Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1698: : 0 Teyanagi

When the cut-off education was prosperous that year, after the disciples of all dynasties began to learn, they could invade the evolution pool every day, just like their own bathhouse.

It's a pity that such a thing gradually became rare.

Because of the problems in the evolution pool, it is difficult to form pool water in the later period, and naturally there is no way to evolve.

At least when Ye Xiaohu came to teach Shanmen, he could no longer see the evolution pool, and he was not even qualified to invade.

However, Ye Xiaohu did not expect that after tens of millions of years of accumulation, the former evolution pool actually recovered again, and had the opportunity to invade.

This made Ye Xiaohu excited for the whole person, so Ye Xiaohu simply scanned his loot, immediately cast a flying secret, and flew towards the evolution pool in memory.


More than ten minutes later, Ye Xiaohu came to the place in memory, and really realized the breath of the evolution pool, which made Ye Xiaohu's face happy.

Just as Ye Xiaohu was preparing to move forward, he found that someone was fighting in front of him.

This made Ye Xiaohu's expression tight. He didn't continue to move forward, but lowered his body and lurked in quietly. He wanted to figure out the situation first, and then decide what to do.

I saw Ye Xiaohu marching quietly and quickly saw the picture inside.

Under Ye Xiaohu's observation, there are two factions fighting inside.

Obviously all are struggling to compete for the evolution pool, and I don't want to let it go for a moment.

"The spirit bird fairy gate blame you can't rise, it turned out that you were looking for the evolution pool. But you are out of luck, this time was encountered by our brother, so this place will soon belong to our brother.

"Yes, I advise you to say that several of you are not opponents of our brothers, so it is best to leave this place early so that you can survive."

"Leave, or die, hurry up and choose!"

"Our patience is limited, but we will not continue to consume you in this place."

Judging from their dialogue, Ye Xiaohu can tell that one of them is weak, with a team of about seven or eight people, and that is the disciple of Spirit Bird Immortal Gate.

This can be determined from their clothing, as for their other side, it is a brother who repairs freely.

However, the two brothers are twin brothers. When they were born, they were like one person, and the cultivation speed was twice that of ordinary people, so they can grow together and are terrible.

Because when the two brothers found this place, they immediately started a fight with the spirit bird immortal gate.

Their two brothers' cultivation practices have reached the sixth heaven of the Nine Saints Xuanxian, and they can also explode twice the combat power, which is not comparable to ordinary people.

In such a situation, the disciples of the Spirit Bird Immortal Gate stepped back step by step, because only one of them could cultivate their behavior and compete with the twin brothers.

But this person's cultivation is nothing but contending, but he cannot overcome it.

Under such circumstances, he could not help struggling to survive: "Do you know that once you continue to do this, it is equivalent to offending our entire spirit bird immortal gate, do you think you can still live?"

"Since our brothers dare to do this, they are naturally ready."

The twin brothers could n’t help laughing, and then said triumphantly: “Our two brothers have hidden secrets, and as long as our two brothers pass the evolution pool and evolve again, how many people are our opponents? No matter how bad, we You can also sell the news of this place to a major faction, and believe that the other party will be very interested, such as Heranzong. "

Damn it.

Hearing the words of the twin brothers, the people facing the spirit bird immortal gate couldn't help but look bitter for a while, because they knew that today's battle, there is no way to avoid it.


"We rely on the combined attack method to try to hold down their brothers and two people. I have just released the signal just now, I believe our reinforcements will arrive soon."

"Yes, as long as they can hold down their two brothers, the victory is ours."

"Go on, follow them."

The people at the Spirit Bird Immortal Gate are not stupid. When they heard the words of the twin brothers, they knew that the other party could not let themselves go.

Under such circumstances, they can only desperately stop.

"A group of stupid people. Do you think our two brothers really wanted to let you go before talking to you?"

When the two twin brothers saw the spirit bird immortal gate person has supported the defense combined attack formation, but did not panic at all said: "Actually, we have been waiting for this moment, because you are about to die on us In front of you. "


The sixth celestial being of the Nine Saints Xuanxian at the Lingbird Immortal Gate still has some puzzles.

But just when he wanted to drink with his twin brothers, he suddenly felt the ground under his feet, a little loose ~ ~ This made his face change greatly, he could not help but shouted: "Get up, we Do n’t fight on the ground, because there seems to be someone hiding in the dark underground. "


Seeing this scene, the twin brothers could n’t help but scream, took off from the same place together, and showed off a boxing fist, directly shooting the humanity of the spirit bird immortal gate from the air: "Running together and striking the array, our two brothers It is much better than your Spirit Bird Immortal Gate, so you die for me! "


The man at the Spirit Bird Immortal Gate had just soared into the air and was beaten back by the twin brothers on the spot.

When they landed on the ground, they immediately had a terrible tentacle that stretched out of the ground and grabbed an inner disciple of a spirit bird immortal gate on the spot.

"No, my fairy power."

The disciples of the Spirit Bird Immortal Gate, who were captured, immediately felt the immortal power in their bodies and passed away at a super fast speed.

But he had no way to resist, he could only watch this happen.

After a while, he became a zombie corpse, completely turned into a waste,


That is a thousandths of a second, when that terrible tentacle, after taking back his tentacle, the genius disciple of the spirit bird immortal gate, turned into a mass of flying ash, and even the soul could not escape from birth.

Seeing this scene of the disciples of the Spirit Bird Immortal Gate, their hearts were cold one by one. Obviously the other party was too weird and too powerful.

Just when they lost their fighting spirit, they saw the twin brothers in the air and could n’t help but complacently say: “Thousand-handed Liu Zu, it ’s your time to show your talents now. ,Understand?"

(End of this chapter)

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