Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1398: : Half Show Xuan Xian

With Master Hongyun's direction, Ye Xiaohu quickly found the place where the last potion was.

So Ye Xiaohu stretched out his hand, grabbed the herb, and simply sniffed the smell, frowning.

Although the herb leaf tiger is not very familiar, it can feel that there is no special energy in it, and it can't cause any permanent damage to the fairy.

Just when Ye Xiaohu was surprised, a mysterious force fell from the sky, and Ye Xiaohu was locked in place, which surprised Ye Xiaohu and obviously felt shocked because someone discovered his move.

"Sure enough, General Yulan guessed well, you immortals will not give up."

Immediately after the devil's general came slowly from a distance, and landed on the opposite side of Ye Xiaohu: "Now the clover is in my hands at Shamosha. Come here and get it. Right! "

"I think my disguise is good, it is impossible to reveal whereabouts."

Seeing Samosa jump out, Ye Xiaohu's original tension disappeared, and he looked at Samosa calmly and said: "But I'm curious, how did you find me, and know that I'm looking for Jiuye Grass? "

"General Youlan has already judged your destination for this trip, so I specifically let me wait for you here."

Shamersha laughed and smugly said: "As for the nine-leaf clover, I just decided to replace it temporarily."

Man is not as good as heaven, everything is fate!

Seeing Samusa's expression, Ye Xiaohu could not help but sigh, and then said to Samosa: "I need nine-leaf clover, so as long as you give me nine-leaf clover, then I will leave immediately, or don't blame me you."

Samosa did not directly respond to Ye Xiaohu, but walked to a place not far away, and placed the nine-leaf clover in a container at the same time: "The real nine-leaf clover is in this place. If you have the ability, come over and take him. Let's go. "

"Since this is the case, don't blame me for being rude."

Ye Xiaohu snorted coldly, directly waving the Jiuyou Fengfeng sword, and rushed towards Shamersha.

In order to avoid nights and dreams, and let more people find their whereabouts, Ye Xiaohu intends to make a quick decision and solve this battle directly.

So as soon as Ye Xiaohu came up, he used Shang Laozi's own strongest soldier, and spurred Samosa with a sword.


However, when Ye Xiaohu's attack was about to kill General Samosa, a strong defensive border was born on Samosa's body, blocking Ye Xiaohu's terrible move.

"No wonder, you can sneak in smoothly. It turns out that you are a great genius. At such a young age, you have the level of cultivation of the Da Luo Jin Xian. It really makes me look at it."

Shamosha blocked Ye Xiaohu's killing trick, and the whole person became heavy. Obviously Ye Xiaohu's strength gave him some eyebrows. I saw him take a deep breath and put away the initial carelessness, his expression became serious. It came: "If I am not mistaken, the weapon in your hands is at least the Fifth Grade Sword?"

"You were originally a dead person, so even if you guessed the level of fairy spirit in my hand, then it's no big deal."

Ye Xiaohu took a deep breath and continued to attack towards a Samossa: "Today I will kill you."

"I'm afraid it's not that easy to kill me."

Shamersha smiled coldly: "Don't think that only you, the fairy world, have some forge masters that can forge all kinds of fairy tools. But there are also some masters in our demon world, which can also forge super powerful magic treasures."

Although the armor on Samosa did not have the domineering sword of the dragon in the hands of Ye Xiaohu, it also reached the point of a fourth-level magic weapon, which could resist Ye Xiaohu's attack in a short time.

Under such circumstances, Shamersha directly condensed a portion of the magical energy in her body, and then pointed at Ye Xiaohu: "Since you have attacked me all at once, it is my turn to fight back now."

Shamersha grinned, and then did not know where to summon a **** giant axe.


I saw Samsa carrying his **** giant axe and rushed towards Ye Xiaohu directly, and an axe slashed toward Ye Xiaohu, saying: "The World Axe."

The blood of horror, which can press the space into his power, contains electro-optical energy and energy, and swiftly chiseled towards Ye Xiaohu.

Under such circumstances, Ye Xiaohu felt that his body had been split in half and stretched and smashed. This shows how powerful the World Axe is.

"Okay, a great axe."

Ye Xiaohu lowered his heart. He knew that this was the first enemy he encountered in his life. If one was not careful, he might die at any time.

Under such circumstances, Ye Xiaohu held his breath and devoted himself to the battle, while silently clenching the Jiulong Youdao in his hand: "Let us see if it is your axe or my hand. The sword is powerful. "

Ye Xiaohu snorted ~ ~ At the same time, he exhibited the tactics of Qingtian, and he slashed to Samosa one after another.

Bang Bang Bang Bang.

The two sides collided together, making a deafening sound, accompanied by a horrible sound, Ye Xiaohu collided with Samosa for hundreds of rounds in a row.

But for a while, it was difficult for both parties to submit to each other.

However, through a series of battles, Ye Xiaohu gradually discovered the loopholes in Samosa.

Opening and closing, but lacking sufficient defense.

This was Ye Xiaohu ’s chance, so Ye Xiaohu settled down, and the whole person became extremely dignified, and in conjunction with the Jiulong Youfeng sword in his hand, he swam around Shamosha at a super fast speed, and the continuous harassment of Shamosha ’s attack .

"The ants are going to die."

Facing Ye Xiaohu's harassment, Shamersha felt very uncomfortable, so he hacked the giant axe in his hand in one direction, trying to stop Ye Xiaohu's direction in advance.

"This is the time."

Ye Chenghu observed Ye Xiaohu's every move, and Ye Xiaohu burst into a scream, and his body suddenly accelerated at least twice as fast.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Xiaohu, holding the Jiulong Youfeng sword, killed Shamosha's side at a very fast speed, and stabbed Shamosha's heart nest with a sword.

Just when Ye Xiaohu thought the outcome was fixed, he found that there was no change in Samosa ’s body, but instead released a mysterious and mysterious atmosphere, which made Ye Xiaohu, who was originally full of joy, sigh. Suddenly, he asked cautiously: "You are actually a half-step Xuanxian master, no wonder you will give up your defense and choose to attack with all your strength."

(End of this chapter)

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