Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1434: : Easy to kill


"You are looking for death."

"Hugh wants to run away."

Zhao Wudi and others screamed and wanted to use their means to stop the iron fist.

But their response is obviously not as fast as Iron Fist.

After all, one is passive and the other is actively escaping.

So soon the iron fist went through the crowd, and successfully returned to the entrance of the cave, and then spit out a turbid air: "A group of shrimp soldiers and crabs, except for Zhao Wudi, will not be put in the eyes of Laozi . Even if it is Zhao Invincible, after Lao Tzu devours the Taoist fruit, after the cultivation and improvement of the realm, it is easy to clean up him. "

In the face of great temptation, some people always choose to take risks and take the risk.

But he did not know that when he talked, there was always someone who stared at him secretly.

This person is Ye Xiaohu.

Ye Xiaohu originally wanted to go to Zhao Wudi and others to kill Jiao Huang, but when he rushed to the scene, he heard the conversation between Zhao Wudi and Tiequan Baili, which made him realize that this was an opportunity.

So Ye Xiaohu gave up his plan to help Zhao Wudi, but followed the iron fist to the position of the hole.

When Ye Xiaohu heard the words of Tie Quan Baili, he could not help but sigh with emotion: "You are right, if you let him refine those Taoist fruits, it can indeed reach such a point. But unfortunately, your luck is not enough , So there is no chance to refine those Taoist fruits. "

Wu Dao Guo is also divided into three, six, nine, etc. Wu Dao Guo in the hands of Tekken Baili is far better than Ye Daohu's Wu Dao Guo taking on the earth.

Therefore, Ye Xiaohu's enlightenment on Taoism is also inevitable.

"who is it?"

Suddenly heard a strange voice, Tekken couldn't help but was shocked, so he quickly turned around and looked around, he couldn't help but stunned: "It's you Ye Xiaohu."

"Yes, it's me."

Ye Xiaohu nodded his head lightly, and then said to the iron fist: "Since I know it is me, then obediently hand over the Taoist fruit."

"If you want me to deliver the Taoist fruit, you are really delusional."

Tiequan Baili anxiously left, because Zhao Wudi and others could get rid of Jiaohuang at any time and pursue this place.

Under such circumstances, when Tiequan Baili was talking, he couldn't help but turn around directly, and punched into Ye Xiaohu's face: "Don't think that if you hit a few punches with Lanling Mountain, you think you are invincible. Today I will hit you with a punch. "


"Always pretentious here, actually don't know the world at all, there are too many unknown and terrifying forces."

If it was one day ago, when there was no refining lotus seeds, Ye Xiaohu would indeed be afraid of three points.

But now Ye Xiaohu is not afraid of iron fist.

I saw Ye Xiaohu took a deep breath, and then stared at Iron Fist for a hundred miles: "Since you are eager to die, then I will fulfill you."

Iron Fist seeks quick battle, and Ye Xiaohu naturally pursues quick battle.

After all, if Zhao Wudi and others chase them, there will always be some unnecessary trouble.

Ye Xiaohu is not afraid of Zhao Invincible, but he is afraid of trouble.

So Ye Xiaohu drew the big sword, and then pointed at the iron fist a hundred miles: "You are the first to see me promoted, with one sword, so I hope you can feel the last moment of life."

Optimus war tactics.

At the moment when the big sword was drawn, Ye Xiaohu calmed down, directly struck the sword, and greeted the iron fist with a super fast speed.

"Different tactical battle strategy, how is my opponent of iron fist hundred miles?"

Tekken Baili had some worries at first, worrying that he would be dragged down by Ye Xiaohu.

But when he saw Ye Xiaohu's killing tricks, the whole person became relaxed. Because he knows the Optimus war tactics, it is a difficult and incomplete tactic.

So he didn't fear this method at all, so he smugly followed the way of the past, still punching Ye Xiaohu with a punch.


Facing the move of Iron Fist Baili, Ye Xiaohu dismissed his mouth contemptuously, and the big sword in his hand was still stabting it quickly.


No accidents, everything was within Ye Xiaohu's expectations, but beyond the expectation of Iron Fist.


I saw Ye Xiaohu's big sword, directly crossed a scare, and finally penetrated the fist of the iron fist, hitting his heart directly.

"How can this be?"

Seeing his chest penetrated, Tekken could n’t help but show a horrified expression, and looked incredulously at the big treasure sword that was inserted on his chest: "Why is your Optimus warfare so different and has such terrible kill force?"

"Because I am practicing the full version of Optimus Warfare."

After Ye Xiaohu responded in a whisper, the big sword in his hand shook slightly ~ ~ A terrifying force immediately dispersed around.

Bang Bang Bang Bang.

Tekken has a hundred colors, and then his eyes lose their look, followed by a brutal force attack in his body, and finally burst directly.

One of the top ten newcomers of Helanzong ’s genius, Iron Fist Baili, died inexplicably in the hands of Ye Xiaohu, so I have to say it ’s sad.

But Ye Xiaohu had no time to pity him, because Ye Xiaohu knew that the fighting power in the cave had reached the last moment.

So Ye Xiaohu hurried to the place where Iron Fist Baili exploded, and collected the magic weapon of Iron Fist Baili.

Immediately afterwards, the flame gold body was released, and the surrounding blood was burned away.

It was only after Ye Xiaohu was sure that there were no problems that he breathed a sigh of relief, and the whole person was much easier.

At this moment, Ye Xiaohu's ears jittered, and then he heard a burst of sound, followed by a familiar figure, who appeared beside Ye Xiaohu.

"Brother Zhao."

No need to look carefully, Ye Xiaohu knows who is coming, so Ye Xiaohu calmly greeted: "How did you come out?"

"The battle inside is over."

Zhao Wudi glanced around and determined that there was no trace of Iron Fist, he could not help but sigh: "Why are you in the hole?"

"Oh, I acted by myself, so after discovering some fortunes, I left the cave."

Ye Xiaohu thought for a while and directly fabricated a reason: "After all, the Jiaohuang inside is very powerful, that is not something I can compete with."

"You are smart and know what you can do."

Zhao Wudi glanced at Ye Xiaohu with admiration, but he still didn't let Ye Xiaohu pass. He saw his eyes turned to Ye Xiaohu and asked, "Oh, did you just see who came out from inside?"

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