Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1395: : 1 day only

Any force is divided into clear levels.

People who work in mines are basically people with low status and inaction.


"What are you still doing?"


Encouraged by Ye Xiaohu, people of unknown origin sprinted away in different directions.

As a result, the confidants of those generals who wanted to catch Ye Xiaohu and others added a lot of difficulties.

Seeing this result, Ye Xiaohu turned away with a faint smile.

Seeing this scene, General Lan Lan's confidante pointed to Ye Xiaohu across the distance: "Did you see that person? Charge me and grab him back."

Although he did not know what Ye Xiaohu was, he could guess that Ye Xiaohu would do so after seeing them, even if it was not their goal, then it was also a very dangerous character, and it would be safer to catch it early.

At his command, demon soldiers rushed across the miners who were beating in front of them, and chased toward Ye Xiaohu step by step.

"Go away."

"Don't stop me, otherwise it will affect me to complete the task, so there is no killing."

"Damn, I'm not here to catch you. I'll give you a way to let me catch you."

"Die to me."

The chaotic miners, no matter what the demon soldiers thought, so they kept fleeing and entangled with the demon soldiers.

Under such circumstances, in order to complete the mission, the Demon soldiers rushed out and launched attacks, and killed the miners in front of them one by one.

Seeing this scene, Ye Xiaohu, who had not gone too far, sneered directly: "It's a murder, this group of **** soldiers, killed our brother, everyone fights with him!"

Ye Xiaohu suddenly appeared, pointing at a miner who was killed, and once again agitated the miner who fled.

The miners who hadn't had time to escape looked back and saw their robe, which was killed by the demon soldiers.

Faced with such a cruel situation, they turned back one by one with red eyes: "If he did his job, since they didn't want us to live, then I wouldn't let them feel better."

So, one after another, the miners who were about to escape, after seeing that there was no drama to escape, turned back and fought against the demon soldiers.

Under such circumstances, the demon soldiers were immediately stopped in place, and there was no way to rush out to hunt down Ye Xiaohu.

Seeing this scene, Ye Xiaohu let out a sigh of relief, and then directly cast a fairy law and disappeared in place.

"Damn, let him run away."

When Ye Xiaohu cast the immortal method, the dark blue demon's confidante immediately released his own demon soul, wanted to use the demon soul to lock Ye Xiaohu's whereabouts, and arrested Ye Xiaohu.

But when he released the Demon Soul, he found that his Demon Soul could not lock Ye Xiaohu, but only stomped the atmosphere and said: "Give Lao Tzu to destroy them all."

Youlan Devil's confidante directly snorted and ordered the Demon Soldiers, and then regardless of how the Demon Soldiers handled them, he turned directly back to Youlan Demon's office.

When he returns, the blue demon will be in the room, shaking with a green liquid while observing the medicine inside.

His confidant, seeing this scene just about to open his mouth, was stopped by the side admiral, beckoning him to wait.

At this time, the Youlan Demon will take the green liquid and walk to the master Red Cloud who is under control: "I will ask you one last time, would you like to say which compatriots you have and where they are, What is the purpose of this? "

"Hugh wants me to speak."

Master Hongyun still gritted his teeth and was ready to die, without any change in his complexion.

Under such circumstances, the Youlan Devil could not help but sigh: "I originally wanted to send someone to catch a fairy to come back to test the drug, but since you are so stubborn, then you are the drug tester. . "


I saw that the Youlan Demon will directly reach out, pull Master Hongyun's mouth open, and pour the green potion into Master Hongyun's mouth.

After completing this series of actions, Youlan Demon will quietly look at Master Hongyun.

Under his attention, Master Hongyun's body burst red, green, and white ... and kept changing, giving people an indescribable feeling.


Suddenly the mighty Master Hongyun suddenly stretched out his arms to grab his neck, and kept rolling on the ground, looking very painful.

Seeing this scene, the Youlan Demon could not help but sighed: "It seems that the medicine is still lacking something, there is no way to be perfect!"

Withdrawing his gaze, the Youlan Demon will walk back to the front hall and say to his confidant: "You are back, how did you complete your task before?"

"General, the last will fail."

The blue devil's confidant said uneasyly: "We searched all the way, and when we reached the fourth mine, we encountered some obstacles and found a suspected target person. But the man's mouth was very powerful, and he encouraged the miners to rebel And successfully escaped with this opportunity ~ ~ But you can rest assured, General, I have arranged for someone to hunt down, I believe there will be the latest news soon. "


After hearing the words from the confidant, the blue demon suddenly changed his face, only to see him angry: "You can't do such a small thing well, so what can you do?"

"Do not……"

At this time, Youlan Demon saw him reaching out his hand and patted his body, so he quickly evaded.

But it is a pity that his movement is not an opponent of the Blue Devils in any way.


With only a single crunch, the Youlan Demon will shoot his confidant directly under the palm of his hand, and then say to the lieutenant around him: "Zhang Yizhu is very serious about this matter, and the spies who want to come to these fairies should be unusual. Since this People ca n’t figure out any clues, so his fellow party is our only chance to make a comeback, so no matter how you deal with it, in short, I have to give me back those fellow parties. "

The Vice Admiral of the Youlan Demon could not help thinking for a moment: "How many days?"

"One day."

You Lan will not hesitate, just say a date: "I can only give you a day, and this is the day I leave now to apply with the coach. If the coach does not give, wait for me The moment you come back is when you are in a different place. "

"The end will understand."

The Vice Admiral of the Blue Demon nodded, and then turned around to leave.

After he left, You Lan Mo will look at Master Hongyun's body again, and then turn around and leave.

(End of this chapter)

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