Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1666: : See you again in 100,000 years

"do not go."

"Brother Zhang Muyun, don't leave!"

"You are gone, what shall we do?"

"Please, brother, don't leave us behind."

When the master of the Qingxu Sect spoke out of despair and left the battle in desperation, the remaining disciples of the Qingxu Sect looked pale and felt despair.

Because Zhang Muyun is the backbone of these people, and they are the people with the highest cultivation ability and the most powerful fighting ability among them.

With him, then they can still struggle for a while, but without Zhang Muyun's help, relying on the fighting power of these people, they are basically over.

So they begged hard, but they didn't get Zhang Muyun's sympathy.

Because Zhang Muyun knew very well that if he continued to stay, there was no way to win. Instead, he would put himself in danger and even die with them.

"Everyone escapes their own lives!"

When Zhang Muyun was completely safe, no matter how his brother and sister were alive, he dropped the last sentence and said: "As long as you can survive, then in the Qingxuezong inner door, our brothers will be drinking and talking."


Zhang Muyun disappeared, completely disappearing into people's sight.

Flame Spirit Bird and Earth Dragon have not stopped, because Zhang Muyun's departure is undoubtedly a very good thing for them. They can beat the rest more calmly.

"Traitor, you **** traitor, if I can go back to the Qingxu Sect alive, I must report you to the elders of the Shimen, so that all the fellows know what you are doing today."

"Damn, you shouldn't believe his ghost words at the beginning, come with him to find some blood bodhi, but now he was thrown away and waited for death."

"Brother Zhang Muyun, come back soon! As long as you come back, then Shimen opens the door at night to let you sleep with me!"

"Brother Zhang Muyun, did you forget that when you went to Wushan last year, did you promise me anything?"

The disciples of Qingxu called out, but did not exchange Zhang Muyun's recollection, but they finally waited for the crazy attacks of the Fire Spirit Bird and the Earth Dragon.

Bang Bang Bang Bang.

The disciples of the Qingxu Sect who could have persisted for a long time, completely lost the rule of law after Zhang Muyun left. Therefore, within a short period of time, some members were killed or injured one after another.

The rest of the people were all in horror, so they also gave up their resistance and frantically cast the magic law of escape and wanted to leave this place.

But they are not Zhang Muyun, and they did not seize the opportunity, so they just fled and were killed by the **** flame of the flame spirit bird, or the crazy shelling of the earth dragon.

After such a short period of time, Qing Xuzong's disciples died and the wounds were no longer able to continue fighting.


Seeing this scene, the flame spirit bird could not help flying to the top of the earth dragon and said: "This time, thank you brother Dilong for your help, otherwise I guess there is no way to defeat these fairy people today."

"You and I were born in this place together, and naturally we have to watch and help each other."

The earth dragon urn responded abruptly, then said to the flame spirit bird: "Yes, flame sister, how should these fairies deal with?"

"Leave it to the little ones!"

Flame Spirit Bird sighed, and then said: "There is always an idea in my mind. Someone seems to tell me not to kill these fairies at random."

"Sister Flame, do you still have that fantasy in your mind?"

The earth dragon shook his huge head, and then said to the flame spirit bird: "Sister Flame, you believe me, it is definitely a delusion. Similar to this kind of thought, you should directly use the fairy method to remove him from his own brain. Cut it out inside, and only then can you concentrate on the path. "


"Don't hesitate, as long as you do this, Sister Flame, you will have crossed the five-fold bomb and become the demon of the six-fold heaven like me."

"Yes! Maybe I should really do this."

Flame Spirit Bird nodded, and was gradually persuaded by the earth dragon.

As they were preparing to clean up the battlefield, Miss Tang couldn't sit still, so she anxiously pointed at Ye Xiaohu and said: "Hurry up, let's hold the two of us together to hold him, otherwise we will be hard to catch after they leave Live them. "

"Seize, do you think you and I are their opponents?"

Ye Xiaohu sighed, and then looked back at Miss Tang, saying: "I originally thought that the disciples of the Qingxu Sect were all sculptors, and they could hold on for a while. But now they are falling apart and there is no right. The flame spirit bird and the earth dragon cause damage. If we rush forward hurriedly, there will definitely be death. "

"What about then?"

Miss Tang Tang looked at Ye Xiaohu dumbly: "Do we have to watch them leave like this and wait for the injured place to recover?"

"Do not!"

Ye Xiaohu shook his head, and then thought about it seriously: "There is still a way to try ~ ~ But I dare not guarantee that you can get the blood bodhi, but you can try it."

"any solution?"

Miss Tang brightened in front of her eyes: "You are going to elaborate."

"Talk positively."

Ye Xiaohu said straightforwardly: "I see the blood bodhi tree. The output this year should be very rich, but your father only needs one, so if you ask for one, you can still talk positively."

"Are you crazy, actually going to negotiate with the monster, do you think this is the ancient days of heaven?"

"It is indeed not the time of the ancient heaven, but do you have a better way?"


Miss Tang was speechless when asked by Ye Xiaohu. She didn't know how to refute for a while.

But she knew she could not hesitate for too long, otherwise she would miss this opportunity, so she could only sigh: "I listen to you all."

"Then don't say anything for a while, just stand by my side."

Ye Xiaohu nodded with satisfaction, and then walked to Miss Tang, and in her stunned expression, placed a spell directly on her.

Such actions of Ye Xiaohu made Miss Tang's cheeks slightly red.

Especially when Ye Xiaohu was performing the immortal method, if there was any physical contact, Miss Tang could not help but imagine.

She thought that Ye Xiaohu wanted to take the opportunity to tease herself, but when Miss Tang was about to bear it, when she wanted to break out, she saw Ye Xiaohu stopped, and turned around and walked toward the Flame Spirit Bird resolutely. Looking at the flame spirit bird across the air: "Small fire, did not expect that thousands of years have passed, you actually survived this catastrophe."

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