Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1623: : Half Step Heavenly Fairy Soldier


Ye Xiaohu pushed the door open, and then Ye Xiaohu saw Liu Guanyue.

"Brother Xiaohu, you're out."

I saw that Liu Guan took the previous step and took the initiative to ask Ye Xiaohu, "How are you, have you perfected the two immortals?"


Ye Xiaohu took out the jade jade and simply shook it.

I saw that the two jade slips that recorded the fairy law had completely lost their color and became an ordinary jade slip. This means that Ye Xiaohu has finished reading, and it has lost the ability to provide people with reading again. Return to the Fairy Pavilion to recharge.

After shaking the jade jade for a while, Ye Xiaohu withdrew the jade jade, and then read to Liu Guan: "It will be a rookie contest soon, so I decided to pass this fairy method to you first, so that you have Certain self-protection ability. "

"Thank you Brother Xiaohu."

Liu Guanyue was very moved. At this moment, Ye Xiaohu was thinking about himself, so his eyes were slightly red, and he nodded seriously.

Seeing this scene, Ye Xiaohu couldn't help but take out his big sword and read to Liu Guan, "You and watch it."

"There are nine moves in this set of swordsmanship."

"These are one light breeze, two light breezes, three strong winds, four strong winds, five strong winds, six strong winds, seven strong storms, eight strong hurricanes, and nine strong winds."

There is a lot of power between heaven and earth, and that is what even immortals fear.

For example, the impermanent wind is said to come from the horrible heavenly path, everything is controlled by the heavenly path.

Even if you are a strong level of Tianjun, if you really encounter a terrifying windy day, you can still get lost and even be strangled by the wind.

So this set of swordsmanship is named after the nine-turn shocking sword, and relies on wind force as the standard of swordsmanship, which shows how tough the creator of this set of swordsmanship is.

Can someone create such a sword technique in later generations, I have to say that this is a skill.

"Now I will show you the first move, the light wind swordsmanship."

Ye Xiaohu burst into a sip, and then under the attention of Liu Guanyue, Ye Xiaohu directly staged the first move.

I saw Ye Xiaohu's body, shaking with the wind, and waving the sword in his hand at all times, making various actions.

Under Ye Xiaohu's movements, a trick of swordsmanship was exhibited, which made Liu Guanyu read clearly, so that he could remember it at once.

As for whether you can comprehend it, then it is not Ye Xiaohu who can control it, and Liu Guanxue needs his own efforts.

"Next is the second breeze sword move."

The first move ended, Ye Xiaohu did not stop immediately, and practiced the second move again.

Because Ye Xiaohu knew that his time was limited, he could not delay on this issue.

In this way, the trick exercise continued, and finally all the trick exercises were completed.

After the nine swords were unified, Ye Xiaohu said to Liu Guan: "This last move, although named Wufeng Jingtian, is actually the most powerful of the eight winds combined in one move. Kill trick. "

"It turns out that it's no wonder I feel like he is very strong and difficult to control."

Liu Guanyue silently recorded these nine tricks in his heart, and then said to Ye Xiaohu: "Unfortunately, my qualifications are stupid, and there is no way to comprehend these nine tricks immediately."

"No one can understand these nine tricks all at once, not to mention that there is still some time before the rookie contest, you can wait slowly."

Ye Xiaohu walked over, patted Liu Guanyue's shoulder, and then said to him: "There is still some time, only if you can understand one or two moves, then you can perform better."


Liu Guanyue nodded, and then found a place to practice alone, without disturbing Ye Xiaohu, because he knew that Ye Xiaohu also had his own business.

Seeing this scene, Ye Xiaohu couldn't help but slightly wash his head, and after a brief wash, he returned to his room.

I saw that Ye Xiaohu took all the fairy soldiers he currently has in front of him and watched them one by one.

"Before the fairy soldiers, I feel that they can't keep up with the times, so I have to make a choice."

Ye Xiaohu has many fairy soldiers, and some of them are very powerful, but they are far from being satisfactory to Ye Xiaohu.

So Ye Xiaohu should take advantage of this time to finish sorting and improving this fairy soldier.

"The other fairy soldiers are not refined, but the big sword can."

Ye Xiaohu has discovered that the big sword is different from others before, because this big sword in Ye Xiaohu's hands can actually absorb other fairy soldiers to strengthen himself.

In the past, Ye Xiaohu didn't have the opportunity to study the big sword seriously, but now it is.

I saw Ye Xiaohu carrying the big sword, and constantly sent him the fairy air: "Come on! Now these fairy soldiers belong to your ration, how much you can devour, then as much as you can!"

Under the urging of Ye Xiaohu, Dabaojian released a cheerful emotion.

This brightened Dabaojian's eyes. Sure enough, his previous guess was correct.

So Ye Xiaohu did not continue to doubt, and directly urged the big sword to absorb those fairy soldiers.

Those fairy soldiers struggled violently, but in the face of Ye Xiaohu's control and the absorption of the big sword, they were quickly swallowed by Ye Xiaohu's big sword.


At the next moment, Ye Xiaohu found that the breath of the big sword in his hand had been constantly climbing.

It was a common fairy sword at first, but it quickly reached the middle-class fairy soldier, the top-grade fairy soldier, and then rose to the heaven fairy soldier ...

After growing the Xuanxian Divine Soldier in this way, the growth rate slowed down.

When the last fairy soldier seized by Ye Xiaohu was swallowed by the big sword, Ye Xiaohu found that the big sword was still very hungry, and it seemed far from enough.

So Ye Xiaohu gave his nine-turn dragon-sword gun and Li Xianfeng reward to his fairy soldiers, and gave them to the big sword.

Bang ~ ~ The great sword at this moment, once again released the hot light, and completely devoured two things.

After all this was done, Ye Xiaohu took a deep breath with satisfaction, and quietly watched the great sword change.


I saw Ye Xiaohu a little bit of observation, and soon found that the body of the big sword released a breath of Tianjun, which shocked Ye Xiaohu and said: "Tianjun fairy soldier?"


At first, Ye Xiaohu suspected that he was a Celestial Soldier, but upon closer inspection, he found that there were some subtle differences. This made Ye Xiaohu breathe a sigh of relief: "Half-step Celestial Soldier of the Celestial King Level, but also enough to deal with the next Challenge, and the great sword can continue to grow, and it will only become stronger in the future. "

Seeing this scene, Ye Xiaohu was finally satisfied, so he carried the Dabaojian to practice the nine-turn shocking sword and made sure that there was no problem before taking a break. The next day he went to the venue of the rookie league.

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