Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1565: : Guyueshan

"Haha, after two or three years of tossing and finally accomplishing this task."

"Damn, the task now is too difficult to complete. I almost didn't die on the way to perform the task."

"Me too, but fortunately it has come through, this time I can definitely redeem a lot of Zongmen contributions."

"After this redemption introduction, I plan not to accept the task, prepare for the final training, impact the big test of the outer door, and prepare to enter the inner door."

"Inner door! For me, that has become an extravagant hope."


I saw a group of people whispering forward, and soon came to the Hall of Contribution of Heranzong.

When they rushed to this place, they immediately saw many people gather at the entrance of the Contribution Hall and hand over the task.

Seeing this scene, a group of people who suddenly returned could not help but spit out a voice, and there were too many people handing over the task.

But they can also understand that after all, Heranzong is a big sect, and it is time for her outside entrance exam.

"How to do?"

"Continue to line up at this place?"

"That's a waste of time. I still have to visit some seniors."

"Relax, there is me here."

In the group of four, an older man sorted out his clothes.

I saw him walking towards a team of least people and strangers.


I saw him lightly patting the man standing in front of him. The man was very dissatisfied, but when he turned around and saw the man who patted his shoulder, he immediately became terrified and said: "Gu Yueshan Brother, when did you come back? "


Gu Yueshan glanced at him, and then proudly said, "Let me give up, Lao Tzu must hand in the task first, and I will visit Brother Gu Jinbo later."

"Yes, I'll let it go."

The man who was patted on the shoulder quickly walked towards the back, giving his place to Gu Yueshan and others.

Seeing that this trick worked, others cast an admiring look towards Guyue Mountain.

Under such circumstances, Gu Yueshan continued to use such routines and walked forward step by step.

"Brother Gu Yueshan, please first."

"Brother Gu Yueshan, we may not meet for some days, and we will find an opportunity to gather in the future."

"Brother Gu Yueshan has made a lot of progress in your cultivation. I believe that this time your ranking will be improved a lot."

"Brother Gu Yueshan, can I visit you later and discuss with you the way of cultivation?"

All those who gave way, bowed their heads and flattered.

Under such circumstances, Gu Yueshan walked forward while responding.

Soon came to the third position, only two people left in front of him.

Among them, the first person is already handing over the task. As long as Gu Yueshan takes another step forward, then the next person to hand over the task is his Gu Yueshan.

So Gu Yueshan used the old method again and gently patted the humane in front of him: "Let me give up."

However, the people in front stood still and stood quietly: "I was in a long queue for more than an hour before I arrived at this position, so I can't let you."

Obviously, there is no way to escape the conversation and fluctuations behind.

Therefore, the people in front naturally know the existence of Guyue Mountain.

"Interesting, dare not give me the face of Gu Yueshan."

Gu Yueshan had already swelled at this moment, after all, he was so smooth all the way, and even many people took the initiative to give way.

But now I have encountered obstacles, and I knowingly committed a crime, deliberately provoking myself.

This made Gu Yueshan take the initiative to walk over, and seriously looked at the humanity that was in front of him: "Interesting, boy, are you new here?"

"Not bad."

Ye Xiaohu thought for a while. Although he has been joining Helanzong for some time, after all, a new batch of outside disciples did not come, so he is still a newcomer.

In such a situation, Ye Xiaohu directly stepped forward: "Give up, it's my turn to hand over the task."

At this moment, the person standing in front of Ye Xiaohu had already completed the task and left with a fearful expression.

Seeing this scene, Ye Xiaohu naturally wanted to take a step forward and directly hand over the task.

"I said I won't let you hand over the task, then I won't let you hand over the task."


I saw Gu Yueshan's arrogant punch on the counter. Seeing such actions of Gu Yueshan, the outside deacon responsible for registration did not dare to offend Gu Yueshan for a time, so he chose to shut up. Wait for things to develop.

Under such circumstances, Gu Yueshan proudly said: "Boy, if you don't kneel and apologize to me today, I will make you never be able to hand over the task."

Ye Xiaohu buckled his ears, then stared at Gu Yueshan said: "Are you talking about it once?"

"What happened to me again?"

Facing Ye Xiaohu's disdain ~ ~ Gu Yueshan snorted coldly, opened his sleeves, and was ready to do a fight against Ye Xiaohu.

At this moment, an old man standing in line next door, after glancing at Ye Xiaohu and Gu Yueshan, could not help but feel slightly surprised.

So he quickly went over and said to Gu Yueshan's ear: "He is the first newcomer Ye Xiaohu, who has beaten Liang Yishan, but the most arrogant guy in the outside door recently.

"So you are Ye Xiaohu."

Gu Yueshan was originally still curious, who was standing in front of him without knowing who was going back and forth, but when he was introduced by others, he suddenly realized.

I saw Gu Yueshan snorted, and then said to Ye Xiaohu: "It's your kid. I made so many unfriendly gestures against our crown princes a while ago, and defeated Liang Yishan's waste. But you think, only If so, can you show off your power in front of Lao Tzu? "

"You're so much nonsense."

Facing the aggressiveness of Guyue Mountain, Ye Xiaohu couldn't help but spit out: "If you don't agree, you will come up and do a fight, and I will send you to the West Heaven. Otherwise, hurry up and let Lao Tzu get rid of it. Take over the task. "

"Okay, a arrogant newcomer. If you want to challenge me so much, then I will accomplish you."

I saw Gu Yueshan's big hand, and directly let the companions around him open a space for him to create a place where he could fight.

Immediately after Gu Yueshan exhibited a set of immortal methods of forging body, and then stared at Ye Xiaohu Dao: "It seems that I have not returned from Gu Yue Mountain for a while, and the people inside the outer door have forgotten Lao Tzu. The means of the past can just kill you Li Liwei today and tell others that Laozi Guyueshan is back. "

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