Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1643: : Climbing Panacea

Inner door of Herranz.

On the mountain belonging to the prince, Huangfu Nanshan once again summoned the core members of the princely party to discuss matters together.

"The situation is a little difficult to control."

"Yeah! I never imagined that the guy named Ye Xiaohu was actually a Xiaoqiang who could not be beaten to death. Just joining the inner door, he was reported to the thigh of the barbarian party and became a stumbling block for our crown prince party.

"It is easy to kill him alone, but it is more troublesome to chase down Zhang Yiyuan, the barbaric main party. After all, Zhang Yiman is not an ordinary person."

"There is Zhang Yiman here, so if Brother Prince is not coming back, we will basically have difficulty making any moves."

The members of the Prince's Party, one by one, are not weak.

But they did not dare to fight against Zhang Yiman, because Zhang Yiman is not an ordinary person, but that is the famous second person in the inner door, second only to the ruthless man of the prince.

Such a person is basically invincible except Prince.

So after learning that Ye Xiaohu was walking with the barbarian party, the members of the crown prince's expressions became solemn, and they dared not make a decision at will.

"But judging from the situation, it seems that Ye Xiaohu has not officially turned to the Barbarians."

Faced with the speculation of the crown princes, the always cautious Huangfu Nanshan couldn't help but think seriously: "And I always feel that this time the newcomer inner door contest revealed a strange thing. After all, that Zhang Yiyuan, you I know it, and I have seen it ... everything is a dude, how can he defeat Xu Qianshan? "

Xu Qianshan is a newcomer to their crown prince party who gives high hopes.

But he died so unclearly and left such a big trouble for them, which made Huangfu Nanshan and others frowning, not knowing how to deal with it.

At this time, Zhang Jin, one of the core leaders of the crown princes, could not help but sneered, "I think that all this blames Ye Xiaohu."


"If it were not for him, then Xu Qianshan would not die in the hands of Zhang Yiyuan and others."

Obviously, the people of the Crown Prince can hardly believe that Xu Qianshan was really the cause of death, and it has something to do with Ye Xiaohu.

In such circumstances, they have issued their own guesses.

But listening to their guess, Huangfu Nanshan smiled bitterly: "But our intelligence department clearly told me that Ye Xiaohu and Zhang Yiyuan were the cause of Xu Qianshan's death, and even Ye Xiaohu played a more important role than Zhang Yiyuan. . "

"May ..."

Zhang Jin also wanted to argue, but Huangfu Nanshan apparently didn't want to continue to struggle in this place, so he stared at Wang Yan and said: "Brother Wang, what's going on with the outside entrance welcoming events this time?"

"It's almost done."

Zhang Jin was very dissatisfied when he saw Huangfu Nanshan diverging the topic.

But he also knew that the newcomer was a big thing, so he closed his mouth sensiblely and listened to Wang Yanyi's report quietly.

Under such circumstances, Wang Yanyi did not have any paused reports: "At present, I have contacted several important geniuses, and they agreed to join our Crown Prince as soon as they joined us."

"Oh, who are the talents?"

Hearing Wang Yanyi ’s report, Huangfu Nanshan finally smiled and said: “Let ’s talk about, are there any special talents that can help us? If there are such talents, then I can make an exception and provide him with some special s help."

"There are three people who deserve our full training."

Wang Yanyi thought for a while, then raised three fingers, and introduced one by one to Huangfu Nanshan: "The first person, from one of the four colleges, has a more elegant name called Long Aotian. But my People, the information sent back shows that this person also has a second name, Long Yi, which is a rare talent. I believe that he will dominate our outside doors in a short time. "

"The second person comes from the Bai family, a large family under our Helan Sect. The head of their family, a Kirin child was born a hundred years ago. This Kirin child is called Bai Zheyun. When he was born, he held a hand Congenital Dao Dao. Later on the practice of Dao Dao, it can be described as a thousand miles a day, directly becoming the first local talent. But after receiving the news, he immediately agreed to join our prince party because he wanted to challenge the prince all the time Brother. "

"As for the third person, it is a person named Er Leng Zi. No one knows his real name. But when he first appeared, he set off a lot of **** storms and beheaded many famous masters. It is said that he In his mind, there is an undisclosed congenital Taoism, so he will be so talented, as soon as he appears, he will kill the fame. However, the message passed by this person is indeed the most vague. But I am confident that as long as there is more in the party If you give me some support, I can definitely win him into our camp. "

A total of three geniuses are currently on the line, and some people have already agreed to join the crown prince party, then Huangfu Nanshan is naturally very happy.

So he nodded in satisfaction ~ ~ and then said to everyone: "Believe this matter, if it is spread out, then Prince Edward will be very happy. But Prince Edward is currently at a critical moment, so we do not In the case of last resort, it is better to stay on the ground first. "

The words of Huangfu Nanshan have won the recognition of many crown princes.

Under such circumstances, Huangfu Nanshan could not help but say: "But the newcomer is a slow line, so our most critical issue is still about Ye Xiaohu."

"So I want to propose ..."

The eyes of Huangfu Nanshan glanced from everyone: "Not long ago, the mission hall accepted a new mission, but there was no way to find the murderer, so I wanted to arrange Ye Xiaohu to catch the murderer."

"Is it ..."

"Yes, that is the guess in your heart."

"Eight days of star fairy bandits?"

"it's him."

Hearing Huangfu Nanshan's words, everyone took a breath.

Ling Batian's cultivation base is not very high, but his team is indeed a fierce gang of immortal gangsters. If accidentally, he will be fooled and become his meat Chinese food.

Under such circumstances, Zhang Jin hesitated and said, "What if he refuses?"

"He won't."

Huangfu Nanshan took a deep breath, then took out a special jade box from his storage space, and opened it in front of everyone: "I will give my own climbing magic pill to you The person who completed the task this time. "

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