Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1689: : Huashan Cloud

Cold light city.

This is an unremarkable town within the fairyland.

In the past tens of millions of years, in the face of such a huge fairy universe, few people know this place.

Because this place does not produce immortals, ores, spirit veins, etc., some cultivated materials, and there are no more famous people.

Originally according to normal circumstances, he would have been obscured.

But a million years ago, a huge wave of immortal energy suddenly occurred in this place, which directly shocked the forces of all directions.

Later, after exploring by countless people, he gradually figured out the routine of this place.

Even through some ancient classics comparisons, an exciting thing was finally determined.

Hanguang City is probably a very powerful sect in the ancient paradise period, a mountain gate for cutting off teaching.

For a time, the fame of Hanguang City moved the whole fairyland. Numerous fairy people came here, looking for opportunities to enter the mountain gate of interception.

It is a pity that the Shanmen Gate for Intercepting Education has only been opened once in recent years.

Half a million years.

This is a huge threshold. According to the last calculation, this time is likely to be the next day when the Shanmen Cave is opened.

"Strange, how did the mountain gate of the teaching cut out appear in this place."

Ye Xiaohu has been there before, and naturally understands it.

Therefore, in Ye Xiaohu's memory, the mountain gate where the education was cut off can no longer be located where Hanguang City is located.

But this place has been called the mountain gate of intercession by the descendants. There must be some reason for this. After all, the current fairy is not stupid, and if there is nothing to cut off in this place, they will not admit it wrong.

So with such doubts, Ye Xiaohu quietly patrolled around the Hanguang City, looking for the entrance to the mountain gate where the education was cut off, and wanted to conduct an identification of his own.

Just as Ye Xiaohu was preparing for action, he suddenly found a huge beam of light from the sky, directly covering a place.

This surprised Ye Xiaohu and felt an unbelievable way: "This power is ..."

Ye Xiaohu sensed it carefully and said very familiarly: "It seems to be the unique fairy power of cutting off education."

Every person has different ways of practicing immortals, so the immortal power they release is also different.

A big sect like the cut-off religion naturally has its own unique method. It makes people feel different from the past, so it is very easy to recognize.

With such curiosity and incomprehensible, Ye Xiaohu moved his body directly, came to the place covered by the light beam quickly, and squatted quietly to observe the light beam carefully.

"It's actually the light of heaven, and it seems that this place really has some weirdness."

Even Heavenly Dao has paid attention to this place, and the light of Heavenly Dao has come to prove that a treasure is about to be born here. This is definitely a huge news.

I believe that many people have come here one after another and want to further enter the space and seize the treasures they have made.

But Ye Xiaohu did not act, because he knew that it was not yet time, otherwise this symbol of the light of heaven and earth would dissipate itself between this heaven and earth.

While Ye Xiaohu was quietly hiding aside, and was not observing the light of heaven and earth, a group of people came over one after another.

This group of people did not come together, but came scattered.

This group of people are not as good as each other, and they have all reached the level of the Nine Saints Xuanxian, which is placed in any school, that is the top fighting power.

This made Ye Xiaohu cautious about the purpose of this trip.

"Sure enough, as the ancestor remembered, this place will open soon."

"According to the records of our ancestors, there should be another ten days and a half months before we can fully open, so during this period, we must not leave this place. Therefore, you guys directly set up a formation in this place. We are going to camp in this place next. "

"By the way, in order to avoid being taken one step ahead and taking away the education of cutting off education, we must not leave this place half a step."

After a few words from these people, they found a reasonable and safe place to camp.

But before they were ready, a large group of people killed them.

The younger brother, headed by a young man, is even dressed in gorgeous clothes, which makes one feel ashamed at first glance.

"Give up to Lao Tzu."

"Don't stop our son's way forward."

I saw that Brother Huafu was walking ahead, and his younger brother had already rushed out, and pushed away the people who stopped him in advance, making it difficult for them to stop.

Soon, Huafu Gongzi and his party came to the front of the beam, and then asked in a low voice: "This is the entrance to the mountain gate for teaching?"

"Yes, second son."

"If that is the case, then let's go in!"

"No, it seems that this place, Er Gongzi, has not been opened yet ~ ~ We rushed in, and it was easy to be killed by the formation inside."

"What about then?"

The elder brother of Huafu sneered: "Do you keep your son waiting at this place? I don't have the patience. If I really want to wait for ten or eight years, then I might as well go back home immediately."

"Don't worry, second son."

The man standing next to the elder brother of the Chinese costume said without a smile: "I will arrange people to go to the beam to give you two measurements."

"Also arrange people?"

Brother Huafu said dissatisfiedly: "Can't you just test yourself?"

"But the villain will be useful in the future, how can he die now?"

The flattering man next to Brother Huafu quickly waved his hand and refused Brother Huafu's proposal, and then said to Brother Huafu: "However, you can rest assured, I will help you."

I saw the charming man next to the elder brother of Huafu. After a slight smile, he walked forward a few steps, and came to a side repairer: "Boy, do you know who our second son is?"

The casual repairer who was asked by the flatterer couldn't help but swallow his mouth and said: "Hua Shanyun's name, in this one-acre three-point land, who doesn't know? Since he has already come, then I won't stay in this place anymore , Let the cutting-edge education be given to you! "

Under the voice, the casual passerby could not help but turn around, and left directly disappointed.

But when he left, he saw a man who was always flattering by Hua Shanyun, and he couldn't help but stop him on the spot, and said lukewarmly: "Wait, if you leave like this, you won't give us too much Has your second son noodles? "

(End of this chapter)

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