Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1710: : The strongest means

"Huangfu Nanshan, you can die."

Ling Batian, who was originally suppressed by Huangfu Nanshan, was not attacked as rashly as he was after he was commanded by Huaguan middle-aged man.

I saw him quietly stepping back a few steps, temporarily opened a space with Huangfu Nanshan, enough to ensure his safety, he sighed: "Do n’t think that only you can practice the secret law of the ancient heavens, I Ling Domineering is also available. "

With the sound of Ling Batian resounding, then a strange light was born on his body.

Under the shroud of light, a trace of ancient rhyme gradually appeared on Ling Batian's body, letting people glance at the past and feel that this person is unusual.

Immediately after that, E Lingba burst into a blast, releasing all the air pressure on his body, giving the person an irresistible breath.

"What kind of fairy law is this?"

"My God, what the **** is today, I saw one after another a special fairy law one after another."

"No, I feel that my body can no longer withstand the confrontation between the two of them, because I feel the battle shockwave of the two of them, and can kill my life at any time."

"Retreat and quickly leave their fighting area."

For a time, the members of the two sides who were still fighting, looked at each other rationally, and each withdrew a few steps backwards, until they left the range of fighting between Ling Batian and Huangfu Nanshan, they were relieved one by one. , Don't worry about it.

At this time, Ling Batian, who reunited his aura, directly roared and killed Huangfu Nanshan Road: "Everything is over, you and your crown prince will disappear from here!"

"Fart, the crown prince has a long history. Even if I die in this place today, the crown prince will not suffer any losses."

Huangfu Nanshan snorted and patted his chest, then he said again: "Not to mention that I and the same year will not die."

Huangfu Nanshan glanced at Ling Batian, and at Huaguan Middle-aged Man.

He believed that Ling Batian and the Spirit Bird Immortal Gate behind him should have no chance to get such a powerful secret of the ancient heaven. After all, the spirit bird immortal gate has no tradition, they are the forces formed after the ancient heaven was destroyed, and they are far inferior to the Helan Sect in terms of heritage.

What's more, they didn't even get the remains of an ancient heavenly court, and it was even more difficult for them to collect the secrets of the ancient heavenly court for their disciples.

Under such circumstances, Huangfu Nanshan can judge that the secret method of Ling Batian's cultivation must be given to Ling Batian by the middle-aged man of Huaguan.

Although Huangfu Nanshan did not know the strength of this inability, he had a gambling psychology, and he wanted to bet that Ling Batian had just obtained it, and the practice was not very thorough.

Only in this way can his Huangfu Nanshan rely on his fairy law to defeat Ling Batian and lead the members of the Crown Prince to escape, so as not to be completely killed by Huaguan middle-aged men in this place.

"Golden Giant Giant Sky strikes."

I saw Huangfu Nanshan snorted, his body linked to the golden giant, and launched a new round of attack.

Since Ling Batian wanted to tear up his defense, he naturally could not let Ling Batian succeed.

Therefore, he wants to release the most terrifying combat power, and directly defeat the powerful Ling Ba Tian, ​​let him know his shortcomings, and thus find opportunities to defeat Ling Ba Tian.

"Arhat gold body."

But with Ling Batian's body, he kept approaching Huangfu Nanshan.

Ling Batian actually gave up his first immortal method and turned into a magical power of Buddha.

Immediately after Ling Batian's body, he was also bathed in a golden light, but the combat effectiveness was doubled.


Immediately after Ling Batian's iron fist, he hit the golden giant of Huangfu Nanshan from the air.

After the two sides collided fiercely, the golden giant of Huangfu Nanshan was defeated by Ling Batian for the first time. Although he did not directly show the defeat, he let Huangfu Nanshan groan and felt that the situation was slightly unsatisfactory.

I saw the body of Huangfu Nanshan, and took a few steps backwards, then stared at Ling Ba Tian Dao: "You actually gave up the Taoist magic method, specializing in the magical power of the Buddha, are you not afraid of the master of the spirit bird fairy Do you know how to abolish your cultivation behavior? "

"Dao and Buddhism are no different at all. They are all manifestations of immortals, so why should the elders of the sect be embarrassed with me? Not to mention that I practiced this supernatural power, which was also recognized by the elders of the sect."

Ling Ba Tian Si didn't care, only saw him with a ruthless face: "Huangfu Nanshan shouldn't utter his tongue in that place, because you and I have known each other for many years, so I have known your character for a long time, and you know my temper , So I will definitely not change my initial attack pattern for you in a few simple words. "

"This time, you want to subvert my princeling party ~ ~ It's really a **** capital!"

Huangfu Nanshan smiled bitterly, and he finally understood what it meant to be a tree.

It turns out that under the recent strong stance of the Crown Prince, such a huge crisis has been buried in secret, but he and the Prince have not even found it.

If they find out earlier and make proper arrangements earlier, there will definitely not be today's dilemma.

But now this situation can no longer be changed by his Huangfu Nanshan.

I saw him take a deep breath, and then stared at the front, looking at Ling Ba Tiandao: "Maybe you are right, but you want my Huangfu Nanshan's life, you always have to pay a certain price."

"As long as you kill you, then I will pay no attention, I will not care."

Ling Batian sneered and said cruelly: "Because as long as you die, then it means that the crown prince party will cut off its arms. Even if the crown prince is more powerful, we will not be afraid."

"Am I so important?"

Huangfu Nanshan smiled bitterly, then shook his shoulders casually, then stared at Ling Ba Tian Dao: "Since this is the case, then you and I do n’t want to talk nonsense, let us work together to release the most powerful killing trick , Take a look and see who is more powerful. "

"Right on my mind."

Ling Batian snorted coldly, and he didn't want to continue to consume with Huangfu Nanshan. Therefore, seeing Huangfu Nanshan have such a proposal, he naturally couldn't accept it.

So Ling Batian took a deep breath, constantly adjusted his breath, and stepped towards Huangfu Nanshan step by step.

When he walked in front of Huangfu Nanshan, probably less than ten steps, he went out early with a punch, and a golden body of Luohan rushed towards Huangfu Nanshan on the spot.

When Huangfu Nanshan saw Ling Batian ’s attack, he naturally would not wait for his death, only to see him burst into a scream: "Golden lights are destroyed."

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