Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1592: : Slap is loud

"Yes, this is indeed not an outside door, and you are indeed not ancient or modern."

Ye Xiaohu nodded and said to Lei Jinshan: "In my eyes, the ancient and modern waves are a small ant, I can be crushed to death at will. And you are more like a big bug, it looks very big, but it crushes. It ’s just as convenient at the time, and I feel sick. "

This is really what Ye Xiaohu feels, because people like Lei Jinshan do not work hard to pursue the true meaning of the fairy, but come to trouble Ye Xiaohu and others for their own selfish desires and face.

Obviously Ye Xiaohu looked down on such a person and naturally would not be polite to him.

What's more, Lei Jinshan joined the inner door for many years, and his cultivation level reached the first level of the Nine Saints Xuanxian. The peak level of Xiaosheng is not as good as the ancient and modern waves.

"I am going to kill you."

Seeing Ye Xiaohu ridicule himself again and again, Lei Jinshan was completely irritated, so he directly killed Ye Xiaohu and said: "I want to let you know today that it is a great offense to an inner disciple."

"Brother Lei is angry."

Seeing Lei Jinshan's angry expression, Liu Guanyue hesitated, and finally stood up, trying to resolve this conflict.

But his appearance did not exchange Lei Jinshan's kindness, but made Lei Jinshan more angry.

Ye Xiaohu dare to provoke him, that is Ye Xiaohu has the ability.

But Liu Guanyue is just a little eight-star Xuanxian. What is the qualification to speak equally in front of him?

So Lei Jinshan screamed, raised his hand directly, and released a big handprint, flew Liu Guanyue on the spot and said: "Waste, this is my previous conflict with Ye Xiaohu, not a ants like you can stop. "


After Liu Guanyue landed on the ground, he spurted blood on the spot and passed out.

This made Ye Xiaohu frown, and saw that he released his own soul and checked Liu Guanyue, and found that Liu Guanyue did not die, but was seriously injured and fainted.

Knowing this situation, Ye Xiaohu couldn't help but take a deep breath, and then took the initiative to walk towards Lei Jinshan: "Originally I didn't want to do it, but since you are actively seeking death, then I will fulfill your idea today!"

Anyone familiar with Ye Xiaohu knows that Ye Xiaohu is angry at this moment.

But when Lei Jinshan first saw Ye Xiaohu, he didn't know the depth of Ye Xiaohu, nor did he know Ye Xiaohu's character. So when he saw Ye Xiaohu behave like this, he felt that he was despised again, so he increased his sub-attack and shouted: "Stupid Ye Xiaohu, today I will give you a taste of what I have just cultivated. Pluto Dragon Fist. "


With a thunderous cry from Lei Jinshan, he displayed his nirvana on the spot. For a time, he was like Pluto, killing Ye Xiaohu in the air.

"I wipe, Lei Jinshan actually moved."

"This new Ye Xiaohu is estimated to be badly moldy."

"Although I haven't practiced this set of boxing techniques, but I have seen someone perform it, it is really a great boxing technique, and most people can't afford it at all."

"If you say this, then it is estimated that even if Ye Xiaohu is not dead, he will have a skin."

The crown princes are very happy at this moment.

Because they wanted to personally kill Ye Xiaohu, but now someone actively helps them to shoot and kill Ye Xiaohu, which is what they want.

So under their quiet observation, Lei Jinshan's attack finally came to the top of Ye Xiaohu's head, and he was about to punch Ye Xiaohu's head with a punch.

"Little Tiger, be careful!"

"Hurry away from Brother Hu."

"Damn, how can you bully the small?"

Those who came along with Ye Xiaohu screamed at Lei Jinshan, but they did not dare to intervene to protect Ye Xiaohu at random, because they knew their depth, it was definitely not Lei Jinshan's opponent, so they could only stand there and worry .

At this time, Ye Xiaohu, who was originally standing on the spot, snorted directly, and then said to Lei Jinshan: "Give me!"

One word!


But when he spoke, he seemed to have great strength, pressing directly on Lei Jinshan's body, leaving Lei Jinshan's body on the spot, there was no way to go further.


Lei Jinshan opened his mouth and wanted to ask what was going on, but he found it difficult to speak.

At this time, Ye Xiaohu took a step forward, came to Lei Jinshan, and said to Lei Jinshan: "You have to pay for your stupidity."


I saw Ye Xiaohu's lucky road, and slapped directly on Lei Jinshan's cheek. "That slap just now was because you just insulted me, so I punished your slap."


Immediately Ye Xiaohu slapped again, and then said to Lei Jinshan: "This slap is because you blackmailed me just now, so I reward you."


"There is this slap, that ’s because you slapped Liu Guanyue, so I got it back for him. You should be fortunate, if you just killed him, then I slap you and ask you directly life."


"This slap is because of your recklessness and inability to fight. I Ye Xiaohu is indeed a newcomer, but not a stupid newcomer, nor will I still blackmail you in order to calm your anger."


Ye Xiaohu slapped dozens of slaps in a row, directly striking Lei Jinshan's cheeks like pigs, and then gave a snap.

Boom ~ ~ At the next moment, Lei Jinshan fell directly to the ground, his eyes swirling: "The boy with the surname Ye will wait for me. I will get back to today's scene one day sooner or later."

"I Ye Xiaohu is always waiting for your challenge."

Ye Xiaohu spread his hands, and then no matter what Lei Jinshan was thinking, he jumped over from him and came to Liu Guanyue's side.

I saw that Ye Xiaohu briefly checked Liu Guanyue's body, and after taking a pill for him, helped Liu Guanyue stabilize his body and determined that they had no problems. Ye Xiaohu passed Liu Guanyue To a person who was traveling with them, and then took them to the person in charge of the inner door and went directly to the dormitory of the inner door.

However, when Ye Xiaohu left, he didn't notice that someone was staring at them in a private room not far from the battle they just had.

It wasn't until Ye Xiaohu disappeared in the same place that the eyes above the tall building retracted his gaze, and then fell into thought, as if a mine had been discovered.

(End of this chapter)

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