Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1684: : Butterfly Love 3

Chaotic Sword God Chapter 1684

"Are you going to talk about martial arts?"

"It should have been this way for a long time. I always wanted to see whether it was a great prince or a fairy."

"Butterfly Fairy is the person with the highest talent, far more than the prince, but after all, she has a short cultivation period, and should not be the prince's opponent."

"It's not easy to say that the fairy luck of the fairy love fairy is against the sky. If you can make a lot of good luck a few times, maybe you can get the secrets of the ancient heavenly period and directly overthrow the prince's rule over the young generation."

After the breakthrough of the state of mind, everyone began to become interested in the subsequent discussion of martial arts.

After all, fighting is the goal they insist on, so they want to see who is the first.

Under such circumstances, even Ye Xiaohu was curious.

After all, he came this time just to take a look at the prince's cultivation behavior, and wanted to know how far apart he was from the prince.

Under Ye Xiaohu's observation, the prince nodded and agreed to the request of Butterfly Love Fairy.

So he stood up directly from his seat and said, "You are a rising star in Butterfly Love Fairy, so as an old man, I don't bully you, you can make three moves."

"Thank you, Brother Prince, for your advice."

Dielian Fairy is not a polite person. When he heard the prince's request, Dielian Fairy took a deep breath and then said to Ye Xiaohu and others: "You come back, I and the prince for a while It is estimated that the brother ’s battle will cover a wider area, so for your safety, it is best not to enter our battle range to avoid any casualties. "

"Thank you for the reminder of Dielian Fairy, but we were ready before we came."

"Yes, we all have the magic weapon of defense, and we can definitely hold it."

"Butterfly Fairy and Brother Prince, you don't have to worry about us, we are all prepared, and please let go."

"We came to this place just for this purpose, so we will never leave Biyue Peak."

Everyone knows that once they leave Biyue Peak, even if they see the final decisive battle, they will weaken a lot of senses. Under such circumstances, they can't leave, and strive to watch the duel between Prince and Butterfly Fairy up close.


Facing their life and death, Dielian Fairy could not help but sigh and gave up her plan to continue persuading them.

But Butterfly Love Fairy is a woman after all, he could n’t bear to see so many people die at the scene, so he directly took out a magic weapon similar to the golden bell, threw it towards Ye Xiaohu and others on the spot, and directly Ye Xiaohu and others The person is covered inside to ensure that Ye Xiaohu and others will not be easily killed by the duel between him and the prince.

"You are too kind. If you continue to practice like this, you will encounter too many levels sooner or later."

Seeing the benevolent technique of Butterfly Love Fairy, the Prince snorted: "But yes, after all, you are a woman, and you are destined to be difficult to become a co-owner of the world. Even if your talent is excellent, you can only stop it . "

"Who says that women are not as good as men, and who says that the world's co-owners can only be done by your men, we women can't do it?"

The Prince's words deeply hurt Dielian Fairy.

Because she was said by a group of people since she was born.

He grew up step by step, relying on his talent to grow to such a level, still being reprimanded by the prince, which made Dielian Fairy somewhat dissatisfied.

So she sneered and said to the prince: "Today I will let you know that our women's house is not ordinary people."


I saw Butterfly Love Fairy burst into a scream, and then a bunch of flowers appeared on my body, which made Butterfly Love Fairy's breath continue to climb.

"Beautiful, really beautiful!"

"It is worthy of the first beautiful lady Dielian Fairy in the surrounding area. Such honor, really makes us surrender!"

"If I can beg for a kiss, I will do it even if I die on the spot."

"Don't forget to think that beauty like Dielian Fairy is not something you and I can pursue."

Just when a person is obsessed with Dielian fairy.

Butterfly Love Fairy has completed the momentum, and has released a fairy law, directly bombing toward the Prince and said: "Brother Prince, please take my first move of Butterfly Love Three Alleys."

Along with Butterfly Love Fairy, a special flower shadow emanates from Butterfly Love Fairy and spreads out in all directions.

The rich scent makes everyone around me obsessed.

Just when they were obsessed, those floral fragrances condensed into a heavenly giant, and punched the prince.

"Interesting, it's actually a phantom attack, quite a bit novel."

However, in the face of the unexpected attack of Butterfly Love Fairy, the prince did not have any panic, but directly reached out: "Suppress the world."

I saw that the Prince's hand kept growing, and in a blink of an eye, it was turned into a mountain, and it fell from the sky, and went directly towards the Giant Giant of the Butterfly Love Fairy.


No matter how big it is, it is also a human being. How can it compete with a mountain?

Therefore, the giant Optimus released by the Fairy Fairy had been squashed by a huge mountain before doing anything.

But Dielian Fairy was not disappointed by this, but was even more excited. I saw her looking forward to the prince said: "You really are the same as what is said in the rumors, far beyond the fairy of the same generation, reaching another One level. But I'm not too weak in fairy tales, even if you defeat my first move, you may not be able to catch my second move. "

Butterflies bloom in the world of Butterfly Love Three Alleys.

Boom ~ ~ I saw a lot of flowers popping out under the body of Giant Optimus, and as soon as these flowers came out, they immediately opened their teeth and clawed toward the prince.

The prince frowned, and punched him directly, eliminating several piranhas that were closer to him.

But he just hit a punch, and found that something was wrong. He found that his fairy power was constantly being lost. Although there was not much reduction, there were still some strange things.

And as he continued to eliminate the cannibalism in front of him, the more fairy power was lost in the body. Even at the last moment, most of the fairy power in his body was lost, but the cannibalism in front of him was not reduced at all.

"Interesting fairy law, can actually devour my fairy power, come to be born continuously."

The prince stared closely around him, and then said to Fairy Fairy: "However, this kind of clever trick may win the group battle. But in the one-on-one matchup, it doesn't take up too much. It ’s cheaper, not to mention facing my prince? Today I will show you how powerful my prince is. "

(End of this chapter)

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