Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1612: : Successful experiment

Dead bones piled up, and blood flowed into a stream.

Seeing this scene, Jiuwei Fox couldn't help but stare at Ye Xiaohu with a sad face.

"Can't kill anymore."

"If you kill, it is estimated that the creatures cultivated on our island will become bones."

"Those creatures are all you and me. It is easy to transplant them and plan to cultivate them as spirits. The existence of fairy beasts!"

"If you continue, don't say that your master's immortal method has not been successfully developed, but it will affect the ecological balance of the entire floating island space."

Looking at the life that I took good care of and worked hard to cultivate, one by one turned into bones. Obviously Jiuwei Fox was very annoyed.

So he stood up and stood up against Ye Xiaohu's idea.

Under such circumstances, Ye Xiaohu could not help but sighed and stared at Jiuwei Fox Road: "The last time, I tried the last time, if there is still no way to achieve the picture in my mind, then I give up.

"Really the last time?"

Nine-Tailed Fox hardly believes: "Are you sure you're lying?"

"Relax, I will never deceive you."

"Then I will find life for you."

"Go! But remember, this time I need ten ..."

"Poof, I really believe you your ghost."

Hearing Ye Xiaohu's words, the nine-tailed fox couldn't help but spit blood out of his forehead. He really wanted to go back and teach Ye Xiaohu fiercely.

Unfortunately, he couldn't beat Ye Xiaohu, so he could only be a servant.

What's more, this floating island space is Ye Xiaohu's. If Ye Xiaohu really wants to personally exchange those living bodies, then these living bodies absolutely have no chance to escape.

Under such circumstances, the nine-tailed fox can only recruit some experimental species from those groups with more living bodies according to Ye Xiaohu's ideas.

"Yes, these life forms are not the same as in the past, I believe they can definitely succeed."

Ye Xiaohu glanced at it, then walked over and patted Jiuwei Fox's shoulder to encourage Jiuwei Fox.

Then Xiaohu directly and skillfully imprinted memories one by one in those living bodies.

Seeing this scene, the nine-tailed fox couldn't help but wonder: "What's the matter, this time ten will have to experiment together?"


Ye Xiaohu nodded affirmatively, and then responded to Jiuwei Fox, saying: "There are only the last ten questions left. If there are still loopholes in these ten questions, then even I have no choice."


Hearing Ye Xiaohu's words, Jiuwei Fox couldn't help but look at those lives pitifully. Judging from his experience, when Ye Xiaohu said these words, they could basically conclude that they would die.

Sure enough, when those living bodies accepted Ye Xiaohu's memories of the past, they quickly began to practice.

I saw them follow Ye Xiaohu's request, such a step-by-step practice, the body's breath continues to improve.

Under such circumstances, they soon reached the edge of decay.


But soon there was a living body that tried, and could not bear the terrible fairy force to explode on the spot. For this scene, Ye Xiaohu and Nine-Tailed Fox are used to it, so they did not struggle with this issue and moved to the next life.

"No. 2 failed!"

"No. 3 also failed, but he persisted for an hour, which was a good result."

"No. 5 is also good, just try to run the immortal method against me."

"The number eight failed, and it exploded just after a second."

Nine-tailed fox kept reporting data, and soon the previous test body failed, leaving only the last living body, which determined Ye Xiaohu's fate this time.

So under the attention of Ye Xiaohu and Nine-Tailed Fox, the No. 10 living body stubbornly completed the transformation and survived.

"There is a play."

Ye Xiaohu's eyes lit up and observed quietly.

I saw the passage of time, one minute and one second, and this No. 10 lifeform still had no problems.

So Ye Xiaohu turned to Jiuwei Fox and said, "Go, you use the power of the flesh to punch him to see what the effect is."

"I go?"

Nine-Tailed Fox worried: "What if I go over and blow him up on the spot?"

"If that is the case, then it is still a failed product."

What a joke?

Mofan succeeds, then it is equal to immortality.

The cultivation of the Nine-Tailed Fox has not yet reached the level of a fairy, and is still a half-step fairy, so Ye Xiaohu will never believe that he can beat a fairy.

However, the fact is exactly the same as Ye Xiaohu's guess. Jiuwei Fox did punch in the past and exploded the No. 10 test body without using Xianli.

So Jiuwei Fox looked at Ye Xiaohu in shock: "Master, did this time really succeed?"

"Not yet."

Ye Xiaohu shook his head, walked over and entered a memory directly into the mind of the living body.

After a moment, Ye Xiaohu stared at him and said, "Obviously, according to the memory I passed to you, let me change my mind all at once."

"Yes, master!"

Hearing Ye Xiaohu's command, the No. 10 life body could not help but cast an immortal method immediately, and turned into a boy on the spot, which made Ye Xiaohu very happy and said: "Come on, I will give you a fairy law."

"No problem master."

The tenth living body responded immediately, and then practiced a set of immortals.

That set of immortal attacks has mediocre attack attributes, but it is a good mystery to keep fit.


I saw the No. 10 life form. After a few drills, the body still did not have any problems. Immediately after that, Ye Xiaohu walked to ~ ~ and directly explored the life condition of the No. 10 living body with the power of the soul. The result was a good condition.


Seeing this scene, Ye Xiaohu couldn't help laughing: "Sure enough, failure is the mother of success. This time it finally succeeded."

"Congratulations to the host."

Jiuwei Fox said in shock: "But master, I still don't understand, why did he succeed?"

"Because everyone else lacks a core, a core that can help Xian Fa to operate and reach a decent shape."

I saw Ye Xiaohu's smug face: "This fairy law comes from the fairy world, and the worst lives in the fairy world also have an elemental baby, so if they practice directly, they can easily complete the step of declining the ordinary. But the ordinary life, Many of them are lifeless creatures without primitive gods, primitive infants, or even Jindan ... then when they practice this set of immortals, there is naturally no way to break through and successfully enter the realm of immortals. So I refine one Immortal medicine, after replacing the inner core, it completed the breakthrough and became a fairy. "

(End of this chapter)

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