Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1620: : Negotiations between Wang and Ye


The originally quiet space became twitter at this moment, very messy.

I saw heaven and earth, and everywhere there were people who had just become immortals, practicing the ability to escape from the sky.

"I am like a bird now, soaring freely in the sky."

"I'm like a gopher. As long as I want, then I can abandon all equipment and dive underground, even the gopher is not my opponent."

"I'm like a fish swimming in the sea. I know that I was most afraid of water in the past, but now the water is in front of me like a quilt in the house. There is no danger."

"What kind of skills do you have? I tell you, I just tried a knife and a gun, and I also experienced what it means to be empty-handed, holding a bullet in my hand, and unscathed."

"No wonder everyone wants to become immortal. It turns out that after becoming immortal, there are so many benefits."

Even if it is Wang Yalou, who is extremely deep in the city, Li Longrui and others face this moment, they can't control the excitement in their hearts.

Among them, the shallowest flower in Chengfu was too old. He walked to Ye Xiaohu and said, "Brother Xiaohu, my aunt's milk seems to have not swallowed such a panacea. Can you give me one? I will take it back to him? "

"Grandma Hua contacted me before, but she had something in the imperial capital, so she couldn't come in person."

Ye Xiaohu frowned and thought for a while, then said to Hua Taisui: "But since you are willing to run, then go for it yourself."

Ye Xiaohu turned to look at Sister Xiang Qing, and Sister Xiang Qing nodded immediately, and gave Hua Taisui an elixir, and gave him a memory crystallization.

Seeing Hua Taisui's pleading, Ye Xiaohu immediately agreed, and Li Longrui couldn't help but come forward.

Ye Xiaohu, who saw this scene, couldn't help but wonder: "Brother Li, I'll give you a calculation for your family, but this time the medicine is limited, and give priority to your home next time."

"Xiaohu, I am not for this."

Li Longrui shook his head and then stared at Ye Xiaohu, saying: "I know you will not treat me badly, not even my family. The reason why I hesitate is to think about whether to make this immortality. If it can be done like this Effect, then our Yejia Farm can take us to a higher level, and no one can threaten us anymore. "

Ye Xiaohu understands Li Longrui's idea, although last time Ye Xiaohu suppressed many domestic forces.

However, as the world is changing, there are indeed many ancient forces that are recovering a little bit. Those people are not a good stubble. If they find a secret formula, or something like Yejiadan medicine, and mass-produce immortals, it will pose a major threat to Yejia.

After all, there is no one who does not desire to be a fairy, so there will be many people who will beg for joining the foreign camp.

But if they are able to collect those people under the premise of guaranteeing their interests, then foreign forces will no longer be able to affect Yejiazhuang and Huaxia.

"I have also considered this issue, and even I want to make all the people of Huaxia people become immortals, to achieve the feat of everyone is an immortal, just like Immortal Realm. But unfortunately, it is difficult to achieve. Not to mention There are many human beings on the earth. It is difficult to find the medicinal materials for refining the Elixir. Even the fairy world cannot be provided in unlimited quantities. This time, I have already consumed the old recipe for refining the Elixir and need to renew it Are exploring. "

Ye Xiaohu hesitated and shook his head to temporarily reject Li Longrui's proposal: "But you can also rest assured that as long as I continue to find such medicinal materials in the future, I will continue to refine this immortality medicine, so sooner or later one day can achieve this purpose But before that, you need Brother Li to continue to contribute to our maintenance of Yejiazhuang, and at the same time draw more people to join our Yejia Farm. "

"Yes, I know what to do."

Ye Xiaohu raised a point, and Li Longrui knew what to do, so he stopped mentioning the previous things.

So Ye Xiaohu's eyes swept through Li Longrui's body, and finally fell on Wang Yalou's body and said, "Brother Wang, what do you seem to do?"


Wang Yalou hesitated for a while, and finally said truthfully: "Xiaohu, can you provide some medicine to your country?"


After hesitating for a while, Ye Xiaohu stared at Wang Yalou: "Unless one day, 50% or 60% of the people in the country have taken my panacea and become a fairy, then I will consider specific Provided by the state. "


"Because I don't want to be alone, I will never sit still in that high position."

In Ye Xiaohu's mind, a picture of the Jade Emperor emerged.

Jade Emperor worked hard to become an immortal. Doesn't he know the sufferings of the people and the problem of immortals?

No, he knows.

But he didn't want to change, because once he changed, how could his Jade Emperor continue to be in power?

By the same token, if the people in power on the earth think this way, if their thinking changes, it may cause a lot of problems.

Therefore, when most people in the country do not control the mystery of immortality, he does not want those superiors to have the ability to live forever.

"I understand."

Wang Yalou thought for a moment and knew what Ye Xiaohu was worried about.

After all, a person has been above the high position for too long, and some strange ideas will always be born.

So Wang Yalou arched his hands, and then said to Ye Xiaohu: "If that is the case, then I will leave, and I still have some official business to do."

"Alright, I won't keep Brother Wang."

Ye Xiaohu also knew Wang Yalou's thoughts, so he did not continue to retain him, and turned to look at Wang Rui'er: "Xiao Rui'er, don't play here, hurry and send your father."

"I know ~ ~ Wang Rui'er had been playing with Chengxian's dog. After hearing Ye Xiaohu's words, he came over with dissatisfaction.

I saw him walking and whitening Ye Xiaohu. He said: "My father is now immortal, and he can live forever. When can I see him? You must let me go to see him."

Hearing Wang Rui'er's words, Ye Xiaohu shook his head in tears.

At the same time, Wang Yalou walked over and gave Wang Rui'er a thunderous shout: "How come, now I don't want my father?"

Wang Rui'er said with a tongue: "Why dare my daughter, I was just kidding."

"Humph, dare to talk nonsense, be careful I beat you."

Wang Yalou sneered. In the past, he was not Wang Ruier's opponent, but he is now a fairy, so he is not afraid of Wang Ruier.

So Wang Yalou stepped forward and left Wang Rui'er cautiously.

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