Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1633: : Kill Xu Mountain

"No, don't kill me."

"I beg you to let go, I am willing to betray the crown prince."

"As long as you don't kill me, you can let us do anything."

"Brother Zhang Yiyuan spares his life!"

The members of the Prince's Party looked at Zhang Yiyuan one by one and wanted to plead with Zhang Yiyuan.

After all, they are members of the princelings party, and have also communicated with Zhang Yiyuan in the past, knowing Zhang Yiyuan's character.

But it is a pity that their call is of no use.

Because the one who made the decision this time was not Zhang Yiyuan, but Ye Xiaohu standing beside him.

When Ye Xiaohu announced the decision, no one could refute.

Therefore, in order to wash the holy pool and continue to cooperate with Ye Xiaohu, Zhang Yiyuan can only insist on Ye Xiaohu's instructions.

So under his instructions, the members of the Barbarians waved the fairy swords in their hands and cut off the heads of the members of the Crown Prince.

"Unfortunately, this is the only way, why did it?"

Listening to the sound of begging for mercy and shouting behind him, Zhang Yiyuan sighed endlessly while following Ye Xiaohu: "But okay, ending their lives earlier will not affect our follow-up actions."

"When you decide what kind of person to be and what path to take, it already indicates your future destiny."

Ye Xiaohu didn't look back, he responded directly to Zhang Yiyuan, and then continued to walk forward: "You will arrive at your destination in a moment, you restrain your little brother, don't make any movements, let's hide in the dark Look on for a while and then make a decision. "

Although Xishengchi is very precious, Ye Xiaohu does not want to dedicate his life to Xishengchi.

So Ye Xiaohu decided to persuade Zhang Yiyuan once again, let him control his own team, and not let them move.


Zhang Yiyuan didn't know when he had become Ye Xiaohu's younger brother.

Ye Xiaohu will do whatever he orders.

So Zhang Yiyuan turned around and said to his younger brothers: "I heard it, don't make it happen, otherwise don't blame me for the fall."

"Brother Zhang Yiyuan, we will not destroy your opportunities."

"You can rest assured that we can still do this well."

"Brother Zhang Yiyuan rests assured that we will definitely not have any mistakes, you will be fine in a while!"

This group of people are thoughtful people, so when they see Ye Xiaohu's fighting power, they no longer look down on Ye Xiaohu's ideas.

Therefore, without Zhang Yiyuan's instructions, they also know what they should do.

So after hearing their response, Zhang Yiyuan felt very happy.

In this way, they walked forward step by step. As a result, they saw the roots of a large tree, which were cut off and scattered around.

And these roots are still bleeding a little bit outward.

"What kind of demon tree is this, actually bleeding?"

"Is he already transformed and has human blood?"

"If you say it is a monster, then human blood after the transformation is understandable, but it is a monster tree, even if it is transformed, I am afraid there will be no blood stains?"

"Then how do you explain the blood on the ground?"

"I do not know either……"

All the barbarians have brutal expressions.

Ye Xiaohu, who saw this scene, couldn't help but sigh: "If I'm not wrong, this place should have been a fairy battlefield. I once died of a fairy that I don't know how many. So that demon tree would be Absorbed the blood of these fairies, engulfed their bodies, and became a powerful monster, and red blood flowed out of the body. "

"You said the battlefield really reminded me of one thing."

Hearing Ye Xiaohu ’s analysis, Zhang Yiyuan could n’t help but stunned slightly: “I also heard a story by accident. It is said that this place did not belong to my Helan Sect, but the site of other Sects. Fang Da's forces are fighting each other endlessly. Among them, the imperial gate that controls this place has a conflict with me. Heranzong. So after an unexpected conflict, the two sides broke out. If I remember correctly, the battlefield of that **** battle This is the place where this newcomer plays inside. "

"Then ten or nine will not leave ten."

Ye Xiaohu sighed, and then his ears fluttered: "Everyone is shielding from breathing, and reducing the fluctuation of the fairy gas in my body. I have a strong fairy gas right in front of me. Presumably I should be close to where they are. . "


Hearing Ye Xiaohu's instructions, Zhang Yiyuan and others immediately acted.

And in order to ensure that this task can be successfully completed, other people also looked at their companions and checked each other to achieve the perfect point.

Ye Xiaohu nodded appreciatively, and led Zhang Yiyuan and others to move forward, and soon came to the depth of the cave, where the demon tree is located.

I saw Xu Qianshan and other members and allies of the princely party constantly cutting down the demon tree.

Although the demon tree tried its best to fight, but the demon tree had only one branch after all, and it was difficult to fight against so many members of the princeling party, not to mention the peerless masters like Xu Qianshan among their group.

In this way, Ye Xiaohu hid in a dark place. After quietly observing for a while, Ye Xiaohu turned back to Zhang Yiyuan and said: "From the scene, I believe that the demon tree has not been able to persist for long. But in my opinion, the demon tree has some weirdness, he will probably fight back in death, causing serious damage to Xu Qianshan and others, this time is our chance. "

"This statement makes sense."

Zhang Yiyuan thought for a while and approved Ye Xiaohu's words: "Xiaohu, now that you have understood the scene, what do you think we should do to maximize the benefits?"

"In order to wipe out this group of people, we absolutely have to take a shot and see the blood."

After Ye Xiaohu thought about it, UU read to Zhang Yiyuan and said: "Xu Qianshan is the most popular among this group of people. You will join me in a while and fight for the two of us to take away Xu Qianshan's item in one round. Get on the head. Then I will deal with Fairy Qin Yun. As for the rest, I will leave it to you. "

"no problem."

Zhang Yiyuan thought for a while and said: "June Zun is not here, so as long as Xu Qianshan dies, you will hold Qin Yun fairy again, then this group of princelings are a group of people together, there is no big deal."


Ye Xiaohu glanced at Zhang Yiyuan and found that he was full of self-confidence. Obviously he must have something to follow.

Moreover, everyone in the princelings had some scars, and there was no way to exert their peak fighting power. So Ye Xiaohu nodded in agreement: "I will tell you later, when I say kill, you and I will immediately rush to Xu Qianshan . "

(End of this chapter)

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