Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1615: : 4th generation

"Rui'er, you can let me kneel down. Mobile phone"

But when I heard Wang Rui'er's words, I saw the old man on the opposite side, without any fear, but with a calm face, and looked very strangely at Wang Rui'er: "But I'm afraid you can't stand it."

"Fart, I can't stand it?"

Wang Rui'er pursed his lips and said in disbelief: "Brother Xiaohu said, my Wang Rui'er is a genius. In the future, who is destined to become an immortal, how could he not stand your knees as a mortal man?"

"Then I kneel?"

"You kneel!"

Under such circumstances, the old man made a nuisance and said in the direction behind Wang Rui'er: "You see, he asked me to bow down to her."

"I know."

At this time, a cold voice resounded.

Immediately after Wang Rui'er's face changed greatly, a show fist directly hit Wang Rui'er's head, leaving her with no power to fight back, and she could only cry with a sad face: "Auntie, how do you hit me?"

"Your mother died early, and my little aunt has taught you how to replace your mother?"

I saw Sun Ying's face unpleasantly interposed, and stared at Wang Rui'er with a staring expression: "Your little girl is not a big film, how did you learn the arrogant set of your little tiger brother?"

"Am I not bored?"

Wang Rui'er spit out his tongue and said helplessly: "Just, I saw this person asking my dad to treat him with respect and nothing, but also taught my dad. My dad will have a good life in the future. "

"Your dad should be respectful to his old man."

Hearing Wang Rui'er's words, Sun Ying could not help but glared at Wang Rui'er, and then added a sentence: "Because she is my grandfather, your grandfather."


Hearing Sun Ying's words, Wang Rui'er suddenly felt hurt.

I saw her wide-eyed eyes and looked at the old man in disbelief, standing in front of him.

I saw the old man, who did not have the majestic posture at the beginning, but rather very calm Nunu mouth, made a lovely gesture, seems to be telling Wang Rui'er he was unlucky.

After Wang Rui'er watched it, he felt very angry, but he was helpless, because with her young aunt Sun Ying, he couldn't lift the storm.

"Auntie, are you fooled?"

Wang Rui'er's expression was crying and laughing: "Did you not tell me that Grandpa went to Hexi early?"


"That, I haven't practiced before!"

"So I don't even know what happened to your grandmother."

Facing Wang Rui'er's doubts, Sun Ying couldn't help crying and laughing: "What's more, since you practiced, haven't you found that many people who died in the past are now crawling out of the soil one by one?"

"It seems so."

Wang Rui'er nodded rare, and then asked the old man across from him: "Are you really my grandfather?"

"If it's fake replacement."

"Then from which soil did you drill out, why is there no news from our Ye family?"

"I didn't drill out of the soil."

In response to Wang Rui'er's inquiry, the old man responded with tears and laughs: "I have been instructed to retreat in Dijing before, only for a long time, so I was rumored to have died. In fact, I have been alive and have no problems at all.

"So what happened?"

Wang Rui'er nodded helplessly, then said with a curse: "But if you are my grandfather, then you can't bully my father?"

"I'm not bullying your dad, I'm negotiating things with him."

The old man rolled his eyes and then said to Wang Yalou: "Little Prince, you said I was right?"

"Yes, you are always right."

Wang Yalou nodded, then glared at Wang Rui'er and said, "Rui'er, you can leave me."


Wang Rui'er was not reconciled, but in the face of a serious Wang Yalou, he finally stood side by side.

Wang Yalou, who watched the big scene, was relieved a little before walking to Sun Ying: "Believe, you should know the purpose of our trip?"

While saying this, Wang Yalou was obviously very unwilling.

Because he is wearing an official uniform, he represents the official.

But in some aspects, the officials they represent have no way to control the situation on the mainland, or even control people.

To the extent that some rampant forces do not take them into consideration at all, they are doing right against them everywhere. Therefore, the Yejia Farm has never given a positive shot to teach them, and it is already a face to Wang Yalou.

"Yes, the people below us have passed the message."

Sun Ying smiled slightly and nodded to admit it.

However, he didn't get too tangled in this matter, only to see her glance at Wang Yalou, and then said to the old man standing behind Wang Yalou: "So after hearing the news from you, sister Xiang Qing ~ ~ Let me come down immediately to meet him. "

"Now that she knows that we are here, why doesn't she come down to meet me in person?"

The old man was dissatisfied with his hands and said: "After all, he knows our relationship, don't he plan to come and see the old man?"

She is the same as him, but the meaning is quite different.

Under such circumstances, Sun Ying couldn't help but frown: "He is not in the villa, and there is no way to meet him."

"Well, since he doesn't want to see me, then don't see him."

The old man lived for so many years and was naturally a shrewd person. He quickly heard the meaning of Sun Ying's words from Sun Ying's words.

Not in the villa, but not in the fairyland.

This shows that Ye Xiaohu is probably on the earth, but he doesn't want to see himself.

Such a person, such an identity, the old man is also forced.

So he can only sigh, and then continue to walk towards the mountain, and then said to Sun Ying: "I came to Yejia Mountain Villa for the first time, so there are some strangers to this place, who will introduce me to this place . "

"I come, I come ..."

Sun Ying hadn't spoken yet, and she couldn't help but see Wang Rui'er on the side.

I saw her jumping out happily, and taking two steps, holding the old man's hand, and walking to the front, while introducing the old man: "In the past, this place was planted with some kind of spiritual planting. But Those things can't keep up with the times soon, so Brother Xiaohu has great mana and got some special fairy species from the fairy world, and cultivated the second generation of fairy species. After eating these fairy species, they can not only strengthen their bodies , And it can also help us to put into cultivation as soon as possible and reach the sky in one step. "

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