Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 1712: : Give way, otherwise die

"Run quickly, the man of the spirit bird immortal gate is about to catch up."

"Damn, they must not be allowed to catch up. We must survive and tell the Prince Huangshan that Brother Nanshan has fallen."

"Yes, we must not let the people of the Spirit Bird Immortal Gate succeed. We must take revenge and let them know how terrible and difficult it is to fight against Brother Prince's anger.

"Escape, even if only one person can escape, that's good."

The other members of the princeling party were almost killed in Huangfu Nanshan. When Ling Batian and others did not care about them, they spread their legs and fled wildly.

But Ling Batian ignored them, and the subordinates of the middle-aged men of the spirit bird immortal gate and Huaguan, but they would not let them down, still chasing them behind.

In such a situation, both parties chase after me and flee forward quickly.

During this process, people were constantly chased because they were chased by the spirit bird immortal gate, so they fell to the ground one by one sadly.

Soon, there was only one person left in the princelings.

"Are you running away?"

"Don't you just run fast?"

"This time we watched you run away. Are you running away?"

"I want to see where you can escape."

There are a large number of coalition forces at the Spirit Bird Immortal Gate, so they have no worries and step closer to the only person left in the crown prince party.

"Don't be complacent, our crown prince party will definitely make a comeback and destroy your purpose."

Only the only member of the princeling party remained, knowing that he could not escape.

So he gave up and ran away, and went directly to a person who rushed to the spirit bird immortal gate.

"Do not."

"Damn, he wanted to explode, and everyone flashed away."

Seeing the only person remaining in the crown prince's party, using such crazy means, the people of the spirit bird fairy gate fled madly, and no longer dared to stay where they were, forcing members of the crown prince's party.

But their reaction, the slightly slower one, was not so lucky. On the spot, he was bombed by one of the last survivors of the princelings and went to Huangquan with him on the spot.

The rest of the people, after glancing at the fighting range that had turned into a pile of dead bones, not even the soul, could not help but sighed and turned to chase where Ling Batian and others left.

But just as they left, a magic weapon resembling fluorescence was born in the dark explosion range. After a brief peek, it was determined that no one found it, and immediately prepared to turn around and escape.

But he had just taken off, and before he could move towards the goals set by the Crown Prince, he was pinched by a strong, sturdy palm.

"Interesting, it's actually a consciousness video."

I saw Ye Xiaohu, who was aware of the fighting storm, suddenly came out of the void and stopped the magic weapon that was about to escape.

Immediately after a brief observation by Ye Xiaohu, he judged the origin of this magic weapon, so Ye Xiaohu smiled slightly: "Interesting, let me see what happened."

Ye Xiaohu took a deep breath, and then used his soul to read the contents of the magic weapon.

Under Ye Xiaohu's reading, he quickly figured out the identities of the middle-aged men Ling Ling Xianmen and Hua Guan, as well as the situation of their coalition forces.

Under such circumstances, Ye Xiaohu thought for a moment and said: "It's interesting, actually the official intervened. This time the Helan Sect may be in big trouble. And Huangfu Nanshan didn't die in my hands, but died instead. In the hands of Ling Ba Tian of the Lingbird Immortal Gate, if this matter spreads out, then it is definitely a big news, but unfortunately, before that, I have to **** down the inheritance of the intercepted Shanmen Gate. "

After making up his mind, Ye Xiaohu wiped out the traces he left within the magic weapon, and then continued to release the magic weapon, and added a small spell to him, so that he could go away invisibly, so as not to be taken by others. Discover, so as not to do anything complicated.

When Ye Xiaohu determined that his plan had been successfully implemented, he came to the place where Huangfu Nanshan died according to the memory he just read.

Sure enough, I saw the expulsion left by Huangfu Nanshan's roar, as well as some of the tattered and indecipherable magic weapons.

But vaguely recognizable, this person is Huangfu Nanshan.

"I did not expect that one of the top ten masters in the Hallanzong inner hall, the second leader of the Crown Prince Huangshan Nanshan, died inexplicably in this place, which is really a pity. However, you can rest assured that the inside of the Shanmen Ye Xiaohu will surely acquire the inherited things, and they will not let the spirit bird immortal gate take them first, so you can go to Huangfu Nanshan with peace of mind. "

If Huangfu Nanshan has spirits in the sky, then hearing Ye Xiaohu's words, he will be very angry.

But it is a pity that the soul of Huangfu Nanshan is already in a state of drifting, it is impossible to come back again, and revenge Ye Xiaohu.

Therefore, Ye Xiaohu simply confiscated the loot that Huangfu Nanshan carried with him ~ ~

Soon came to the inheritance of the Shanjiao Mountain Gate, but before Ye Xiaohu stepped in, two people jumped out and stopped Ye Xiaohu's way forward.

Ye Xiaohu glanced, and he was a disciple of Spirit Bird Immortal Gate.

Ye Xiaohu had greeted them when he was in conflict with the spirit bird Xianmen.

When Ye Xiaohu recognized them, they naturally recognized Ye Xiaohu, so they stepped back one by one and swallowed.

"Boy with the last name Ye, this place has been taken by our Spirit Bird Immortal Gate, so I advise you to leave this place as soon as possible."

"When you were outside the teleportation channel of the interception mountain gate before, you had a lot of conflicts with our spirit bird immortal gate. If you do n’t leave, then hatred will increase. You are the dead enemy of our spirit bird immortal gate. It ’s time to die. ”

"For your safety, for the safety of your loved ones and friends, we advise you not to stay here anymore."

"If you don't leave at this time, when will you wait?"

The people of the Spirit Bird Immortal Gate scolded Ye Xiaohu loudly.

But Ye Xiaohu can see at a glance that they are all a group of wastes from the outside world, and they are not at all cruel.

So Ye Xiaohu snorted and walked forward step by step, and said with a cold face: "I don't want to say the second time, while I am not angry, I quickly make way for Lao Tzu, otherwise I will kill him without amnesty.

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