of General Yulan at all.

"You will regret this."

Zhang Yi stubbornly pointed at General Blue's cheek. After the atmosphere was angry, he turned around and left the scene.

After he left, General Yulan, whose original face did not change, became very embarrassed.

I saw him turn around and glance at the location of Master Hongyun, then reached out and summoned his heart, and then whispered, "Go to two people and tie him to me."

"General, what do you mean?"

Just now there were some lucky masters of Red Cloud, who suddenly heard the words of Youlan Demon, and could not help but slightly surprised his face. Apparently he had a premonition that the situation was not good.

I saw him stepping back step by step, and at the same time looking for the opportunity to leave: "The subordinate did not make a mistake. I don't know why you want to capture the subordinate?"

"If you didn't make a mistake, then why should you avoid it."

Youlan Demon's complexion became more solemn, but originally he had only some speculation in his heart.

But when he saw Master Hongyun retreating step by step, he knew that a certain guess in his heart seemed to have come true.

So he smiled bitterly and his expression became very solemn: "Although the old man's ability is not very powerful, but my memory is very outstanding, so everyone in my military camp has a mark in my mind. But Unfortunately, I don't have you in my memory. Obviously you are not a person in my barracks. So why do you pretend to be the person in my barracks? It is self-evident. "


Master Hongyun laughed bitterly, and he finally miscalculated this.

After all, they are immortals. If they want to remember, then they can clearly understand the grass and trees in the barracks, one person and one star. There is no way to pretend.

And Master Hongyun did not expect that if he said the name of a magician casually, the other party would appear at the place where he was performing the task this time, and directly hit him by surprise.

"General, I don't know what you are talking about."

Although he said so on the mouth, Master Hongyun's body actually betrayed his inner thoughts.

Almost as soon as he spoke, there was an additional magic weapon in his hand, and he threw it gently towards the front, then turned and ran.

Swish swish.

I saw Master Hongyun's body, quickly flashing around, trying to escape from this place.

"Entering my barbarian general's barracks, do you think you can escape?"

You Lan Mo will laugh out loud, and when he guesses Master Hongyun's identity, he has an idea in his mind.

This idea is not to give credit to Zhang Yizhu, but to take Master Hongyun alone and use Master Hongyun's identity in exchange for greater credit. This is his idea of ​​the Blue Devil, so he is impossible. Let Master Hongyun escape.

I saw You Lan Mo sneered, and the body moved directly to a space, and came to Master Hongyun's side. Master Hongyun itself is an immortal in the logistics department. In terms of personal battle, he is not as good as a veteran who has been fighting in the battlefield all the year round.

Therefore, in the face of Master Hongyun's resistance, Youlan Demon will only use a few small methods to put his clothes into play, making him difficult to resist.

"Strap me."

After conquering Master Hongyun, Youlan Devil directly pinched a finger seal and stamped on Master Red Cloud's body on the spot, sealing his body directly, making Master Red Cloud completely an ordinary person, within a short time Difficult to resist.

Under such circumstances, the Youlan Demon will ask lightly: "In the end, how do you confuse Zhang Yizhu, who is pregnant with magic energy, and is mixed into my barracks?"


Master Hongyun snorted and said with disdain: "I am a fairy, you are a demon, how can I follow your wishes and tell you these secrets?"

"Okay, since you are not willing to say this, then we will change the question."

Youlan Demon will not be angry, only to see him turn around and ask, "Tell me, why do you sneak into my military camp, and what purpose do you sneak into my military camp?"

"It's simple, sneak into your barracks, it's assassination of you, the devil of the Demon Race."

Master Hongyun spit out a spit, and then added another sentence: "Unfortunately, I didn't find a chance to assassinate you, I was caught by your murderous demon."

"If you want to kill me, then you may not be able to do it alone."

You Lan Mo will not believe Master Hongyun's lies, so he stared at Master Red Cloud and said: "Say! Where are your associates and what are you doing?"

"What partner?"

"I came in alone, without any associates."

Master Hongyun, who was trapped in prison, did not have the idea of ​​giving Ye Xiaohu and others, so he responded directly to You Lan Mo General with a cold hum.

Faced with this situation ~ ~ You Lan Mo will sneer: "Do you think you protect them, I can't find them?"

"Come here."

In the panicked expression of Master Hongyun, you saw the blue demon will command him against his confidant: "Send a squad to Lao Tzu and bring this man into our barracks, all the people I contacted bring me over, Lao Tzu wants to review them one by one, and I want to see if there is any gap between them. If there are, then whether they are sure or not, I will kill them all. "

Obtained by the commander of the blue demon, his subordinates immediately laughed evilly, and then turned around to perform their tasks according to the command of the blue demon.

"Devil, you devil."

On the other side, Master Hongyun, who was subdued by Youlan Demon, could not help but look at Youlan Demon with a frightened face: "You know, you can not only hurt our immortals, but also the Devil Race of your Demon Realm. . "

"In order to complete the task, each of our masters in the Demon Race is ready to sacrifice at any time, so I believe they will understand my good intentions."

I saw the Youlan Devil will laugh with pride, and then responded loudly to Master Hongyun: "Not to mention that our Demon Realm has always been a strong man, who is powerful, and who speaks. Therefore, I am the largest in this barracks, then everyone is My efforts, my toys, I can kill whoever I want to kill. "


"Your servant."

At this moment, Master Hongyun finally understood why the intelligence would refer to the Youlan Devil as the Scarlet Devil.

Just when he was frightened and scolded, the Youlan Demon would have returned to his position, quietly closing his eyes and raising his mind, waiting for the final result to come out.

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