Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1405: : Resurgence

Fairy Academy.

Ye Xiaohu and others returned to the mission hall immediately.

Because of this border mission, everyone has made a lot of contributions, so one by one came to the mission hall with anticipation.

Under such circumstances, everyone is very much looking forward to waiting to verify their tasks and contributions in order to redeem their own things.

"This time we performed the task relatively successfully, and I believe it will definitely be able to exchange many things in a while."

"I have many things I want to exchange, and I don't know how many can be exchanged this time."

"Unfortunately, when I was performing my mission this time, my body encountered injuries, and I am afraid that my contributions are not as good as those of you."

"Don't worry, this is nothing, we can fight for it in the future."

Just when you compliment me and I comfort you.

Another group of people came in from the outside, and as soon as the group came in, they immediately gave people an indescribable aura.

Tough and arrogant.

I saw the men headed by this group of people, proudly facing Ye Xiaohu and other people, saying: "The people in front of me, let me off, don't disturb the handover task.

Ye Xiaohu didn't move, but the person standing next to Ye Xiaohu pulled the sleeve of Ye Xiaohu, which made Ye Xiaohu have to look back.

The result printed in Ye Xiaohu's drill was a man with a nostril.

Ye Xiaohu did not know him, but the person standing next to Ye Xiaohu knew this man with nostrils.

"Ye Xiaohu, senior, this is Nanjunshan senior."

"Senior Nan Junshan, this is Senior Ye Xiaohu. Haven't you seen it yet?"

Ye Xiaohu nodded, knowing each other.

But Ye Xiaohu did not give up on this, because for Ye Xiaohu, no one can stop him from handing over the task.

Originally there were some proud Nanjun Mountain, who originally thought that the people in front would make way for themselves after hearing their own names.

In this way his vanity was satisfied, then he left.

But he never imagined that Ye Xiaohu didn't give way to him, and he didn't even look at him.

This made Nan Junshan very dissatisfied, only to see him sneer: "Shi Mao's mixed ball, how did he manage Neimen College? Actually let the new-generation Neimen College see the reserved students of our colleges, none Stepped forward to greet. "

There are only two internal and external students in Shenxian Academy.

But when your practice is beyond the inner door, there are also two options.

One of the options is to leave the Immortal Academy and go through the rivers and lakes, or to recommend you to go to a certain force to continue your studies through the channel of the Immortal Academy, or to surrender to a certain force.

Of course, there is another option, that is, choose to retain your status and identity and continue to practice within the Immortal Academy.

The talents of such people may not be the best, but they are not particularly bad.

Therefore, Shenxian Academy intends to train them to become the inner mentor of the college, or the elders of the Shenxian Academy, as the core members of the protection and growth of the Shenxian Academy.

Hearing that Nan Junshan reported himself, Ye Xiaohu immediately knew why he was so arrogant.

Because in a sense, this person has exceeded the scope of students, and reached the qualification of a tutor or elder.

"Shi Mao is not qualified to teach me."

Ye Xiaohu didn't want to have a conflict with him, so Ye Xiaohu responded coldly: "Not to mention doing anything, always pay attention to the first come first. Since I Ye Xiaohu is in front of you, then naturally let me Ye Xiaohu Turn in the task and wait for my turn before you come forward. "

"Okay, a good bastard."

Seeing Ye Xiaohu didn't give in, he refused positively, which left Nan Junshan very faceless. I saw him sneer: "I finally gave you a chance, you immediately kneel down and apologize, then I might Can forgive your rudeness just now, otherwise don't blame me for being merciless. "

"Why, I don't want to give you a position, do you want to start?"

Ye Xiaohu frowned, and honestly he really didn't want to clash with anyone.

But if someone comes to him for trouble, Ye Xiaohu will not be afraid of any troubles and conflicts. Ye Xiaohu takes a deep breath and says, "If that is the case, then I am Ye Xiaohu. Your great trick. "

"Since you want to die, then I will fulfill you."

Disregarding the eyes of the people around him, Nan Junshan directed an angry punch to Ye Xiaohu, wanting to give Ye Xiaohu a dismounted power first, so that Ye Xiaohu would know his strength.

Under such circumstances, Ye Xiaohu did not think much.

After all, the other party is a reserved student and will soon become the genius of the elders of the Immortal Academy.

So in the face of such a situation, Ye Xiaohu directly punched out unreservedly, wanting to stop the attack on the counter-attack ~ ~.

But the result surprised Ye Xiaohu, because the other party's attack was like paper. He was smashed by Ye Xiaohu's iron boxing on the spot, and hit Huanglong straight, hitting the core of Nanjun Mountain on the spot.


There was no accident in Nanjun Mountain. Ye Xianhu shattered the fairy core on the spot, and the cultivation practice was directly abolished.


Seeing such a result, Ye Xiaohu could not help but glance at his fist and said in disbelief: "I rubbed it, why is he so weak, that I can't even catch a punch?"

Hearing Ye Xiaohu's words, those who had followed Ye Xiaohu's battle in the frontier rolled their eyes.

Only by fighting side by side with Ye Xiaohu can we understand Ye Xiaohu's power.

This is a strong man who has surpassed the ordinary people and reached a very terrifying state. The ordinary people simply cannot fight him.

Although Nanjun Mountain is already a good genius, in front of Ye Xiaohu, it is still not enough to look at.

Just when they were filled with emotion, the people who always stood beside Nanjun Mountain, seeing Nanjun Mountain's painful expression, could not help but rushed over in fright, helped Nanjun Mountain up, and took a medicine for Nanjun Mountain.

When he made sure that Nanjun Mountain ’s injury would not continue to deteriorate, he took a deep breath and then looked at Ye Xiaohu coldly: "The boy named Ye, no matter what your identity is, what kind of talent you have, but Today, you injured Brother Nan Junshan, and then there will be no place for you in the Immortal Academy. Let ’s go. "

After the fellow party in Nanjun Mountain stared at Ye Xiaohu's ruthless words, no matter what Ye Xiaohu thought, he held Nanjun Mountain directly, quickly left the mission hall, and went straight to the back mountain of the center of the Immortal Academy. The elders and the dean retreat.

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