Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1660: : Underestimated

About a dozen kilometers away from the chaotic land inn, a huge private house.


The owner of this place used to be Tang Hao, the strongest man in the chaotic land.

In the fairyland, he was also a famous saint.

But then I did not know what the reason was, so I left the fairyland, came to live in a place of chaos, and became the leader of this place.

But ten years ago, he was inexplicably sick, and once he couldn't afford it, now he couldn't move, he couldn't say it, he almost became a living dead person.

"Huh, isn't this Nanli Shangxian?"

I saw in the banquet hall of Tangzhai, a young man closed the paper fan in his hand, and then said to the middle-aged man in front of him: "Don't you have retired long ago? How come there is time to jump out and accept this time Mission? "

"Although I am old, my heart is still young."

Nanli Shangxian smiled faintly, and then said to other people: "So after a long time, I want to come out and turn around. But I didn't expect that I was actually in this place, and I saw the third of the four famous shows in the fairyland. Surprised. "

"What four shows, it's just a name."

Another person stood up and stared at Nanli Shangxian Dao as well: "We these rising stars, in front of you Nanli Shangxian, there are still some small people."

"If you can enter the four shows, it must be not ordinary people, you don't need to be so humble."

Nanli Shangxian said with emotion: "The old man, like you at that age, can't even touch Sixiu's trousers."

In the living room, five people sat scattered.

Four of them, Nanli Shangxian and others, held each other's stinky feet.

Only one person, sitting quietly in his position with a knife, seemed to have nothing to do with him.

Seeing this scene, Nanli Shangxian couldn't help wondering: "Who is this little brother, why have I never seen it?"

"Ghost Knife Yang Chu."

Holding the knife man, directly report his identity.

When he heard the four characters of the ghost knife Yang Chu, everyone present was a little stunned. Obviously his fame was very loud, but he was among the new generation, and he had a very good chance to surpass his contemporaries and win the show.

Moreover, this person has a strange personality and doesn't like words, but he will see the blood as soon as he strikes, and he will never be merciless.

Just when Nanli Shangxian and others looked curiously at the ghost knife Yang Chu, there was a footstep outside, followed by the Tang family principal.

When I walked in from the outside, I saw her decadently looking south and said to Shangxian and others: "Thank you, seniors, for coming to our Tang family to solve this Tang's trouble for you. But rest assured, in the future After the event is completed, our Tang family will not only provide rewards for the task, but also some additional rewards, which will be given to you at the time. "

"Miss Tang is polite. Since we accepted your task, we will naturally work hard to complete the task."

"With us here, we can definitely complete the tasks of the Tang family this time."

"Whether it's the Fire Spirit Bird or other things, as long as we take this shot, we can definitely win and return, and they will never be allowed to obstruct Miss Tang and find that thing."

"Miss Tang, you are here this time, but you are well prepared. If there are no other questions, then let's go out immediately!"

I saw Nanli Shangxian and others, looking at Miss Tang one by one, with a trace of intriguing eyes, and actively responded to her, wanting to come out directly.

"Not urgent."

Miss Tang smiled slightly, glanced around, and then frowned, "Hey, I remember that I clearly assigned a mission to Heranzong, and I sent a message a few days ago to see that someone also took the mission, but why no one came ? "


"Helanzong is now in decline."

"Except for the prince, there are no rising stars."

"Yes, the people who can't get the Helanzong to come are already halfway through, they are killed by the gangsters in the chaotic land, haha."

Obviously, the few people sitting were not very upset with Heranzong, or had some contradictions.

Under such circumstances, they all satiated Heranzong.

But the eldest lady of the Tang family, when hearing these words, did not have any sarcasm, but frowned slightly.

Because there is one more person, then a little more help.

Although the people present were all good one by one just now, but if something really happened, then they all ran faster than anyone else.

This is human nature.

Since his father suddenly lost his ability to move, she has drained her family's wealth and organized several similar activities. As a result, many times, the people who came to help escaped.

That's why, this time the Tang family will run out of money ~ ~ and invited six masters to come, the purpose is to desperate.

Just when Miss Tang Jia hesitated whether to continue to wait.

The servant of the Tang family came over and reported to the Miss Tang family: "Miss, the people of Herlanzong are here."

"come yet?"

Miss Tang's face was delighted, and then quickly ordered to say: "What are you waiting for, hurry up and invite the genius of Heranzong."


The employees of the Tang family immediately turned and left, Xu Xu, and he walked back with Ye Xiaohu.

I saw the eldest lady of the Tang family, staring and Ye Xiaohu carefully looked at it, and could not help but stunned: "This brother, from your appearance, you should be practicing for less than a hundred years?"


Ye Xiaohu froze for a moment, then thought about it carefully. It really is the same thing.

In the past, when he was in the heavenly court, he practiced for decades. After returning to the earth and practicing for a few years, he returned to the fairyland. Now, it is really less than a hundred years, so Ye Xiaohu shrugged helplessly. : "Miss Miss has good eyesight, and she can see the depth of my eyes at a glance, knowing that my cultivation time is still short."

When I first arrived, Ye Xiaohu was not too arrogant, but rather very humble, to avoid any contradictions.

However, Ye Xiaohu's weakness showed no sympathy, but let some people push their noses to face.

I saw one of the four shows that I talked to Nanli Shangxian before, a man known as Beichuan Shenxiu, stood up with a disdainful face, and his nostrils faced Ye Xiaohu Road: "Boy, are you offended by Heranzong? What a great man, so they will give such a dangerous task to you, such a fledgling young man who wants to send you to death? "()

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