Leave the restaurant.

Xu Qianshan's face was ugly. I saw him standing in the corner and looking out at the restaurant. His eyes were filled with bloodthirsty desires.

Obviously he is a vengeful person, so after he was taught a lesson, it is naturally impossible to leave it alone.

I saw Xu Qianshan turn around and glanced at the people who followed him: "You help me think about it, but is there any way that can make me retaliate against Qingsong Restaurant?"

"Brother Xu Qianshan, don't do this!"

"That's Qingsong Restaurant, which is spread throughout the entire Helanzong industry. Behind is the former great elder. The master of the current great elder is not something we can provoke."

"Yes, even the prince, dare not easily offend Qingsong Restaurant at this time."

"Brother Xu Qianshan, you must think twice!"

Everyone looked at Xu Qianshan and persuaded Xu Qianshan.

Under such circumstances, Xu Qianshan spit directly onto the ground and said: "I know, but I am not reconciled. I am not willing to be taught by him fiercely, just like being pushed out of a dog like a bereavement."

Not only Xu Qianshan was not reconciled, but even they were not reconciled.

After all, such a thing will soon spread throughout the inner door, when everyone sees them, they will laugh at them, that is something they can't accept.

But things have happened and there is no way for them to change.

Just as Xu Qianshan's face was gloomy, a younger brother of Xu Qianshan suddenly looked up and said: "Brother Xu Qianshan, in fact, the prince has been looking for opportunities to regain control of Qingsong Restaurant, but there is always no way. So if Brother Xu Qianshan If you want to take revenge, as long as you complete the task this time, maybe Prince Edward in the future may let you personally confiscate the Qingsong Restaurant. "

"It seems I can only wait."

Hearing the words of his subordinates, although Xu Qianshan was not reconciled, he finally had a hope in his heart.

Under such circumstances, Xu Qianshan couldn't help but turn around and asked, "Is everyone else going out?"

"The chances of getting out of the customs one after another in the past few days."

Xu Qianshan's younger brother naturally knew what Xu Qianshan was asking, so he hurriedly replied: "But they refused to accept each one, so even if they were out of the customs, Brother Xu Qianshan would probably have to stand up."

"Huh, when they were outside the door, they were not my opponents of Xu Qianshan. Now after entering the inner door, I am still a person whom the Prince Prince trusts and cultivates with all his strength. Can they be compared?"

Xu Qianshan snorted, and then continued to go forward: "You arrange for someone to notify them all at once. When the inner league starts, be sure to come to me to report. Otherwise, if something goes wrong, don't blame me Xu Qianshan. You are welcome."


These people followed Xu Qianshan. Naturally, they had to take Xu Qianshan's task as their own responsibility, so they quickly agreed to come down.

Then they followed Xu Qianshan to a fairy mountain.

A group of fairies came out of the fairy mountain. This is a place inside Heranzong dedicated to the entertainment of inner disciples.

After each exit, Xu Qianshan will come to this place for entertainment, and this time is no exception.

I saw Xu Qianshan glance around, then said to the person in charge: "Let your fairy crane fairy come to serve me."

"No problem, Brother Xu Qianshan."

The person in charge of this mountain naturally did not have the ability of the green pine crane, so he quickly influenced and arranged a fairy for Xu Qianshan.

When the Fairy Crane Fairy appeared, Xu Qianshan couldn't help laughing, and then said to the left and right: "Okay, you don't have to stay and serve me anymore. Find a fairie each!"

After the order was completed, Xu Qianshan immediately took Fairy Crane Crane to the nearest room to him.


Ye Xiaohu, on the other side, did not take Xu Qianshan seriously.

"This Xu Qianshan is arrogant and proud, but his ability is mediocre and his talent is not very strong."

I saw that on the way to leave, Ye Xiaohu read to Liu Guan: "According to his situation, the future achievements will not be too high. As long as you work hard, then you will definitely be able to crush him in the future."

"Hope one day."

Encouraged by Ye Xiaohu, Liu Guanyue couldn't help but take a deep breath: "When the time comes, I will have to take it personally and teach him a hard meal, which has already reported my revenge today."

"As long as you are willing to work hard, you can certainly accomplish this goal within ten years."

Ye Xiaohu reached out and patted Liu Guanyue's shoulder, then said to Liu Guanyue: "Yes, I have something in my hand that I want to deal with. I don't know if there can be something in the inner door to deal with?"


Liu Guanyue is just like the "Pastone", so he often gives himself a satisfactory answer to what Ye Xiaohu said ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ This is why Ye Xiaohu likes to bring Liu Guanyue everywhere he goes.

I saw that Liu Guanyue directly pointed out a place under Ye Xiaohu's inquiry, and said to Ye Xiaohu: "Brother Xiaohu, you should focus on cultivation, as far as selling things is left to me."

"It's not far from the inner door competition, even if I retreat, it doesn't make much sense."

Ye Xiaohu shook his head and refused Liu Guanyue's persuasion: "So it is also good to do something meaningful while taking advantage of this."

Ye Xiaohu shouted, and then let Liu Guanyue lead the way.

Soon, Ye Xiaohu and his party came to a very prosperous place with lots of sales everywhere.

These traffickers are basically some of the internal repairs, or some members of small parties, do not enjoy too much resources, so they can only rely on their own sales, in exchange for the resources they need.

Ye Xiaohu glanced at it, and didn't find what he wanted, so he found a quieter place, sat down cross-legged, and then reached out a hand to summon things he didn't use.

When these things just came out, there were still some scarcity.

However, as Ye Xiaohu's actions continued, more and more things appeared.

There are precious things in these things, and there are also some cheeks, so Ye Xiaohu gave Liu Guanyue the price and started selling it.

While they were busy, a young fairy came in from the outside.

She soon noticed Ye Xiaohu, because more and more things in front of Ye Xiaohu, almost in a blink of an eye, piled up into a mountain.

So she shook her eyebrows, then walked to Ye Xiaohu and said to Ye Xiaohu: "This younger brother, have you robbed a city?"

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