Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1568: : Half a month

The prince's dog legs, after landing on the ground, still want to continue to provoke Li Xianfeng.

As a result, he found that there was an outside disciple watching him, which made his face dull.

So he didn't dare to stay in this place to be ashamed, so he snorted directly and glared at Ye Xiaohu again, as if telling Ye Xiaohu, don't tell the story, otherwise the consequences will be the same.

Immediately after he slipped away, he disappeared directly into Ye Xiaohu's sight.

Seeing this scene, Ye Xiaohu shook his head, crying and laughing.

"Master, long time no see."

I saw Ye Xiaohu walked into the room, and first went on a courtesy with Li Xian, and then said: "What's the matter with the tease you just punched?"

"The waste elders of the inner door."

Hearing Ye Xiaohu's words, Li Xianfeng ridiculed and said: "This is not my brother who wants to abdicate and let the virtue, so I want to cultivate a suitable partner for the prince as soon as possible, or supporters, so he fancy Got me and let the prince no matter what method he used, he would pull me into his warship. And the waste that I just beat was a prince's leg, and he came to surrender me on behalf of the prince, but his mouth was too It smells so I just could n’t help but hit him directly. "

"Old patriarch, will you retreat so soon?"

Ye Xiaohu frowned: "So Master, how is your old man preparing?"

"It's almost there."

Li Xianfeng smiled bitterly: "This is what happens with chance. As long as you are close, you can't break through. As long as you don't break through, you will always have a slight gap with him. There is no way to replace it."

Ye Xiaohu understood Li Xianfeng's thoughts, so Ye Xiaohu said to Li Xianfeng: "Master, the opportunity is not a thing of his own, so Tuer still advises Master to go out and walk, maybe he will break through."


Hearing Ye Xiaohu's words, Li Xianfeng said slightly: "After waiting for a while, I really have to go out and take a look at my old friends."

I saw that Li Xianfeng was sighed for a while and then said to Ye Xiaohu: "Oh, how is your trip to Longzhou this time, is everything going well?"

"Some troubles a little, but with my cooperation with the Golden Sword of the Golden Dragon Gate, I finally got the thing done."

Ye Xiaohu is also a man of ingenious dexterity, so when he speaks, he also offers something that he can't use and is very precious.

These things were basically obtained by Ye Xiaohu in the ancient Tianting ruins, so now it is no big deal for Li Xianfeng.

But when Li Xianfeng saw the things that Ye Xiaohu brought out, he couldn't help but stunned: "No, these things can't be put together in the ancient city of greed wolves, do you not only wipe out the ancient city of greed wolves, but also destroy other The city is not successful? "


Sure enough, good things do not go out, bad things spread thousands of miles!

As soon as Ye Xiaohu heard Li Xianfeng's words, he knew about the ancient city of Greedy Wolf, which had been passed back to He Lanzong. But Ye Xiaohu did n’t care. After all, he did n’t do anything wrong, so Ye Xiaohu smiled slightly: "No, I ransacked a city in the ancient city of Greed Wolf, but I made a huge breakthrough in the ruins of the ancient heaven. , So only so many resources are collected. "

"Yes, it will not be the arrogant of the sky I like."

Hearing Ye Xiaohu ’s narration, Li Xianfeng could n’t help but stretch out his hand and patted his shoulder to encourage him: “However, if you get this way, what will I do in the future, I do n’t know what gift should be given to you Alright? "

"The quota of the remains of the ancient heaven is my best gift."

Hearing Li Xianfeng's words, Ye Xiaohu couldn't help but cautiously said: "Master, don't know about the quota of the inner door, do you have any eyebrows now?"

Only when Helanzong enters the inner gate will he have the opportunity to go to the ruins of the ancient court, so when Ye Xiaohu returns, the first thing is to ask about it.

Facing Ye Xiaohu's inquiry, Li Xianfeng couldn't help but cautiously said: "What's your cultivation style?"

"Nine Saint Xuanxian level."

Ye Xiaohu simply showed his cultivation behavior, which surprised Li Xianfeng: "I thought you were a genius, but you once again proved that you went farther than I saw, actually in a short period of time. Inside, it reached the Nine Saints Xuan Xian, which is an unprecedented miracle. "

Li Xianfeng praised Ye Xiaohu, but Ye Xiaohu did not make any statement, because he knew the level of Xuan Xian, that was not his ultimate goal.

Seeing Ye Xiaohu's mentality, Li Xianfeng took a deep breath, and then said to Ye Xiaohu: "You can basically enter the inner door without any problems, but still pay attention to a person called Gu Jinbo, that kid I do n’t know what benefit I got from the prince. Now I have reached the level of the Nine Saints Xuanxian. "

"Old and modern waves?"

Ye Xiaohu said, "What is his relationship with Gu Yueshan?"


Li Xianfeng smiled bitterly: "The two of them joined Zongmen together, but one person flew to Huang Tengda, and one person fell into Sun Shan, but the brothers and the two had a good relationship and always complemented each other, so Gu Yueshan's status in the outer door is very high, and most people dare provoke."

"It turns out this way, no wonder he is so arrogant."

Seeing Li Xianfeng looking at himself, Ye Xiaohu said helplessly: "Not long ago, I met him while I was in the mission hall, so I severely taught him a meal."

"You! It's really a troublesome thing ~ ~ Li Xianfeng vomited, he still saw a wind-like physique like Ye Xiaohu once.

However, Li Xianfeng quickly converged his attitude and said to Ye Xiaohu: "No matter how, Gu Jinbo is your opponent, so you should adjust your status as soon as possible from now on, because the inner disciples have a big test, there is still no It will start in half a month. As long as you can get the first place and enter the inner gate smoothly, then I can help you get the quota of the ancient Tianting site in Neimang. "

"Relax, neither Gubo Jinbo nor Guyueshan are my opponents."

Ye Xiaohu patted his chest and said: "I will be able to enter the inner door smoothly."

"I believe you."

Li Xianfeng nodded. It was a strange thing that a monster like Ye Xiaohu could not enter the inner door, so he catered to Ye Xiaohu and exchanged some recent events. Until the night came, Li Xianfeng gave a breath, then Watching Ye Xiaohu leave his house.

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