Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1647: : Memory of the Enchanted Sky Soldier

Everyone went to find his own character, but Ye Xiaohu didn't choose immediately.

I saw him walking forward step by step, seeing one after another on the way.

"If I remember correctly, there should be a magic soldier in this place, at least at the level of Heavenly King."

"That place should be a special fairy law, the grade is very high, but unfortunately it is far inferior to the five elements."

"Some of this place is forgotten, but it should not be something important, otherwise it will not be forgotten."

"There is still a place where I remember it is a panacea. Unfortunately, my body has just been transformed and I ca n’t take panacea for a short time to improve my self-cultivation, but rely on my ability and step by step. Practice is. "


In this way, Ye Xiaohu went all the way, wasting a few days, and finally came to the deepest part of this passage.

So Ye Xiaohu stopped and glanced quietly in front of her, could not help but take a deep breath: "It should be this place."

Ye Xiaohu stared at the front and carefully looked back. The memory of the ancient Tianting period was constantly replayed in his mind, which made Ye Xiaohu quickly find the relevant memory.

So Ye Xiaohu took a deep breath, and touched her hand gently, her arm penetrated directly.

This made Ye Xiaohu's mouth slightly tilted, and said with a satisfied expression: "Sure enough, there is no change from the past." When the words fell, Ye Xiaohu's body straightened forward, and the whole person plunged into the wall.


When the line of sight in front of him was restored, Ye Xiaohu hadn't had time to observe the situation around him, and he heard a burst of empty sound in his ears.

This made Ye Xiaohu's complexion change greatly. He knew that the situation was wrong, and he quickly showed up to resist.

Jingle bells.

Under the resistance of Ye Xiaohu, he quickly saw a special life, which appeared in front of Ye Xiaohu and said: "Humans, you should not invade my territory, so you **** it."


To be precise, it is an enchanted person, but it has been enchanted for so long that it is completely transformed into a demon head, and no longer has a fairy body.

When aware of this, Ye Xiaohu couldn't help but sigh: "It seems that you should be the demons who came into this place by chance when this big hall was destroyed, but unfortunately did not find a way to leave, so I was trapped in this place until Ye Xiaohu appeared. "

"Human, you are smart."

Hearing Ye Xiaohu ’s words, the demons on the opposite side could not help but sneered: “Now I can give you a chance, as long as you take me safely out of this space, then I can give you a noble demonic identity, let You become an identity enchanted by a demon. "

"Then you keep it yourself!"

Ye Xiaohu sighed, and was disappointed with this decision.

If the Devil in front of you had already lived in this place during the destruction of the ancient heaven, then the fortune of this place is estimated to have been excavated by him long ago, and there will never be any immortal margin.

So Ye Xiaohu spread his hands, and then said to the demon opposite: "I don't care who you were before, in short, I kneel down on the ground and wait for death. After I've solved you, I'm going to other places to find fortune."

"You really know how to leave."

The person who wanted to face the Demon Clan, after hearing Ye Xiaohu ’s words, could n’t help but cheer on his face: “The old man no longer knows how many years he has been trapped in this place. However, just kill you and read Your memory, then I can know how to leave this place. "


I saw the demon person, the body directly shone, came to Ye Xiaohu's side, and punched Ye Xiaohu's heavenly cover with a punch.

"Good to come."

Seeing the attack of the demons, Ye Xiaohu couldn't help but sneered, and with a sleeve in his backhand, he covered the body of the demons on the spot.

"Universal in the sleeve?"

The demon man was taken aback. When he was a human, he knew the terrible situation in this sleeve. So when he saw Ye Xiaohu exhibiting in his sleeves, he quickly evaded and dared not compete with him.

"Do you want more, don't you feel too late?"

Seeing the other party's movements, Ye Xiaohu snorted coldly, his body strode directly, and instantly came to the Demon's side.


I saw that Ye Xiaohu gave up Qiankun in his sleeve, and directly changed it into Qingtian war tactics, and punched the chest of the demon on the spot.

"Do not!"

The people of Mozu obviously didn't expect Ye Xiaohu to make a temporary move, and the speed of the change was so fast, so he was caught by surprise by Ye Xiaohu.


Without any hesitation, Ye Xiaohu's chest was punched by Ye Xiaohu on the spot.

"No, I haven't left this **** place, how can I die?"

The man enchanted by the demon clan looked at Ye Xiaohu in horror and wanted to escape frantically.

But he had just turned around and was surprised to find that there was no trace at all in the place in front of him, which made him fall into deep despair.


Along with his despair, his body could no longer bear the fairy power and burst on the spot.

Seeing this scene, Ye Xiaohu came directly in front of the other party in one step, and used his own special means to copy the other party's soul.

Under Ye Xiaohu's copy, the messages in the local memory entered Ye Xiaohu's mind.

If it is an ordinary person, then suddenly there is so much memory, then it will definitely fall into a very painful situation. But Ye Xiaohu is not an ordinary person, so his brain can withstand a lot of memory without worrying about being affected by the other party's memory.


After reading for a few minutes in this way ~ ~ Ye Xiaohu gradually took control of all the memories, which made Ye Xiaohu's face slightly satisfied: "Unfortunately, this man of the Devil, when he was in Heaven, It ’s just an ordinary soldier. Later, he was enchanted and eventually detained in this place. "

"Although there are few memories, but one thing is very important, that is Yin Yang fish."

Ye Xiaohu frowned, silently thinking about the meaning of Yin Yang fish.

According to the memory of the demon enchanted person, when the fairy world was truly destroyed, it appeared that there was a yin and yang fish in the fairy world.

Among them, the jade seal of the old Jade Emperor is the anode of the Yin Yang fish, but the Yin Yang fish lacks the cathode. Even if the gods of the heavens tried all possible ways, there was still no gain.

As a result, the demon people just made use of this gap, so they could easily enter the fairy world.

After understanding this point, Ye Xiaohu couldn't help but curiously said: "It seems that in the future, it is the key to find every way to find this Yin Yang fish."

(End of this chapter)

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